by Lt. Rhys Fairchild
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This scenario uses Expert BattleTech and CityTech rules and one CltyTech map. Terrain effects are as shown, with the following exceptions: All Pavement hexes are considered to be Elevation -1 Clear Terrain (i.e., they forma shallow depression below the surrounding Elevation 0 Terrain), all Water hexes are considered to be Elevation 0 Clear terrain, and all Woods hexes are considered to be Rough Terrain. The setting is the Ti Plains region on the Kusari planetoid in the belt region of the Weisau system. The Attackers are a reinforced Fire Lance from Galt's Grenadiers, a mercenary unit in House Kurita's employ. The Defenders are a mixed force of two light BattleMech lances from the 3rd Ceti Hussars and several attached platoons of Davion jump infantry. The Attacker's objective is to eliminate all Defending 'Mech units. The Defender's objective is to prevent the Attackers from meeting their objective. After initial placements are made, the Defenders set up first. Initial Placements The Attacking player begins by placing a total of 10 hexes' worth of Medium Buildings within the Elevation -1 Terrain only. The buildings may be interconnected and/or multi-hex, but they may not be multi-story. The Attacker then places the JumpShip navigational transceiver antenna (using an unusual vehicle counter to distinguish it from other structures). This antenna may be placed in any non-Rough hex within three hexes of any Medium Building hex, and it renders that hex wholly impassable to 'Mechs and vehicles. Finally, the Attacker secretly records on which map edge his force will arrive. Defender After initial placement, the Defender may set up his BattleMechs and jump infantry platoons anywhere on the Mapsheet, including within the buildings (none may be placed in the antenna hex, however). The jump infantry available willl total 2D6-3 (miinimumof 2) platoons. To determine how each platoon isarmed, roll 1 D6 for weaponry and record the following results: on a roll of 1-2, rifles; on a roll of 3-4, machine guns; on a roll of 5, portable lasers; on a roll of 6, SRMs. The number of platoons and weaponry types should be made known to the Attacker, but not the nature of each individual platoon's secret weaponry (only the totals). 2nd Battalion, 73rd Davion Jump Regiment (elements)
A Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Ceti Hussars (elements):
Four Valkyries (Piloting 5, Gunnery 4) One Stinger (Pilioting 5, Gunnery 4) One Wasp Piloting 5, Gunnery 4) One Locust (Piloting 5, Gunnery 4) Attacker After the Defender has placed his forces, the Attacker's BattleMechs must enter the Mapsheet on the map edge recorded earlier, with all 'Mechs expending their maximum movement (beginning with the first map hex entered). All Attacking'Mechs must enter from along the same map edge on Turn 1. Galt's Company Fire Lance (reinforced):
Victory Conditions The scenario ends when all BattleMechs of either side have been destroyed, incapacitated (rendered incapable of movement), or withdrawn off the Map Sheet. Both players may retreat their 'Mechs off any map edge anytime during the secnario, but'Mechs withdrawn in this manner may not return. The Attacker receives 2 VP for each destroyed or incapacitated Defending 'Mech, and 1 VP for every jump platoon equivalent destroyed (i.e., 1 VP for every 21 infantry casualties, rounded down). The defender receives 3 VP for every enemy 'Mech that is withdrawn off the Map Sheet. In addition, the Attacker receives 20 VP if the Defender knocks out the antenna; the Defender receives 10 VP if the Attacker knocks it out. If the Attacker has at least twice as many victory points as the Defender, the Attacker wins a strategic victory. If the Attacker has more points than the Defender, the Attacker loses (in which case the Defender may have won a tactical or strategic victory, as described above). Special Rules The navigational antenna should be treated as a Light Building for purposes of withstanding damage. If the antenna suffers damage equal to haff its Construction Factor, it is considered to be inoperational. Likewise, if any 'Mech (regardless of weight) walks, runs, or lands on the antenna, it is knocked out. The antenna effectively fills up the entire hex; no 'Mech (or other vehicle, for that matter) may enter the hex without crippling the antenna. A single infantry platoon may occupy the same hex without effect, Death from Above The Defender cannot employ the "Death from Above" BattleMech tactic (the Defending unit is considered to be untrained in this procedure). If the Attacker ever conducts a "Death from Above" attack during this scenario, and if it is successful the first time it is attempted, no Defender 'Mechs may take any form of action during the next turn. This paralyzing effect only applies to the first time the tactic is attempted, and only then if the attack is successful. Success on any subsequent attempts will have no effect. Suggested Variants The simplest way to increase the Defender's chances of winning would be to allocate larger quantities of infantry, to assign more effective platoon weapons, or to do both. Another possibility, if both players are familiar with anti-'Mech infantry rules as described in The BattleTech Manual, would be to exchange Defending SRM-equipped jump platoons for anti-'Mech rifle platoons on a one-for-one basis (maximum of three platoons). For each platoon received, the Attacker gets 1 additional VP at the end of the scenario (this relects the relative cost in committing such rare and expensive units to the defense). The simplest way to increase the Attacker's chances would be to decrease the number of Defending 'Mechs, and/or eliminate the Defending infantry entirely. Back to BattleTechnology 9 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1990 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |