by Hilary Ayer
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OverviewThe Ventilator BattleMech was discovered in a Star League supply cache on the planet Thule by the mercenary unit Knights of Thunder (employed by House Davion) in the year 3026. The 2nd Sword of Light units in contact at the time mis-identified the Ventilator as a Warhammer (a design it closely resembles), thereby attaching no significance to its discovery. The Knights of Thunder were able to extract the BattleMech and to return it to New Avalon, where the NAIS commenced several years of research into the design. In exchange for the 'Mech the Knights of Thunder (who had salvage rights by contract) were promised either the prototype or two production models as compensation. Based on technical data retrieved with the design, the Star League Defense Force (SLDF) must have introduced the Ventilator into service sometime around 2780. This was in response to a demonstrated need to provide long-range fire support in both the assault and anti-air roles. It was also determined that the design required a MechWarrior to pilot the BattleMech as well as a Weapon Systems Technician (WST) to operate the Target Acquisition systems and to perform the duties of a Forward Observer for artillery call for firing. The combination of the paired Gauss Rifles' Target Acquisition Gear (TAG), the StarLink/Benicia Model communications system, and the Targa-7 Targeting and Tracking System (TTS) amply met this requirement. With the collapse of the Star League government in 2781 and General Kerensky's subsequent exodus with all of the existing Ventilators in service, the BattleMech's true worth was never realized. The final production run, or the number of surviving Ventilators is not known, as only this one has been uncovered. The serial number of this existing model is XX328. Capabilities The secret to the Ventilator is the Pitban 320 XL power plant, which allows sufficient engine weight savings to mount the paired Gauss Rifles and provide it with a maximum speed of 65 kph. The on-board system and weapons are controlled by the pilot (seated in the forward cockpit with the WST behind and slightly above him in the aft cockpit) while the WST monitors communications, targets high-priority artillery missions, and provides corrections on fire missions. In addition, the TAG and the medium lasers are controllable by the WST in order to free the Pilot to maneuver in order to avoid close- in threats. The WST can thus designate separate targets without penalty, which BattleTechnology predicts will be a positive aid when it comes up against Clans 'Mechs. All emergency overrides and safety features are duplicated at both stations, although the WST lacks the full cockpit configuration, prohibiting the WST from piloting the 'Mech. The massive amount (15.5 tons) of Endosteel armor, combined with at pair of K-7 Gauss Rifles, gives the Ventilator a very high survivability ratio, allowing the 'Mechs to withstand extremely heavy damage from either ground or air attacks. Opposing MechWarriors usually close with the Ventilator believing it to be a standard Warhammer, at least until the gauss rifles start blasting away armor long before the PPCs are in range. Then the spinning TTS antenna confirms their suspicions as to its identity. Infantry attacking the 'Mech are equally dismayed by the four medium lasers which provide the Ventilator with such deadly close-in firepower. As to air attacks, the gauss damage potential linked with the TTS against air targets has left many aircraft commanders without an aircraft to command. Finally, the Ventilator carries the StarLink/Benicia Model AS829G communications system, which allows the WST to monitor and disseminate intelligence data throughout the battle area, to designate targets directly with the TAG systems or indirectly by datalink to conventional artillery units, acting as the forward observer for corrections to the fire plan. This capability provides an awesome amount of firepower to be concentrated on a designated target, making the Ventilator an asset to any unit's TO&E. Battle History Although the Ventilator had a traumatic initial engagement, it has proven its worth in combat. Once research was completed, the Ventilator was assigned to the Knights of Thunder for a combat evaluation under 'controlled circumstances'. The site selected was the planet Satalice, with the Ventilator leading a lance consisting of a Crusader, a Catapult, and a Warhammer. A battalion-sized objective raid was selected in order to provide the NAIS with adequate feedback on performance without raising to much interest or response from the Draconis Combine. It was also believed that a battalion would provide adequate security should the 'Mech be damaged sufficiently to require evacuation. The NAIS also insisted that the pilot commanding the 'Mech be selected by them (or by the NAIS Davion Liason Officer with the Knights of Thunder). Once the details were worked out the drop was made without incident. All units advanced toward the objective, meeting only light resistance. It was during the advance that the Ventilator's lance found itself facing several companies of the 2nd Battalion of the 9th Rasalhague Regulars, which was defending an ammunition and reloading depot. Believing the opposition to be easy targets, the Regulars attacked with three lances in a staggered line formation using Dragons and Trebuchets. Major Walter Crowel, the Davion Liason Officer, of the Davion Light Guards commanded the lance as he piloted the Ventilator in this initial baptism of fire. Realizing his exposed position on the left flank would not provide for immediate reinforcements, he opted for surprise, ordering his lance to hold its fire until maximum PPC range was reached. He designated the Trebuchets as initial priority targets, hoping to reduce the LRM advantage. Meanwhile, Sergeant Fawkner (the WST) attempted to call in either an air strike or artillery support. When the lance commenced fire, his targeted Trebuchet received a hit in its right torso, stripping away what remained of its armor, and detonating the LRM ammunition stored there. The 'Mech was destroyed. The Major next concentrated on one of the Dragons providing fire support to the Trebuchets. After several hits he managed to destroy the 'Mech's head with a Gauss Rifle hit. Two kills, with only light damage to his armor! Now here was a BattleMech worth piloting. He named the 'Mech "Befial" at that point, remembering the old Terran stories of the Hebrew prophecy. By now, of course, the Kuritans had identified the threat and concentrated their fire on the Ventilator. In response, the Major ordered the lance to close into medium laser range, hoping to negate the concentration of LRM and AC/5fire from the remaining Dragons by remaining inside their minimum ranges. With the Catapult providing fire support against the remaining Trebuchet, the other three 'Mechs closed on eight Dragons. When the smoke cleared, six of the Dragons had been destroyed and the other two heavily damaged, both 'Mechs beating a hasty retreat. As the Davion lance pursued them, another lance of Dragons appeared and started to do consistent damage to the Major's lance; disabling the Crusader (leg actuator destroyed) and the Warhammer (gyro destroyed), but losing another Dragon in the process. It was during this final assault the WST succeeded in getting an air lance to provide close support while Belial withdrew with heavy damage to its head and center torso. Almost simultaneously, two additional lances from the Knights of Thunder arrived, ensuring the successful completion of the mission. The senior surviving officer of the 9th Rasalhague Regular later sent a personal messenger to acknowledge the bravery demonstrated by the lance. He asked for the commander's name so that he would be properly identified in the Kurita report. Although successfully withdrawn, Belial had received several LRM hits to the head area, eliminating all external armor, but not sustaining any critical damage to the cockpit area itself. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the Major, who later died of critical wounds received during the engagement. The WST, severely wounded as well, survived the engagement and was able to augment the telemetry provided by the 'Mech with important technical feedback. VNT-1 A VentilatorChassis: GeoMetric 530 Hard Core
4 Sorenstein Medium Lasers 1 Target Acquistion Gear (TAG) Manufacturer: Star Corp Industries Targeting and Tracking System: Targa-7 Vid-Com 17 Type: Tonnage
Running MPs: 6 Jumping MPs: 0 Heat Sinks 10 0.0 Gyro: 4.0 Cockpit: (Dual Cockpit) 6.0 Armor Factor: 247 15.5
Weapons and Ammo: Location Critical
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