We had our orders: deploy at the
mouth of the valley east of the spaceport and
hold it. Bucky's Thunderbolt was deployed on
the south, and my Crusaderwas to the north.
The idea was that if our boys had to
withdraw, it would be through that pass... and
things were really heating up on the spacefield
spread out below us. It was beginning to look
as though a retreat might be a real good idea.
The invaders had mauled us already.
They hadn't come down where our airspace
tracking said they were going to come down...
then they didn't do what any sane invasion
force should have done and hit us in the rear.
No, they just scrambled for the spaceport at
Groffer's Toll and left us standing flat footed.
We didn't find out they'd left tanks
behind to catch us in our pursuit until they cut
loose at close range. We only lost a couple of
'Mechs in the exchange, but a lot of our people
were pretty badly chewed up by the time we
fought our way clear. Somehow, the
counterattack out of the surrounding hills didn't
seem like all that much of a surprise. We were
up against professionals, and they were
hitting us hard, with skill and precision and a
deadly will to close and destroy.
So Bucky and I held the pass. How
were we supposed to know the Davion mercs
had still another trick up their sleeve? We didn't
see that enemy lance moving up behind us
until a passing Trebuchet caught sight of them
and yelled a warning...
from Mechfire: Life and Death on
the Capellan Marches by MechWarrior
Sergeant Vladimir Hoskins, (ret.)
Situation: 0945 hours, August 22, 3028 Algol
Battle of Groffer's Toll
Groffer's Toll was a small village
situated on the rolling plains of the Algolian
continent called Vandemar. Its spaceport had
been constructed as a civil and merchant
facility, but Davion intelligence felt that it would
offer an excellent site for landing off-world
Liao reinforcements. Capture of the site was
assigned to the 71st Light Horse Regiment of
the Eridani Light Horse... the famous "White
Horse Regiment."
The operation was characterized by
an odd blend of bad luck and improvisation. A
last-moment change of their assigned DZ,
coupled with a slight scattering of the invasion
force, resulted in the White Horse regiment
grounding ten kilometers away from where the
Liao forces had been expecting them. The
Capellan defenders, the 1st Ariana Fusiliers, at
first formed up as though expecting an attack.
When the White Horse ignored them and
moved directly towards the spaceport, they
gave chase. The mercs'use of armor and
infantry to slow and damage the Liao column
may have been critical in the battle which
The pursuit ended at the spaceport
when the White Horse turned and struck
without warning, turning the hunter into the
This scenario recreates one episode
early during the five-hour battle for control of
the spaceport.
Lay out the BattleTech mapsheets as shown, or use a sheet of blank hex grid
paper. All terrain features are considered to be open, level ground. The lines on the
map above represent terrain levels, where the valley sides rise towards high ground
to north and south.
Players who prefer to use the optional rules variants presented in this issue
of BattleTechnology cae represent the valley's terrain as they please. The valley
should measure about 360 meters across at its narrowest point.
The Defender represents elements of the 1st Ariana Fusiliers.
Bill "Bucky" Kingston's Thunderbolt Piloting 4, Gunnery 5
Vladimir Hoskins' Crusader Piloting 3, Gunnery 4
John Jorgenson's Trebuchet Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
Set up as shown, the Thunderbolt at "1" and the Crusaderat "2." Both 'Mechs
are facing west. The Trebuchet's entry onto the board is determined by the special
rules on the next page.
The Attacker is three 'Mechs from the Fire Lance, 2nd Battalion, Company B of
the 71st Light Horse.
Sgt. Simon Lascher's Wolverine Piloting 3, Gunnery 4
Paul Langley's Vindicator Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
Jacob Engler's Griffin Piloting 4, Gunnery 4
Lascher's Wolverine has 3 hits to the armor of its left leg, 4 armor hits in its left
torso, and 2 armor hits in its left arm. It begins the battle with 18 stored Autocannon
rounds instead of the usual 20.
The Attacker enters the board on Turn 1 on any hex along the east edge of
the map.
Special Rules
The scenario opens with the Attacker finding himself in a position to
surprise the Defender. He automatically has the initiative, and may move, while
the Defender must remain in place. The Defender may not fire. The Attacker may
open fire at any time, but as soon as he does so, surprise is lost and the
Defender may move and fire normally from that point on.
At the beginning of each turn, the Attacker rolls 2D6 immediately before
moving his first 'Mech. As soon as the Attacker rolls a 9 or higher, surprise is
lost, and the Defender may move and fire normally from that time on. At any time
after the 9 or higher is rolled, the Defender may, at his discretion, bring his
Trebuchet onto the board, entering anywhere on the west edge of the map. Play
continues normally after this, with both sides rolling for initiative and both sides
moving and firing normally.
Play continues for 15 turns.
Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins by destroying or crippling all enemy 'Mechs on the
map, or by controlling the west end of the valley after 15 turns of play. The
Defender wins by controlling the west end of the valley, or by destroying or
crippling all attacking 'Mechs. Control of the west end of the valley is won by
having at least one 'Mech still able to move and fire within five hexes (150 meters
if variant 0204-A is used) of the points marked 1 or 2 on the map, with no enemy
'Mechs in the same area.
If neither side controls the west end of the valley, and both sides still
have functional 'Mechs on the board at the end of Turn 15, the battle is a draw.
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© Copyright 1988 by Pacific Rim Publishing.
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