by Hilary Ayer
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BattleTechnology continues to present this column as a special service to those of its readers who are mercenary warriors. In each issue, Hiring Hall gives an in-depth review of potential patrons who could offer employment opportunities for freelance warriors. The patrons reviewed range from wealthy individuals in need of soldier-forhire, through corporations and merchant organizations, to the Major Houses of the Successor States. Employment opportunities screened here may include anything from individual openings for security guards or bounty hunters up to and including needs for entire mercenary BattleMech regiments. A three-letter coding system has been developed to rate patrons reviewed in Hiring Hall. Each letter will range from A (very,very good from the mercenary's point of view) through Z (very,very bad), with the average at L through N. This code will be used exclusively in this and other BattIeTechnology columns to indicate possible advantages or disadvantages in any potential employers. The areas rated are: NEED: How frequently does the patron employ mercenaries? Ratings of A through G suggest a nearly constant need for mercenaries of various types. Ratings of U through Z indicate that mercenaries are rarely, if ever, employed. PAY: How well does the employer pay? High rating suggest above-average pay scales. Low ratings indicate below-average pay, or a history of noncompliance with mercenary contracts. Note that pay alone is not the only factor used in calculating this rating. Other factors which affect the financial aspect of a potential contract with the employer are taken into account, such as whether or not the mercenaries must provide their own transportation, and how lenient the employer is likely to be in negotiating terms for battlefield salvage, logistical resupply, or death benefits. CONDITIONS: What are the usual conditions under which mercenaries work? High ratings indicate relatively good conditions, including access to recreational or R&R facilities, service on an Earthlike world, or soft tickets such as ceremonial guard duty or providing escort for court functionaries. Low values indicate service under bad or unpleasant conditions, such as on a world with a hostile environment,or on an isolated outpost far from recreational facilities. Many factors are applied to the calculations for each code value. Obviously, pay, conditions, and opportunities may vary tremendously from ticket to ticket, depending on circumstances and on changes in the employer's situation, unreported to BattleTechnology, since the research for this column was completed. for this reason, these codes are intended as guidelines only. BattIeTechnology can assume no responsibility, written or implied, for damages, costs, or casualties incurred by readers during service to mercenary employers reviewed in this column. MERCENARY REQUIREMENTS: Although the Death's Shadows Brigade is a relatively new unit, it is fast becoming respected. Only mercenaries of quality are chosen. This standard for quality has ensured that the best mercenaries are recruited, but has prevented it from reaching regimental status as quickly as other units of the same age. To be hired, a warrior must fit into the code that the unit has established, to uphold honor and the spirit of mankind to its highest potential. The precedent set in 3026, of hiring among the Dispossessed, has perhaps been the unit's greatest strength. These warriors are treated with the same courtesy as any of the other hirelings. Due to this, those warriors have a high sense of loyalty to the unit. Mercenary troops seeking employment with the Shadows will note a high sense of camaraderie between the unit's regulars and its hirelings, so much so that when the latter's contracts have expired, they are encouraged to become regulars themselves. There is no distinction between hirelings and regular troops. A "great big family" attitude is encouraged regardless of a trooper's status. The two stipulations made are that the mercenary is subordinate to the Shadows officers, and that in a contract signed in blood, they agree never to attack the Shadows for as long as they are warriors. The Brigade is always looking for more 'Mechs to fill out their ranks. If a unit wishes to merge with the Shadows, they must agree that they will be accepted on an individual basis. If any or all personnel are accepted, the effort is made to ensure that the unit stays together within the brigade. If a pilot brings his own `Mech, but it is in a damaged condition, he need not worry as long as he meets the requirements. If he is accepted, his 'Mech will be repaired to the best standard which the brigade can manage. TICKET DETAILS The duties of mercenary troops joining the Death's Shadows Brigade will of course depend on the type of duty that the Lyran Commonwealth chooses for the Brigade. It is possible to make arrangements with the Brigade for specific duty, but the mercenary's history is taken into account. MISSIONS: RETAINER
MechWarriors, AeroSpace Pilots: (per warrior per week) Elite, Veteran: Cb 2,100
Technicians, Engineers: (per individual per week)
GUARANTEES Advance / completion: The mercenary/ unit/ warrior/ etc is awarded 10% in advance of his 24 months pay upon joining the unit. The rest is generally paid out during the contracted period. Monies to be paid to banking institutions on Halfway, or on the planet of the mercenary's reasonable choice. Guaranteed through ComStar intermediary. COMMAND RIGHTS The mercenary trooper will generally be fully integrated within the unit. In the case of full merc units, the House Command System is used with the mercenary unit commander placed directly under an officer appointed by Col Deth, or under the Colonel himself. TRANSPORT All transport will be furnished by the Death's Shadows Brigade. Units with their own transportation may be given preferential terms of employment. CODE: R / J / I ASSESSMENT This unit is constantly recruiting, but the attitude is that they're "looking for a few good men" rather than hiring en masse. Units that wish a guarantee of service together may find the requirement that each person hire on separately intolerable. The Shadows have proved to keep their word about keeping units together once the individuals concerned were hired. Need is therefore in the moderate range. Pay is on the generous side of average. Charges against pay for such items as disciplinary fines, etc are almost nonexistent. So what are the drawbacks to this unit? An old-fashioned mercenary MechWarrior who expects to find himself very much the pampered star of the unit will find the attitude of equality unliveable. For a loner, such as many mercenaries are in temperament, 24 months, the minimum enlistment, is a long time to be forced to be like family with people who are unknown. Take personality factors candidly into account before you sign on. If you suit their type, this is a good billet.This unit has had a good record with civilian personnel, which makes R & R possibilities favorable. The high likelihood that all troops will be taking relief duty in House Steiner's invasion plans make conditions unfavorable in regard to risk; though not as high-risk as invasion troops, garrison and pacification duty on an unpacified planet leaves no room for relaxation to count your medals. For wartime, risk is at an acceptable level. Other conditions would give a C or D rating. UNIT HISTORY Lord David Deth was born in 2992, the son of Count Samuel Deth, the able head of government for the world of Fortymiles. He studied military science and engineerin,, graduating in the top 1 % of his class in both. He received his lieutenancy in the 10th Deneb Light Cavalry, the Cheetahs. After serving gallantly, he resigned his commission in 3017 in order to help his father form a planetary 'Mech Force on Fortymiles, the 1st Fortymile Lancers. When the unit reached battalion strength in 3022, Duke Michael HasekDavion offered to incorporate the unit into his Syrtis Fusiliers. When Count Samuel refused, Duke Michael took it as a sign of rebellion. He publicly disgraced Count Samuel, stripped him of his office, and attempted to incorporate the unit forcibly. Major Samuel Deth made a formal vow never to return until Michael Hasek-Davion was removed from office or died. Only a company escaped from Fortymiles. They were renamed the First Fortymile Hikers. Almost their first action was a rough encounter with Hanson's Roughriders, which left Lt David Deth as the only survivor. Feb 9, 3023 - Oct 17,3023: Lt Deth signs up with the Black Gorgons as the Recon Lance Commander. Unit employed by House Kurita against House Davion; does well, capturing much equipment and 'Mechs, mainly due to Lt Deth's innovative tactics. Tension arises between CO and Lt Deth Oct 16, 3023 -Waterworks raid, ambushed by the infamous "Bounty Hunter". Bounty Hunter escapes. Oct 17, 3023 -See events pg22. Death's Shadows Company formed. Company consists of the two ships, 1 Heavy and 5 Medium 'Mechs. Mar 03, 3024 - Jul 31, 3024: The units's 'Mechs and pilots enter the games on Solaris as independents. They win enough in prize money and 'Mechs to form an understrength company. Unit now consists of 9 'Mechs: 1 Heavy, 6 Mediums, and 2 Lights. Two pilots hired, one of them Deth's son Joshua. Aug 01 ,3024 - Jan 31, 3025: Subcontracted to Wolf's Dragoons as a special recon force, attached to Alpha Regiment, Able Battalion HQ. Awarded the rank of Captain and one complete refit courtesy of Col Wolf, with whom he forms a respectful friendship. Unit now consists of 2 Heavy 'Mechs, 6 Mediums and 3 Lights, with two scouts. Son Peter Deth joins. Feb 23, 3025 - Jul 22, 3025: Contracted to O'Reilly to garrison one of the Depot worlds. Screaming Hawk design funded by O'Reilly. Unit is to receive one'Mech if it works, and parts for upkeep. Aug 7, 3025 - Sep 19, 3025: Employed by Magistracy of Canopus. Contract ends abruptly when Unit refused to join permanently. Assassination attempt failed. Equipment and a Union Class DropShip captured. Unit flees to Inner Sphere. Jan 01, 3026 - Apr 13, 3026: Contracted to House Liao, used as raiding force against House Marik. Information on raid is leaked so that Liao forces can strike elsewhere. The unit clashes with two battalions of the 3rd brigade of the Oriente Fusiliers. The encounter nearly destroys the unit, with 80% pilot casualties, and 60% of the 'Mechs near junk. Captain Deth is killed and his son Joshua assumes command. House Liao breaks contract, citing "Mission not completed and Unit now under contract strength". Liao refuses to repair 'Mechs or award payment. ComStar upholds decision. Jun 22, 3026 - Sep 19, 3026: Hard times. Company coffers emptied to repair damaged 'Mechs and hospitalize wounded warriors. The Leopard Class DropShip is listed as destroyed on TO&E and renamed the Holy Moley. Capt Joshua Deth begins to hire warriors from among the Dispossessed. Sep 19, 3026 - Nov 12, 3026: Recent enemy Duke Cristopher Halas offers unit employment as an auxiliary to his Oriente Fusiliers. Low pay, but salvage rights, and a chance to strike back at House Liao. The Duke said,"I want your unit to take the place of the units you mauled, Captain, and in your present situation I think you will agree to my terms." By the end of the contract, the unit is Battalion-sized, mostly due to captured Liao 'Mechs.Unit receives the Liao Campaign and Raiding Ribbons for destroying or capturing over 2090 tons of 'Mechs. Duke Halas gives Joshua Deth the Oriente Legion of Merit and makes him an honorary member of the Legion, with the rank of Major. They part on friendly terms. Feb 01, 3027 - Aug 31, 3028: Death's Shadows Battalion, now three and one half companies strong, signs on with House Steiner. Acting as a quick reaction force along the SteinerMarik border, the unit distinguishes itself as fast and hard-hitting. The unit is asked to become a regular unit of House Steiner. Lt Col Deth replies. "Tell Her Grace that her offer is generous, and rewards us greatly, but our founding roots come from Davion soil. Until the 'weasel' is removed, we remain mercenary." Sep 01, 3028 - Contract renewed with House Steiner, with a 10% pay raise, and an option for a two-year extension at the end of that contract. After withdrawing to Halfway, the unit's homeworld, for R&R, the Colonel restructures the unit and renames it the Death's Shadows Brigade. The six combat companies, HQ company, and a training company are relocated to Hesperus II in anticipation of a Marik raid on that planet. Lt Col Deth is promoted to full Colonel. Back to BattleTechnology 7 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1988 by Pacific Rim Publishing. 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