Combat Efficiency Factor

The Clans

by Professor Eieon McCleary, PhD, PhD, MA, MA

Greetings, battered brothers of the front lines. As we promised, here we give you the latest data on the Clans. From the NAIS simulators to you come the most recent CEF programs. We wish to thank Professor McCleary for his prompt forwarding of this data on the Clans.

    --Marcus Killegrew, Staff Editor

When I last wrote to you, I ended my letter by wishing you "Kerensky's Luck!" Well, warriors, I can only say it has come as a shockto us all. The Clans, conquerors f rom beyond the Periphery, are our own f lesh and blood, descendants of the long- departed Regular Army who left the Inner Sphere when the Star League fell.

This emotional bombshell has been a boon in terms of information. With thanks to First Prince Hanse and Archon Melissa for allowing immediate release of this information, and to Colonel Jaime Wolf's staff for providing muchneeded facts, I give you the latest CEF simulations for Clans technology.

Kerensky has returned and his children wish to reclaim their forgotten lands. Let us all pray that we will survive.

CEF Data

The computation of the Combat Efficiency Factor for ClansOmniMechs is different from the normal InnerSphere calculations. Modularization, power, range, and performance are all different from our own systems. Through further testing of our own simulations and the compilation of new data, we have noticed small gaps in our simulator systems. Tables covering these updates are also included, along with the latest data on Clan BattleMechs and Aerospace fighters. Lack of data has prevented us from listing each individual OmniFighter, though we include the necessary data to compute each OmniFighter's CEF once its characteristics are known.

In the data section we list each of the main frontline OmniMechs. The Base Number is the CEF of the base design without modular equipment. Movement, armor tonnage, defensef actor, and built-in special equipment (MASC) are included in the calculations. Only modular equipment and weapons are left out.

As Clan BattleArmor is relatively uniform, we have included a CEF rating for the three styles known to exist.

DFR Table

Tonnage Rating
15 3
20 4
25 5
30 6
35 7
40 8
45 9
50 10
55 11
60 12
65 13
70 14
75 15
80 16
85 17
90 18
95 19
100 20

To Calculate an OmniMech's CEF:

Section A: Base Design CEF

    1) Record Armor Tonnage Most OrnniMechs carry Ferro-Fibrous Armor. If this is the case, multiply Armor Tonnage by 1.2, then record.

    2) Divide Tonnage by 10 and record.

    3) Record Walking MPs If equipped with MASC, add 1/2 the Walking MP

    4) If jump capable, add .75 for each jump jet.

    5) Calculate OFR and record.

    6) Calculate Total built-in special equipment and record. Use Clans SEFR table.

    7) Add steps 1-6 to determine Base Design CEF (BD:CEF)

Clans SEFR

Item: Addition

A-Pod No additions in 'Mech-to'Mech, Add 1 per A-Pod when encountering Infantry
Anti-Missile System Add 1 per ton of Ammo
Artemis IV System Add 0.2 to all Missile WFR *
Beagle Active Probe Add 1.0
CASE Add 0.5 per CASE system
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Add Armor Tonnage X 0.2
Guardian ECM Add 0.5
MASC Add 1/2 of''Mech's Walking MP
NARC Missile Beacon Add 0.4 to all missile WFR *
Swarm LRM Rounds Add 0.2 to all missile WFR * #
Targeting Computer Add 0.3 to all weapons WFR
Target Aquistion Gear Add 0.5
Thunder LRM Add 0.1 to all missile WFR * #

    *Add this number during WFR calculations and to SWFR only if weapon's fire is calculated as part of SFWR.

    # If only a partial load of these missiles are carried, divide the total bonus by 2. For example, if an Archer is carrying two tons of swarm ammo and two tons of thunder ammo, he would gain a bonus for both; but instead of a bonus of +0.6 (0.4 +0.2), the bonus would be +0.3 [(0.4/2)+(0.2/2)].

Section B: Specific Design CEF

    8) Calculate total Weapons Factor Rating and record Use Clans WFR table.

      Clan WFR
      Weapon Rating Cluster
      ER Large Laser 3.7
      ER Medium Laser 2.2
      ER Small Laser 1.1
      ER PPC 3.8
      Flamer 0.6
      Large Pulse Laser 3.3
      Medium Pulse Laser 2.2
      Small Pulse Laser 1.2
      Gauss Rifle 3.7
      LB2-X Autocannon 3.2 3.3
      LB5-X AC 2.9 2.9
      LB 1O-X AC 3.0 2.7
      LB20-X AC 3.2 2.6
      Machine Gun 0.6
      Ultra AC/2 3.1 *
      Ultra AC/5 3.1 *
      Ultra AC/1 0 3.8 *
      Ultra AC/20 5.2 *
      LRM-5 1.8
      LRM-10 2.2
      LRM-15 2.5
      LRM-20 2.8
      SRM-2 1.1
      SRM-4 1.5
      SRM-6 1.9
      Streak SRM-2 1.6
      Streak SRM-4 2.0
      Streak SRM-6 2.4
      Arrow IV Unguided 6.0
      Arrow IV Guided 7.0
      Arrow IV FASCAM 7.0
      Long Tom 5.0
      Sniper 4.3
      Thumper 3.7

        * If an Ultra AC is used as part of the SWFR calculation, it is treated as generating the heat of firing twice. For example, an Ultra AC 20 would be noted as creating 14 heat, not 7.

    9) A - Calculate total Safe Weapons Factor Rating and record. This represents the most firepower that a 'Mech may fire at once without overheating. B - If, after SWFR is calculated, you have one or more unused heat sinks, add 1 to SWFR.

    10) Calculate Specific Design Special Equipment and record. Use Clans SEFR table.

    11) Add Steps 8-10 to determine Special Design CEF (SD:CEF) and record.

    12) Add Base Design CEF from step 7 to the result of step 11 to obtain the total CEF for the OmniMech design.

To Calculate an OmniFighter CEF

Section A: Base Design CEF

    1) Record Armor Tonnage If using Ferro-Fibrous, see SEFR table

    2) Divide Tonnage by 10 and record.

    3) Record Thrust Rating

    4) Calculate Built-in Special Equipment and record. Use Clans SEFR Table

    5) Add Steps 1-9 to get BD:CEF

Section B: Specific Design CEF

    6) Calculate Weapons Factor Rating and record.

    7)Calculate Safe Weapons Factor Rating and record. If, after SWFR is calculated, there are any heat sinks left over, add 1 for each heat sink up to the difference between Thrust and Overthrust. For example, if a fighter with 7 Thrust and 11 Overthrust has 5 heat sinks left over, its CEF is increased by 4 (11-7).

    8)Calculate Specific Special Equipment and record. Use Clans SEFR table.

    9) Add Steps 6-8 to determine SD:CEF

    10) Add Step 5, BD:CEFto SD:CEF, Step 9, to get the total CEF for the OmniFighter.


1 ) Some BattleMechs (such as the UrbanMech and Hatchetman) are designed for specific missions, orfor operations in specific terrain. When a BattleMech is operating in such a specific environment, add 5.0 to the CEF. When it is operating outside of it, such as if an UrbanMech were in open terrain, the gamemaster may choose an appropriate negative modifier. This only applies to 'Mechs which are designed with such a specialty in mind.

2)Many Mercenary units use the famed Mercenary's Handbook (FASA Corporation) when preparing for a mission, using the tactical tables to determine the percentage chances of success on any given mission. As Clans Technology greatly outperforms even Star League designs, use the Clans Unit Strength Chart presented here to calculate Clans operation capabilities. Due to the OmniMechs' versatility and the high level of their technology, they do not always fit into a neat class. As an option, we are providing unit strengths for each individual OmniMech.

3)All 'Mechs in a lance receive the NARC Missile Beacon benefit for the appropriate missile weapons.

Remember, Warriors, even with Wolf's Dragoons' help, this data is not perfect. Just because the simulator says your Orion can easily beat a quintet of battle armor, that doesn't mean it will prove true on the field.

    -- God Speed and Good Luck Eieon McCleary

Mercenary Unit Strength Chart
Type Maneuver Combat
Elemental 4.0 3.0
Light OmniMech 8.04.5
Medium OmniMech 7.55.5
Heavy OmniMech 5.57.0
Assault OmniMech 5.08.0
Light OmniFighter 4.5 Aero
Medium OmniFighter 5.5 Aero
Heavy OmniFighter 6.5 Aero
Arrow IV 2.0 6.0

OmniMechs by Type:
Dasher 11.0 4.0
Koshi 9.0 4.0
Uller 6.0 4.5
Puma 6.0 4.5
Dragonfly 10.0 5.0
Fenris 7.0 4.5
Blackhawk 7.0 4.5
Ryoken 5.0 6.0
Vulture 5.0 6.5
Loki 5.0 7.0
Thor 8.0 6.5
Mad Cat 5.0 9.5
Man O'War 5.0 7.0
Masakari 4.0 7.5
Gladiator 7.5 7.5
Daishi 3.0 9.5

Clan CEFs

Dasher BA:CEF 23.4
Dasher-Primary Config 41.5
Dasher-A 31.9
Dasher-B 34.9
Dasher-C 35.1
Dasher-D 46.5

Koshi BA:CEF 24.2
Primary 35.8
Koshi-A 33.1
Koshi-B 43.3
Koshi-C 40.0
Koshi-D 38.5

Uller BA:CEF 19.8
Primary 40.9
Uller-A 37.0
Uller-B 39.8
Uller-C 42.5
Uller-C 38.8

Puma BA:CEF 24.9
Primary 37.2
Puma-A 42.9
Puma-B 44.3
Puma-C 45.1
Puma-D 47.4

Dragonfly BA:CEF 30.4
Primary 45.9
Dragonfly-A 52.7
Dragonfly-B 44.0
Dragonfly-C 50.8
Dragonfly-D 50.8

Fenris BA:CEF 21.5
Primary 37.0
Fenris-A 39.7
Fenris-B 40.1
Fenris-C 31.1
Fenris-D 41.6

Blackhawk BA:CEF 33.75
Primary 76.55
Blackhawk-A 53.05
Blackhawk-B 52.15
Blackhawk-C 48.05
Blackhawk-D 47.15

Ryoken BA:CEF 34.5
Primary 63.5
Ryoken-A 63.2
Ryoken-B 65.4
Ryoken-C 53.6
Ryoken-D 55.3

Vulture BA:CEF 33.2
Primary 61.8
Vulture-A 66.2
Vulture-B 69.2
Vulture-C 50.0

Loki BA:CEF 32.5
Primary 67.4
Loki-A 67.7
Loki-B 58.3

Thor BA:CEF 41.15
Primary 62.1
Thor-A 60.95
Thor-B 64.55
Thor-C 62.95
Thor-D 68.8

Mad Cat BA:CEF 41.9
Primary 79.6
Mad Cat-A 73.4
Mad Cat-B 70.5
Mad Cat-C 75.4
Mad Cat-D 72.1

Man O'War BA:CEF 42.2
Primary 65.6
Man O'War-A 70.8
Man O'War-B 58.8
Man O'War-C 75.8

Masakari BA:CEF 45.7
Primary 76.8
Masakari -A 81.3
Masakari -B 81.2
Masakari -C 75.7

Gladiator BA:CEF 50.7
Primary 76.1
Gladiator-A 83.6
Gladiator-B 74.1
Gladiator-C 70.0
Gladiator-D 85.3

Daishi BA:CEF 52.0
Primary 110.0
Daishi-A 91.0
Daishi-B 103.4

Elemental w/
Elemental w/o SRM Rack 8.50
Elemental w/ A-P Weapons 7.25

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