"We'd set down a good twenty klicks
apart from the 4th Deneb, see? Redfield's
Renegades were supposed to be operating
in support of the 4th , but things were kind of
screwed up, know what I mean?"
"No, I don't know what you mean."
"Hell, you know. The change in plans."
'What change in plans?"
"Look, I already told you! The top CO,
Marshal Drivers. He decided the invasion fleet
should split up. He took the Fourth Guards up
to the north part of the planet. The 4th Deneb
he sent south. Redfield's Renegades were
attached to the 4th Deneb. We were supposed
to back 'em up. Support, see?"
"What was your objective?"
"Uh... I really don't know..."
"You want to tell us, MechWarrior
"Uh... yeah. Sure. But I don't know.
I'm just a MechWarrior, y'know? I... ah, Ahh!"
"What was the Renegades'
"Aw, cripes, mister! You don't have to
do that! I told you, I don't know! We were lost...
our whole company!"
"You expect us to believe that? You
were masquerading as Liao 'Mechsl It was a
"No! Please! You got it wrong! We
were lost! We ran into your people by
"At the pass."
"Yeah. Campo Pass. The Liao 'Mechs
were stringing out along the pass. Like they
was settin' an ambush or waitin' for
somebody! Only we blundered into them from
another direction."
"Who told you the Liao 'Mechs were
"Nobody! I told you, we blundered into
'em! We didn't... ah!"
"You want to tell us, Private."
"I do! I swear I do! Please, keep your
hand off that button! Please!"
Partial transcript of taped
recording discovered among the files of
Colonel Janus Wu, agent of the Capellan
Maskirovka. Tarling, Aldebaran V, August 25,
Situation: 1520 hours, August 23, 3028 Aldebaran V
Battle of Campo Pass
The plans for the invasion of Aldebaran had long Oeen set and agreed to. For
reasons still not entirely understood, Marshal Eugene Drivers divided his invasion
force, ordering simultaneous invasions of Aldebaran V's principal north and south
continents. Drivers, in overall command of the entire operation, would take his Fourth
Guards RCT to the original landing zone near the important city of Chouchu. He
ordered Marshall Vernon Fredricks, commander of the 4th Deneb FICT, together with
the mercenary Redfield's Renegades, to redirect his landing to Aldebaran's southern
Such last-minute reorganizations in any large-scale military plan invite
disaster. Drivers' plan was probably an attempt to react to recently-acquired
intelligence which suggested that the Liao forces on Aldebaran had also been divided
between the two continents. However, the immediate result was confusion among
the lower-ranking commanders of both groups. Targets and objectives had to be
assigned and reassigned, often with an incomplete understanding of the terrain or the
strategic background. The southern force, in particular, was forced to operate in
terrain for which they had inadequate maps and only the sketchiest of firsthand
Fortunately for the Davion offensive, Drivers' decision seems to have
confused the Liao defenders as much as it did the attackers. They did not immediately
realize that the mercenary unit known as Redfield's Renegades had landed some
distance away from the main southern invasion group orthat itwas operating more or
less independently. As a result, local Liao forces belonging to Warrior House Ijori,
commanded by Major Thomasina Frou, deployed a battalion of light and medium 'Mechs
to ambush the Davion force, unaware that Redfield's Renegades were moving parallel
to the Davion column, on a collision course with Frou's force.
Frou, though heavily outnumbered, had settled on a plan which promised an
excellent chance of success. Her 'Mechs would strike from ambush time and time
again, fading into the well-known hilly, wooded terrain when the Davion 'Mechs
concentrated their forces, and reappearing at another point when they dispersed.
Such hit-and-run tactics, she realized, might wear the invader down by sheer attrition.
Her first attempt did not reckon with Redfield's Renegades who were, in fact,
completely lost...
Lay out the BattleTech maps as shown. With the exception of the heavy black
lines marked 1, 2, 3, and 4, all terrain is considered to be clear.
The black lines are contour lines for the south wall of a valley, representing
elevations. Line 1 is at an elevation of 1, line 2 at an elevation of 2, and so on. The clear
ground along the south edge of the mapboard is clear, flat ground along the crest of a
ridge. The ground north of the terrain lines is the floor of a valley, called Campo Pass.
Players who prefer to use the Optional Variants 0204-A and 0204-B may
dispense with the map. The battlefield should incorporate an area at least 1000 meters
long (east to west) and 450 meters wide (north to south).
The Defender controls forces representing Warrior House Ijori under the
command of Major Thomasina Frou. Frou has deployed one battalion of 'Mechs along
the crest of a ridge, through which a large Davion column is expected to pass within a
few hours. Her object is to lie in wait for the Davion column, ambushing it from the crest
of the ridge as it moves along Campo Pass.
This scenario represents Frou's extreme right during her initial deployment. The
'Mechs available to the Defender, belonging to two of Frou's mobile lances, are the
Lieutenant Harold van Buren Veteran Vindicator Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
MechWarrior Roger Schubert Veteran Enforcer Piloting 4, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Kim Yu Pak Veteran Clint Piloting 5, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Yvonne Logan Veteran Blackjack Piloting 5, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Carlos Young Veteran Vindicator Piloting 4, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Karl Oberhoff Regular Assassin Piloting 5, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Bradley Fitzpatrick Regular Stinger Piloting 5, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Karen Almundssen Veteran Stinger Piloting 4, Gunnery 5
The Defender sets up anywhere along the ridge south of Campo Pass. 'Mechs
may be positioned anywhere and at any elevation desired. However, no Defender may
move until it is released, as described in the Special Rules.
The Attacker represents elements of the mercenary unit known as Redfield's
Renegades. They include the following:
Lieutenant Matthew Fairchilde Elite Phoenix Hawk Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
MechWarrior Cindi Theisson Veteran Phoenix Hawk Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
MechWarrior Terrance Larrimore Veteran Hatchetman Piloting 4, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Kathy Corabella Veteran Valkyrie Piloting 5, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Wallace Halvid Veteran Stinger Piloting 4, Gunnery 5
MechWarrior Opie Paderewski Veteran Locust Piloting 5, Gunnery 5
The Attacker rolls 1 D6 to determine where he will enter the mapboard on
Turn 1. On a roll of 1-2, he enters on the south edge of the western map sheet. On a
3 - 4 he enters on the south edge of the eastern map sheet. On a 5 - 6 he enters
anywhere on the east edge of the eastern mapsheet.
Special Rules
The Liao forces were setting a trap for a Davion force expected to appear on
the floor of Camp Pass, coming from the east. Redfield's Renegades, lost and
searching for their main body, encountered the ambushing forces from behind and
were not immediately recognized as Davion'Mechs.
To represent the initial confusion, the Liao 'Mechs may not move or fire until
they are released, or until they, or any other 'Mech within 4 hexes (120 meters) of
their position, are fired on. On each turn, roll 2D6 for each unreleased Liao 'Mech. On
a roll of 9+, the 'Mech is released and may move or fight normally. Unreleased 'Mechs
count towards the Defender's victory conditions.
'Mechs which are fired upon (even if the fire misses), or which are within 4
hexes of any 'Mech (friend or foe) which is fired upon, are free to move and fire
normally during the next turn.
Victory Conditions
The Defender wins by accumulating points for enemy 'Mechs destroyed and
for friendly 'Mechs kept on the ridge above Campo Pass. He receives 1 point per ton
of enemy 'Mech destroyed, and I point per ton of friendly 'Mech which remains
The Attacker accumulates 1 point per ton of enemy 'Mech destroyed, and 1
point per ton of friendly 'Mech which remains operational on the ridge by the end of
Turn 15. The side with the higher number of Victory Points at the end of the game
Tactical Notes
The Defender must maintain as many 'Mechs as possible in an unreleased
condition, awaiting the arrival of the main Davion force. He will have to balance his
forces, attempting to destroy the attacking 'Mechs with the smallest tonnage of his
own 'Mechs he can manage.
The Attacker must attempt to engage all of the Attacker's 'Mechs, forcing
them to abandon the ambush. The more Attacker 'Mechs which survive the
engagement the better, of course.
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