by Stefan Melin-Dempsey
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The story begins simply enough. My special operations lance had been given a break with an "easy assignment". We'd been going for five months straight doing instructional work with the new recruits to the Night Stalkers; we definitely needed a break. My lance was what could be considered a microcosm of the Sun Tzu combat philosophy. That philosophy stresses the combined arms technique, in my opinion the best style of combat. Certainly it's the best style of combat for our lance, which consists of: my own Mantis LAM (a family heirloom, one of ten or so remaining n the Inner Sphere), a Mark VII landing craft, a Hunter light support tank, and a scout squad. So the Sho-sa ordered us to escort a minor official on his tour of the various planetary militias. We prepared to go with him to his next stop, Rockland. Several of our crew were looking forward to a visit home. My wingmate Hiro Tetsura took charge of our esteemed passenger as we flew escort to the waiting Invader class JumpShip The Black Lotus. The Lotus carried the Mark VII within its small craft bay. On its DropShip collars were a Vengeance-class AeroSpace carrier and two Union-class DropShips. These units were going to various other planets on the Lotus' route for various military maneuvers. Our passenger almost refused to exit the cargo bay of the Mark VII as my LAM was coming in for docking, because he wanted to see a LAM transform. The problem was solved by an alarm from Hiro that the cargo bay was depressurizing rapidly. Kai Konoe, the leader of the scout squad, took the anti-nausea drugs his body would need within that nebulous time spent in Jump Space, and so the jump took place. As we arrived in system several alarms went off at once. The first one told the captain that the jump had been successful but had put us at one of the pirate jumps points instead of the Zenithor Nadirpoints. A second alarm told all of us that there were several warships within system -- and that their sensors had noted our arrival. The comm officer piped in with a red-priority message that the system had been invaded. We'd guessed. The commander called a strategy session with the DropShip captains and JumpShip commander - and me. The commander began speaking, "We must get word to the Coordinator about this invasion fleet. But I'll need at least 30 hours to recharge the Lotus for the jump." I'm expected to think quickly in situations like this. A desperate plan came to mind. "Suppose my lance heads towards the planet to draw off some of their fighters to investigate us? Then our honorable DropShip captain will lead a screen defense with his fighter contingent." The commander began to nod. Yet the aristocracy must be heard from. "We Sword of Light should be first to enter into battle!" By the gods, I thought to myself, do these idiots want the honor of being first to die? "Most esteemed and valiant warrior, may I humbly beg to differ," I began, hating every groveling moment, "If you go down there, you will be destroyed by those warships before you get a chance to face the enemy on an honorable field of battle." He bowed to the logic, implying it would befit an officer of his greater standing to give the word of outside invasion to the Coordinator (Rather than some low life pond scum like myself hogging the glory involved). And so the plan went into effect. I got Kai and Hiro together and told them how we were going to play decoy until the Black Lotus could get back to pick us up at this same pirate point. Then I told them that we'd be on planet doing a reconaissance. "The Dragon needs as full a report as we can manage. As Stalkers it is simply our duty." I could tell they didn't like it, but they followed my lead as we went streaking off to the planet. As we had figured, the Vengeance was taking most of the heat Our scanners showed a group of five unidentified fighters. The warships were not willing to enter combat at this time it seemed. Trajectory scans indicated that the fighters meant to intercept us in high orbit around the devastated hulk of a space station. I radioed Hiro to ask what some Mech support would be worth these days. He thought it would draw off at least some of the pursuers; he could probably deal with what was left. So I went to max thrust and entered the station. Hiro fired off a flight of long range missiles. They hit one of the fighters and drew their attention to him. He flew in so close to the station that I was sure he would impact and send my entire lance to their deaths. But Hiro's too good a flier for that. A fighter shot past my ambush site and I fired off my medium lasers at it. Apparently it was the same one that Hiro had hit because it silently destroyed itself as the engine overloaded and went critical. In space, explosions are silent. I switched into AirMech form and waited for the next ship. Th communicator crackled. "Chu-i," said Hiro, "nice shooting, but no triple ace for you today. Three bogies have pulled away; I think they're signaling for one of the warships to fire upon the station. The wingmate of the one you took out is at three o'clock close to your position. Good luck;we'll meet you on the planet." I picked out a nice large girder and got to the outside hull of the station, waiting to ambush the fighter. The wingmate came towards the station at dead slow, looking very carefully for any signs of life. I jumped out at full thrust before he could find me, and surprised the invader. Wielding the girder as a sword I thrust it right into the belly of the craft. Now, holding my 'fighter on a stick' as he tried to go rocketing off, I carefully took aim with my lasers. I fired at the spot just above the girder's entry point. taking off enough armor to penetrate that fragile inner circuitry. The fighter literally flew itself to pieces. On planet, my team had found a nice secluded valley which was not too far from one of the invaders' outposts and close to some villages. "Well, Bossman, what are we going to do now?" asked Kai. "Kai, have the Hunter provide cover for the end of this valley. You and your boys are going to mix with the locals and f ind out how these invaders are treating them and what you can on troop movements. Hiro, you are going to be our communications link, Keep this old crate of yours ready to go on a moment's notice. I will be attempting to contact what may be left of any sort of guerrilla units. " Examining the maps there were three places within a hundred kilometers that rebel forces could be using as a base of operations. Before going to check these out I had to see how well prepared the invaders were. In fighter form I flew off towards their outpost and targeted a 60 ton 'Mech, figuring that it might be the right one to respond to my attack and began my run. I streaked out of the lowering sun with lasers primed and ready to go when when I heard the sounds of airbursts about me from anti-aircraft fire. By the time I was in position, my target had still not seen me so I fired with everything I had. It was a one-shot run; I did not hit anything major. I left quickly. Now they would be after a fighter who had been annoying them and hopefully, they wouldn't be looking for a smaller base. I spotted an old abandoned farm from the air. It looked perfect to hide in. Finding the place deserted, I entered the barn and shut the Mantis down for the evening.
A day or two later I found a small town with a tavern where most of the town's inhabitants gathered to discuss local news. The news was simple and terrible. The Smoke Jaguars, as the invaders called themselves, wanted the 'aerospace jock' who had been eluding their forces. They had begun wiping out whole villages or towns, one building at a time, near each place he had been striking at their forces. They had announced that they would continue this slaughter until all resistance leaders had been given up. With sickening force, I realized that I had been responsible for the deaths of at least a thousand Kuritan citizens. I left the tavern quickly , returning to my concealed Mantis. It was time to face these Jaguars even though I knew it was to be my death. I owed it to those who died because of my avoidance of the enemy, my inattention which had caused the death of so many. The next morning, I prepared for the battle. I made a ritual cleansing to purify my body, before donning my coolant vest for the last time. I was truly prepared to die. Putting the Mech into AirMech mode I walked out of my hiding place - and right into a group of people who had been waiting for me to come out of the barn. "Welcome to our camp, Buso-sensei. I am Yamato Jiri, leader of the underground. You have been encamped upon our base since you arrived. We did not know if you were a Jaguar awaiting for us to show ourselves or not. Word of your actions reached us last night and we have come to place ourselves at your command." There were about thirty or so people with him here. The place I had been sifting for the past week was the very base I had been looking for! I exited the LAM and asked to see their supplies. They had set up a very nice supply depot, and I had just casually parked my LAM over it. Yamato told me that they had had several of these caches set up around the continent, primarily in case pirates attacked, not for a major invasion like this. "Yamato-san," I began hesitantly, "Could you tell me what you know of these Smoke Jaguars?" "Certainly Buso-sensei " , he began in a crisp, military fashion, "We have recorded our discoveries most carefully. Though they are completely ruthless and have no care for life, they are completely honorable in a firefight. They seem to have a martial philosophy which is similar to our own. The most unusual thing about their Battle Mechs is their weapon systems, which are of a modular construction. We have witnessed the ease which they have in replacing one system with others that were more suited to the job at hand. They seem to use an organization system based on units of five instead of our Star League organizational combat style. The only thing which is really different about them is their ground troops. I cannot see how they can be human; they wield weapons that belong on a 'Mech, not with an infantry unit. They are so armored that even 'Mechs have a hard time destroying them. I have been calling them 'Devil Locusts' by the way they move." "Domo arigato, Yamato-san, you have been a great help to the Dragon. I have great respect for what you and your group have learned." They had accomplished my information gathering for me! I and my team still had two weeks left before our rendezvous with the Black Lotus. I decided that it would be best for everyone involved if I left the Mantis at the Mark VI I with Hiro and did some personal scouting with Yamato and his crew. After two days of straight walking I reached the small city which was the rendezvous site and got my first look at one of these infantrymen Yamato had told me about. He was about two and a half meters tall, dressed in some strange sort of armored exoskeleton Suit. His primary weapon seemed to be similar to the small laser that protected the rear of my LAM. On his back was a jump pack of an unknown, probably advanced design. The hand servos looked like oversized vice grips which would hold onto anything and be hard to shake off. I walked by him as nonchalantly as I could, very aware that I was dressed only in civilian clothes, with only a pistol and a knife for weapons. I found the cafe where I was supposed to meet with Yamato. I'd waited about twenty minutes when five of these 'Devil Locusts' had walked into the cafe. They checked people's papers, took twelve people out front onto the sidewalk, and simply shot them. Oh, they made an announcement first, these individuals had been condemned for "conspiracy with the criminal organization of Yamato Jiri." After they marched away, while we were still staring at the bodies on the sidewalk, the serving girl told me that Yamato had been captured the night before and was being held in the capital city awaiting execution. I got the impression that Yamatowas the hero of Rockland. She mentioned his gallantry during the Fourth Succession War as a MechWarrior, and that his 'Mech had been destroyed by the Jaguars. How could I let Yamato die? I returned to the landing craft and called the teams in. "Gentlemen," I began, hearing in my own voice how serious a matter I was broaching. "We have all seen by now what atrocities these Smoke Jaguars are capable of doing without shame. So far we have been gathering information, forced to remain passive watchers of their persecutions." My voice grew hard and cold as I spoke "The Night Stalkers cannot allow these atrocities to go unavenged. Tonight we will strike at the enemy and ensure that they know they have been hit. Yamato Jiri, our newfound friend, has been taken. We shall release him." There was a stir among my lancemates. Except for myself, all of my lance was Rocklander. They had kept themselves in check for so long, awaiting the command to avenge the destruction of their homes! Now at last they would have their chance. We loaded up the Mark VII. Kai and his team prepared for a high-altitude drop into the security prison. I had the job of drawing off as many of the enemy as I could convince to follow me. Our Hunter tank was going to be dropped off in the woods near the south end of the city to draw off even more of the invaders, then circle to pick up the scout team. We decided to meet in four days at the valley, to leave from there as soon as we could. Hiro would wait for us there. We got to our positions without incident. I landed atop the tallest building in the city , changed into 'Mech form, and turned my radio on to full range, loudspeakers and all broadcast facilities. "Attention, you Smoke Jaguars who call themselves warriors!" I waited for heads to turn toward me, then continued, "I am Chu-i Jason Oshara. I have made fools of your forces for the past two weeks. You call yourselves warriors? I say that you are not, for what true warrior makes war only upon the weaponless, the innocent? You have destroyed whole towns! They had done nothing! I was able to elude your foolish efforts by skill and guile alone!" Yes, I could see them pointing toward me now. "I challenge you, try to destroy me! Try to make me less than a warrior! You call yourselves Jaguars but you behave like craven JACKALS!" My impromptu speech had gone very well. Looking around, I could see the effect that I wanted. Every single Jaguar unit in sight was moving toward me, confident that they had me trapped on this building. I'd let them get closer before I made my move. Turning to the watching civilians, I said with all the feeling I could muster, "People of Rockland, You have resisted the invaders well! The Dragon will now take the weight of this war off of your shoulders. On my family's honor and the honor of my regiment, I promise that we shall free you. The Dragon salutes your bravery! Wait for our return!" The Jaguars must be close by now. I leapt off the building, transforming into AirMech form as I fell.
'Mechs were moving through the rubble searching for me. I got my first close up look at these invader BattleMechs. It surprised me to see how alike they were, twelve or thirteen of the same type. All that varied from 'Mech to 'Mech were the weapons systems. These were optimum weapons of war, not the expressions of individual design and technique common in the Inner Sphere. Hiding within the ruins of a building, I awaited the enemy. I was sure I was perfectly concealed, but one of them opened up on my position anyway. I suppose they were trying to flush me out. That was a bit much for me. I began to transform again, relying on the advantage of speed that the Mantis has over the normal 'Mech. I had just finished converting when a laser shot creased my torso. My tracking computer identified it as a medium laser -but gave me a range reading of other a thousand meters! It was definitely time to go! I tore off as fast as I could. It was as I'd hoped! The Smoke Jaguars were not expecting to fight a Land-Air'Mech. It had hit me that, since we began our surreptitious watch of the enemy, I had not seen a single LAM. Perhaps they had never seen the use of having transformable 'Mechs!. Intriguing possibility, isn't it? I rocketed off into the atmosphere, making it clear that I was the 'AeroSpace jock' they were looking for. I spent the next several hours appearing and disappearing about the planet in fighter mode. The idea was to keep all the Jaguars on full alert, but never to approach their bases. I made it back to the valley as my time was running out. Just as I was cresting the hill, I took in the scene before me -- and froze. The Jaguars had found our little valley. The valley mouth was covered by two companies of 'Mechs. The Hunter was in smoking ruins. Hiro was broadcasting that he had run out of long range missiles. Despite the spot we were in, I felt only anger. Recklessly, I signalled their commander on an open channel. "What is it you want most, Jaguar Leader? You want what you do not have - myself and Yamato Jiri. I want my people safe. So ... I propose..." I paused for dramatic effect, "a contest. Say, a race between one of your best and my LAM. If I win, you let my people leave in peace and take no more reprisals against the people of Rockland for any action before today. If I lose, you take all of us captive, including myself, and we are in your hands." Hiro would know what I really meant; if I lost, we'd set our engines on overload to cause a series of explosions the Jaguars would not quickly forget. "The idea intrigues me, Chu-i. A moment while I get permission from my galaxy commander." Galaxy commander? Sounded like bad vid drama. Bad Marikvid drama. "A contest of skills? We had thought that mercenaries were not worth the testing. Perhaps... just a moment .... Yes, I have received permission. You will start at Capital City and race to the Nadir system point. Your people may proceed there at once to await you." Five fighters appeared to 'escort' me to the starting point. I was to fly against what appeared to be a Stuka. I knew this was going to be a long flight. We both got out of our fighters and bowed to one another. He seemed normal enough, except for the unfamiliar uniform with its green cats on the sleeve patches. It would be interesting to see what he had planned for me. We turned to the leader, this 'galaxy commander'. He spoke in a monotone, "The rules of this contest are simple. The first to make the Nadir point is the winner. Otherwise, you may do as you please. Remember, Kuritan, this contest is on your honor." We went back to our fighters and awaited the signal. I let him take the lead, because I knew that I could not take even one shot to the rear. If he used all his weaponry I would be toast. As we cleared atmosphere I received a good luck message from Hiro, with the coded signal "backing your play". When I heard that they were on their way, I began my move. I had been holding at a klick behind my opponent. I began hostilities by taking aim for his tail section and firing all of medium lasers at it, knowing that I would never get through on a first shot. All of the shots hit, and armor melted away like butter in a frying pan. I quickly sideslipped so that his rear lasers would have a harder time tracking me. He pushed his fighter into a bootlegger reverse so quickly it almost caught me off guard. But I had been holding out on him, too. I had the advantage of speed. I rocketed past him, doing a slide maneuver to bring my guns right back to bear on his vulnerable engine area. I took another shot, but only a couple of my lasers hit. He fired his rear lasers, but neither hit my LAM. Next my Jaguar opponent tried to loop behind me. As soon as my sensors registered a weapons lock, I surprised him by punching a leapfrog maneuver which made all of his missiles go flying off as I got into position above him. As he went rocketing away, I fired what was to be the final shot into his tail section. As I watched him become a minor, if shortlived sun, I remember thinking that it must have been a wonderful display for the night side of Rockland. I flew to the Nadir point and announced," I am the first to arrive. By the terms of the contest, upon your honor I may leave without being harmed." I turned, making my way through their fleet with my back prickling, waiting for the shot that would end my life. Miraculously, it never came. I got to the rendezvous point alive. The Black Lotus was fully recharged by now. We wasted no time in jumping back to Matsumara, where the Night Stalkers are based. I have made my reports, and now I must implore the Dragon to gather all its strength, and to look for additional resources, even additional allies. These Invaders are deadly beyond belief; they will almost certainly destroy the life we know. Armageddon has come; it is time to take up the weapons of total war. Back to BattleTechnology 15 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1992 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |