by Stefan-Paul Melin-Dempsey
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The Hornet: Simulator Stats Type: Hornet Tons
Running MPs: 8 Jumping MPs: 5 Heat Sinks: 10 Gyro: 1 Cockpit: 3 Armor Factor: 64 4
Head: 3 8 Center Torso: 68/4 Rt/Lt Torso: 58/2 Rt/Lt Arm: 3 6 Rt/Lt Leg: 4 6
Background: On October 9, 3029 the 5th Provisional Company of Wolf's Dragoons faced off against the 5th Galedon Regulars on the planet Crossing at the north face of an extinct volcano, Tartarus Caldera. The Dragoons were spread out over the caldera when the 5th Galedon (a regiment known for mountain fighting) came up the north face and penetrated their positions. This pushed Wolf's Dragoons into a forced modification to their perimeter, and gave the Kuritans an excellent foothold for the rest of the siege.
Use 2 BattleTech maps end to end lengthwise. The maps should be considered all rough terrain and the defender may allocate 12 hexes as hard cover to be placed anywhere on the boards (but no more than two hexes together at any point). The defenders may then set up anywhere but within 4 hexes of the eastern side of the board. Defender: Elements of the Fifth Provisional Company, Wolf's Dragoons
Attacker Set-up: The attackers are Shito's Company of the 5th Galedon Regulars. Their set up is as follows; the first lance up is the medium lance, which enters at the start of the scenario. Roll one D6. If a 1-4 is rolled, on the third turn one of the next two lances shows up. (Roll one D6 again: on a 1-4 the Recon lance will come first; on a 5-6, it will be the command lance.) If a 5 or a 6 is rolled on the initial roll, the unit does not enter: each turn the roll must be made again until a roll of 1-4 is achieved. Then the rolls must be made again until the third lance shows up, again on a roll of 1-4. Each pilot must make a piloting skill roll of +3 as he enters to remain standing. He may choose to crawl over the edge, but then he must make a piloting roll to stand up. A backwards fall takes him off of the cliff and out of the scenario. In this simulation we need not consider a falling climber as possibly knocking others off the cliff. All attackers are fitted with 'lobster claws'; see special rules about these devices. Attacker: Shito's Company Command Lance (enters second or third)
Medium Lance (enters first)
Recon Lance (enters second or third)
Victory Conditions: Defender must hold position for 12 turns, then flee without losing more than 1/3 of their forces. Attacker Must Wipe out defenders and hold cantured area at any cost Lobster Claws: These devices are specially created to assist 'Mechs in scaling cliffs that are too massive for their jump jets to get up. Basically, they are large spikes which are attached to the 'Mech's arms and feet; the 'Mech grinds them into the cliff face. The spikes themselves total up to 20% of the 'Mech's weight and are completely solid. When used to melee with (ie, to punch or to kick), they add +2 to damage; HOWEVER, because they are solid, they unbalance the 'Mech in any condition other than climbing. A piloting roll is necessary every time the 'Mech decides to move. If pilot is claw-trained (as the Fifth Galedons are), the roll is unmodified. If pilot has not received this training, the roll modifier is +3. The claws can be removed by triggering explosive charges, thus allowing the spikes to fall. This takes no appreciable time, nor does it add measurably to heat calculations. It is a long cumbersome process to reattach the spikes, involving a pilot or tech to assist while another 'Mech, a tech vehicle, or a ship's shop facility aids in manuevering the tonnage. Under battlefield conditions, the claws are usually just abandoned. Because of the high percentage of knee-joint breakage, Death From Above is not recommended while wearing lobster claws. Rifleman-K Variant (Kurita Design) This variant modified the popular Rifleman by dropping the two Autocannon-5s. The variant is then fitted with:
And 7 additional heat sinks. This variant has the nickname of "Cool Head", as it partially makes up for the Rifleman's chronic overheating problem. Back to BattleTechnology 9 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1990 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |