The announcement of the Lyran Commonwealth's and Federated Suns' attack
upon the other three Successor States came as a shock to those assembled at the
wedding and throughout the Successor States. Almost immediately politicians, armchair
warriors, and psychics all began making their predictions about the duration of the war.
Is a quick victory in sight, or is the Fourth Successor War destined to grind on to the
inconclusive horrors of attrition and exhaustion which have characterized interstellar
wars in the past?
Politicians, armchair warriors, and psychics are all notoriously unreliable in the
accuracy of such predictions. BattleTechnology, however, sent its reporters off to find'
people who could logically be expected to know enough to puzzle out the war, its
causes and its consequences. Here are their answers. As might be expected, they
reveal a wide variety of opinions.
First Prince Hanse Davion
Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns"...
victory I do promise you..."
"Citizens of the Federated Suns,
I wish you well. I speak to you now
because of a very serious situation that
has forced me to undertake action
during what I had hoped to be a time of
relaxation. Instead of being able to enjoy
a honeymoon, as many of you have, I am
forced to deal with our treacherous
neighbor, the Capellan Confederation. I
have directed the forces assembled for
Operation: Galahad 3028 to strike at
targets in the Tikonov and Sarna
"...War is not an easy thing to
declare and pursue, but we have no
choice. As we saw with the extended
raid launched in 3022 by McCarron's
Armored Cavalry--a mercenary unit in
the pay of Maximilian Liao--the Capellan
nation will not allow us to live in peace.
Our intelligence operatives have
uncovered plans by House Liao to
produce two never-before-seen 'Mech
designs, both created specifically to deal
with our troops. We also have
information that suggests Liao wishes
to close the St. Ives' finger down around
the worlds between Teng and Mitchel...
"...I had hoped, fervently and
solemnly, that our Galahad exercises
would dissuade Liaoist aggression, but
they have not. If anything, Liao has seen
them as challenges that he must accept
or face humiliation. His blind pursuit of
the ludicrous dream of being the First
Lord of a new Star League has made
Maximilian Liao very dangerous, and I
have taken steps to end his reign of
"...I cannot promise you a quick
victory, not in the face of the hosts of
evil and madness which surround us,
which confront us at every turn. But
victory I do promise you, victory as
certain and as proud and as final as the
heroism of the hosts of those who carry
our banner forward against the foe.
Victory may not ome this month, or this
year... but victory, I assure you, will come..."
Excerpts from the text of a prepared
statement broadcast throughout the
Federated Suns, August 21.
Commandant Linsey Trevellis
Commandant Linsey
Trevellils: "...the worlds they take will
stay ours."
"Overall, of course, the 'Mech
regiments of the Federated Suns
outnumber Liao regiments only about 1.5
to 1, but this statistic is misleading. Many
analysts forget that Federated Suns'
Regimental Combat Teams consist of 1
'Mech regiment, 3 armor regiments, 5
infantry regiments, 1 artillery regiments
and 2 aerofighter wings. Because the
Galahad exercises have proven the
feasibility of this combined arms
approach to warfare, House Liao will be
in for some difficulty, even under the
best of circumstances.
"I'm not running down the
competence of the Capellan
MechWarriors because, propaganda
aside, they really are quite good.
Unfortunately for them, House Liao has
so many worlds to protect that their
regiments are splintered and scattered
in battalion strength throughout the
Confederation. This means any battalion
defending a planet will be outnumbered
3:1 in 'Mechs alone. Even if the local
militia holds off the infantry, artillery and armor, 3:1 odds
are very bad for the force on the short end.
"When will our boys be home? They'll
fight until we can't supply them anymore, but I
have the feeling the worlds they take will stay
ours. In other words, once we clear the
defenders off a planet, our boys will be home."
Commandant Linsey Trevellis, head of
the Sakhara Academy and former Colonel in
the AFFS. Comments on the forces arrayed
against each other, from an interview with
BattleTechnology Staff Reporter, Josey Scott,
on Sakhara, August 22.
Lyran Historian Thelos Auburn
Thellos Auburn, court
historian: "... it will remain hot for the
next six months."
"As a historian, I would have to say
that, in the short run anyway, things will go
well for both the Lyran and Federal
offensives. That they caught their enemies
napping cannot be denied and, historically, the
sort of momentum generated works well for
the aggressor. Mind you, this is not a physical
momentum as much as it is an emotional
momentum. Victory demoralizes the enemy and
convinces the attacker he is immortal. That the
Prince has established a moral high ground
upon which to base his attack is a good thing
for political support in his home realm. Who can
protest a preemptive strike against a
dangerous enemy?
"Within the Commonwealth, on the
other hand, the Archon's strike against House
Kurita has been met with mixed reactions.
Many people welcome the assault, especially
since the Silver Eagle affair has been exposed
as an attempt to kidnap Melissa Arthur Steiner.
In a brilliant move, the initial Lyran offensive
has driven Draconian forces back from the
border of the Isle of Skye. That should forestall
any move that would add fuel to Duke Aldo
Lestrade's independence movement, but a
strike in his territory by the Dragon could
cause political trouble for the Archon.
Lestrade has already criticized the Archon,
accusing her of selling out to Hanse Davion,
but Melissa's presence at her mother's side,
as opposed to being with her husband, has
defused that bomb.
"How long the war? I should think it
will remain hot for the next six months. After
that, when things bog down, it will probably
collapse into the smoldering abyss that
swallowed the end of the Third Succession War."
Thelos Auburn, court historian of the
Lyran Commonwealth, to a BattleTechnology
reporter, August 22.
Duke Aldo Lestrade
His Grace, Duke Aldo
Lestrade: "The Archon has
clearly lost her mind."
"The Archon has clearly lost her mind.
She's already sacrificed her daughter's future
to appease Hanse Davion's rapacious appetite
for possessions, and now she has the LCAF
attack the Draconis Combine to keep the
Dragon off Hanse Davion's back. We all know,
despite the propaganda generated to justify
the gross expenditures of the Galahad
debacles, that massed assaults do not and
cannot work. Certainly the AFFS will have
some initial successes, but House Liao will
rally and drive the invaders out. No one has
the resources to sustain the sort of invasion it
would take to wipe out the Capellan
"...Am I concerned about a Draconis
Combine counterstrike? Were I the Coordinator,
I know I would seriously consider teaching the
Archon a lesson. The Combine will-withdraw,
extending our lines, then their forces will fall
on our troops and destroy them.
"We must face facts! This is going to
be a long and bloody war..."
Duke Aldo Lestrade, speaking from his
palace on Summer during an interview with
BattleTechnology, August 25.
Commandant Tai-Sho Jiro Iesu
Commandant Tai-Sho Jiro Iesu:
"...victory will be swift and complete!"
"...You hear word of the war on both
borders and you wonder where you will win
your glory. Do not wonder, know! Your years
here have instilled in you the knowledge and
the skills needed for you to honor the
Coordinator with your service. You are
travelers who have reached one pinnacle only
to find there is a yet higher mountain further
on. This must be your new goal.
"We know that the Lyrans have made
serious advances on the border, but whom did
they face? The linchpin on that border was the
11th Legion of Vega! The Commonwealth
claims a great victory, but we know the Legion
was a collection of dishonorable buffoons who
only dreamed of being True Warriors. Indeed,
when Theodore Kurita--a prized graduate of
this Academy--rallied the other two Vegan
Regiments, the Lyrans slowed their advance.
"On the other border, our troops face
mercenaries. Wolf's Dragoons are, after all,
utterly without honor. They will be destroyed,
crushed in our first mighty onslaught!
"Your decision, then is not one of how
you will win glory, but how you will perpetuate
a system of honor against forces that would
destroy it. This is the struggle you face. Live or
die, when you fight in this
struggle, glory will be yours if you maintain
your honor and serve the Dragon with each
and every breath in your body.
"The glory is yours! Live with honor,
and victory will be swift, clean, and complete!"
Tai-Sho Jiro lesu, Commandant of the
Sun Zhang Academy. Excerpts quoted from
his address to the newly graduated class of
cadets, August 26.
Precentor Villius
Precentor Villius Tejh:
"...the war will be over by Christmas."
"War is a tragedy, an unthinkable
waste of lives and of technology now
irreplaceable. Yet, in a larger sense, perhaps
even here, in the rack and ruin of total war,
there may be found some comfort, some
brightening of the darkness within the Night
which consumes us. An army, any army,
depends on technology to support it, to keep it
"You will find that the opening stages
of this new war will proceed at a furious rate.
There will be invasions, bombardments, words
of vast movements of men and materiel from
world to world. And yet, during these first few
months of horror, DropShips will break down,
JumpShips malfunction. Those without a full
and proper appreciation of the glorious
intricacies of Mechanism will find that their
blindness has led to that curse of modern life:
"The pace of war will slow, then, as
there are fewer ships to move the men and
machines, fewer machines to fight the wars,
fewer men to move the machines. Our
vaunted technology is failing us, you see, for
we have ignored the spirit which moves it.
"The war will not last long. It will be
impossible to keep things going, don't you
see? What is that feast the Christians
celebrate... Christmas? Yes, I should say the
war will be over by Christmas..."
His Most Exalted Ambassador, Villius
Tejh, ComStar Precentor of Sian Station. From
a press audience granted at Sian Station,
August 20.
Chancellor Maximilian Liao
Maximilian Liao, Chancellor
of the Capellan Confederation:
"Then we will go fox hunting..."
"So, this treacherous dog, Hanse
Davion, releases his forces to rape, pillage
and murder on our worlds! He considers this
justifiable because, he says, we planned to
attack him. Nothing could have been further
from the truth. When have I ever been a force
for anything but unity in the Successor
"Be heartened, my people, for these
stories of Davion victories are just that,
stories. They are tales with which to scare
children or fools because they are not true.
Davion has made some aborted stabs at
our holdings, but his forces are too confused
to mount an organized attack. Hanse Davion's
grand strategy only works in his mind, and not
at all during those few lucid moments he has.
We have seen it all before, especially in the
Galtor campaign. How soon will it be until the
Prince loses interest and allows his
MechWarriors to flounder and die because of
poor supplies and poorer planning?
"When will this war be over? The first
half of it is stillborn... dead as we stand here
speaking. As my forces throw the invaders
back, Davion's troops will scurry back to their
homes like frightened rabbits, unable to stand
eye to eye with the fierce and indomitable will
of the Capellan predator. Then will come our
turn. Then we will go fox hunting and put an
end to this madness once and for all!"
Excerpted from an address to reporters
at the Chancellor's summer palace on Sian,
August 23.
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