by Dennis Greene
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GAME SET-UP Lay out four standard Battle Tech maps and two BattleForce maps as shown. An optional setup is to set out only two Battle Tech maps and one BattleForce map, and move to the next set of maps when 'Mechs exit the west edge of the maps. All terrain represents basically what is on the printed maps with the following exceptions: 1. There are three light structured buildings on the BattleForce maps as indicated.
Attacker The Attacker's forces represent the ambush set up by the Bounty Hunter, and bandits hired from Bandit King Hendrick. The Bounty Hunter, Elite, Marauder, Piloting 4, Gunnery 3
16 October, 3023 Tancredi IV
*Placement of the Attacker forces are determined in the Special Rules Section of this scenario. Defender
See special rules.
MechWarrior Brian Iiggman's Phoenix Hawk has 10 points of damage to each leg. All other Mechs are in perfect condition. The Bounty Hunter's 'Mech has been modified; remove the autocannon, and install four jumpjets in the legs. The jump jets will fail on a roll of 4 or under on 2 D6. Add 1 medium laser firing to the rear and 4 heat sinks. Special Rules The Bounty Hunter's 'Mech, the Thunderbolt, and Drek Bli's Shadow Hawk must be set up within three hexes of each other, and are considered buried. After turn two roll one die; on a roll of 1 or 6 the 'Mechs are available for combat. . Each turn after that, increase the chances by one for each range of numbers. ( 1-2 or 5-6 on turn three, automatic on turn four.) The Bunker is concealed in a Hill hex on the same map as M2. It remains hidden and may not fire until the Bounty Hunter's buried force arrives. It has only a 60 degree firing arc. You may place the infantry anywhere. If they are placed in a building or in a woods hex, they are hidden; otherwise, place them on the map. Each infantry squad has one round of infernos, then treat them as having SRMs. At start of play, the attacker rolls one die secretly, adding 3 to his roll. This is the turn during which the Shrek may join in the battle. Place him in one of the hexes near the waterworks building. The road is heavily mined. Anytime a 'Mech, attacker or defender, enters a road hex, roll one die. On a roll of 3-5, there is a mine, and the 'Mech takes 10 points of damage to each leg. (A particular hex can only contain three mines; after three exploded mines, no further mines will explode there.) *MechWarrior Gealgood is actually a Regular pilot. If and when one of the other Defending 'Mechs is destroyed, she is to defect to the Attacking forces. Her actual skills are Piloting 4, Gunnery 4. She may not use these figures until after her defection. She will attempt to stay out of the combat until that time, unless persuaded otherwise. If at any time two of the Attacking force's 'Mechs are destroyed, along with the Bunker and the Schrek, roll one die for each of the remaining Attackers, except the Bounty Hunter. On a roll of 6, that party ceases fire. If the Bounty Hunter's 'Mech and the Thunderbolt are destroyed or rendered useless, the Attackers surrender. Alternative Setup An alternative set up places all 'Mechs on the board. The Bounty Hunter's force is set up within three hexes of each other on the last BattleTech map along hex row 09XX. The Defending force is set up within three hexes of each other along hex rows 09XX-07XX on the third Battle Tech map, facing west. Victory Conditions The Attacker wins a marginal victory when Lt Deth and his 'Mech, and either of the other two pilots and his 'Mech are destroyed. A major victory is won if all three are destroyed. If Gealgood's 'Mech is destroyed by the Attacker's forces, it is an automatic defeat for the Attacker. The Defender wins by destroying the two heavy 'Mechs, the Bunker and the Schrek, or by causing the Attacker to surrender as in the Special Rules.. Tactical Notes The Defender is heavily outclassed. This is not a simulation for the faint hearted. If the Defender uses his superior speed and natural cover, he can win this encounter. Concentrate your fire on the Heavier 'Mechs and either neutralize the Bunker or get out of its firing arc. The Attacker has a more difficult time of it than may at first appear. Beware of the fact that his forces can suddenly stop fighting, or even surrender. Back to BattleTechnology 7 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1988 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |