The climax of the struggle for Site
Seven-Alpha hinged on that aspect of combat
which can never be predicted, and rarely be
controlled. If only that essence of human battle
fury could be isolated, prescribed,
administered as we would a drug!
Though the Davion forces of the
socalled Delta Company enjoyed early
success, the telling weight of tonnage and
numbers soon turned against them.
Outnumbered, the Valkyries and Firestaiters
were no match at all for the Goliaths which,
though slow, could withstand far more
damage than the light 'Mechs.
The Delta Company commander
appears to have panicked. At some point in the
melee, he launched his Firestarter on its
jumpjets and collided--probably by accident--with a Liao Goliath. By a strange twist of fate,
the Goliath happened to be the command
'Mech of Major Fiona Cochraine.
Both 'Mechs were destroyed, and
Fiona Cochraine was killed. It is believed that
Redburn survived, though he took no further
part in the action. His unit, however, entered
an almost berserker-like frenzy, launching a
counterattack which caught Cochraine's
Goliaths, momentarily stunned and
disorganized by the loss of their leader, by
In the resulting melee, the Goliaths
were driven back into the sights of the Light
Guards' 1st Battalion. Minutes later, the 2nd
Battalion arrived on the scene, and the trap
was closed.
None of the Goliaths escaped the
Excerpt from a fragment of partly
burned message tape found on a civilian's
body just outside of Jerome, St. Andre, by
troopers of the 12h Vegan Rangers, August
25, 3028
Situation, 1024 hours, August 22, 3028 St. Andre
LOCATION: Site Seven-Alpha, Ivaar Wastes, St. Andre
As the battle unfolded near Site SevenAlpha, Delta Company
enjoyed an early and unprecedented success. At least five Goliaths were
destroyed or put out of the fight, and the others were momentarily
confused by the disconcerting losses within their ranks.
Unfortunately, at this point in the contest, 1 at Battalion was largely
out of the fight, having been forced to withdraw shortly before Redburn's
'Mechs entered the action. As a result, some 27 light and medium 'Mechs
found themselves facing an aroused herd of at least 30 heavy
BattleMechs, most of them Goliaths.
Speed and maneuverability were not enough in these conditions.
The rocky plain was empty of cover, save for burning 'Mechs, and there
were no options for evasion, maneuver, or tactics. Though Redburn's unit
enjoyed a small advantage when fighting at close range, Cochraine's
MechWarriors soon learned to cover one another, even if it meant directing
fire at comrades. The Goliaths could stand up to friendly fire much longer
than Firestarters or Valkyries.
Andrew Redburn's decision at this point is still being debated. Was
it an act of supreme heroism... or of desperation? Perhaps the answer
must include a mixture of both. Redburn, having identified the BattleMech
piloted by Fiona Cochraine, the Goliaths' commander, launched a Death
From Above assault, sending a 35-ton Firestarter crashing onto an 80-ton
Goliath. This scenario recreates that action.
This scenario may be played on a blank hex sheet, or on standard
BattleTech mapsheets laid out as shown to the right. All terrain is considered to be
flat and open, representing the barren wastes of the Ivaar Plains.
Players who wish to use Optional Rules Variants 0204-A and 0204-B do
not need to use a map. The playing area should represent ground covering
approximately 1000 meters by 500 meters. The starting positions of each 'Mech
may be approximated by looking at the map.
The Defender represents elements of Fiona Cochraine's battalion at Site
Seven-Alpha, on St. Andre. These forces include the following:
1. Major Fiona Cochraine: Elite Goliath Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
2. MechWarrior Raymond DeSanto: Veteran Goliath Piloting 5, Gunnery 4
3. MechWarrior Paul Caesario: Veteran Goliath Piloting 5, Gunnery 4
These 'Mechs are placed on the map first, positioned in the numbered
hexes as shown. They are facing west.
The Attacker represents 'Mechs of the battered Delta Company of the
Davion Light Guards. Initially, these include:
A. Captain Andrew Redburn: Elite Firestarter Piloting 3, Gunnery 3
B. Lieutenant Robert Craon: Elite Firestarter Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
These two begin the fight in the hexes marked A and B, respectively. As
the battle unfolds, Davion reinforcements may arrive. These may include any of the
ten 'Mechs in Archer and Cat Lances. Each of these lances comprises four 'Mechs
in addition to the lance commander.
Archer Lance
Archarnbaud St. Agnan Veteran Valkyrie Piloting 4, Gunnery 5
Demon Lance
Andrew Montbard Veteran Valkyrie Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
Details on the other MechWarriors in these two lances, and their 'Mechs,
may be found in the previous scenario on pages 52 and 53. The arrival of the
Attacker's 'Mechs are determined by rules covered in the Special Rules Section of
this scenario.
The players may, if they wish, overlap the scenario on page 52--Assault
on St. Andre--with this scenario-Goliaths at St. Andre. In this case, damage
suffered by'Mechs in the first scenario should be carried over to 'Mechs which are
used in this scenario. 'Mechs which are destroyed in the first engagement may not
be used here.
Special Rules
The Attacker always has the initiative in this engagement.
The scenario begins with only the two Firestarters on the map,
facing three Goliaths. One is Fiona Cochraine's command 'Mech, and it is
assumed that Andrew Redburn has identified her vehicle from its markings.
The odds will remain three to two until Cochraine's 'Mech is
destroyed or crippled ("crippled" here means both immobile and with its PPC
out of action) or Andrew Redburn is dead or unconscious. Once either of
these conditions is fulfilled, the Davion reinforcements may arrive on the
board. No more than three 'Mechs may arrive on the board during any one
turn. They may arrive from the north, west, or south edges of the map
(Attacker's choice) or in any combination of the three.
Victory Conditions
The Defender wins by exiting at least two 'Mechs, including Fiona
Cochraine's command 'Mech, off the west edge of the board. The Attacker
wins by triggering a berserker frenzy and destroying or crippling all three
Gofiaths. Any other result is a draw.
Tactical Notes
The Defender is attempting to move his command 'Mech to a
position from which Cochraine can coordinate her counterattack against
Delta Company. If that 'Mech is destroyed and Cochraine is killed, the
Defender's position may quickly deteriorate into chaos. The Defender must
attempt to use the three Goliaths in tandem to keep stray Davion 'Mechs
(such as the two Firestarters) at bay.
The Attacker is growing desperate and must take desperate
measures if he is to rally his shattered command. Only the destruction of
the enemy command 'Mech will suffice... plus the psychological edge
gained by a force which has lost a beloved and respected commanding
officer. The Attacker has no choice. He must identify the command Goliath,
close to point-blank range, and attempt to destroy it by close assault. Death
From Above is one option, but if the Davion player misses, he will probably
not get a second chance.
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