by Michael Hebert
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Unit History The unit known as the Stalking Rhinos was established on the Steiner world of Galatea on August 11, 3025. Five former members of Carson's Renegades and five former members of the five major Houses banded together to form a new mercenary unit. They reasoned that the mixture of mercenary and House military experience would give them the edge they needed on the battlefield. The most experienced combat officer, Tai-i Bobby Howell, formerly of the 2nd Proserpina Hussars, was elected as their commander. By pooling their resources and calling in a few favors, the unit was able to field a force of ten'Mechs, two AeroSpace fighters, and one Union Class DropShip by the end of October 3025. The Draconis Combine offered the new unit a contract and the Rhinos set off for Kurita space in early November. Assigned to the Periphery border of the Rasalhague District, the Rhinos found themselves pulling garrison duty on Thule and chasing pirates out in the Periphery. While not exactly glamorous, the tour gave the Rhinos time to build up their unit and gain combat experience. The Rhinos were successful in combat and proved to be a competent 'Mech unit with a growing reputation. During this period the Stalking Rhinos expanded to include two under-strength 'Mech companies, while their pirate-hunting expeditions netted them a second Union Class DropShip and an Invader Class JumpShip to go with it. Renamed the Fredricksburq and the Long Shot respectively, they provided the unit a much-needed independent transport capability. Despite strenuous efforts by House Kurita to claim them, the Stalking Rhinos were able to hold on to these hard-won war prizes. The unit's future looked bright. Unfortunately the Draconis Combine began using their Company Store tactics on the Stalking Rhinos to force them to remain in the Combine. The Rhinos resorted to consider desperate measures to escape their mounting debt. At the end of their contract the unit let go all noncombat personnel and sold all nonessential equipment to raise money to cover the debt. This money, along with some funds obtained through dubious sources, enabled the Rhinos to pay off the Kuritans at the end of their contract in May 3028. The Rhinos immediately jumped the border and signed with House Davion. They vowed never to work for House Kurita again. The Stalking Rhinos soon found themselves caught up in the chaos of the Fourth Succession War. Initially too weak and disorganized by the flight from the Draconis Combine to be used as a frontline unit, the Rhinos were assigned garrison duty inside the Federated Suns while they rested and rearmed. By the time Hanse Davion launched his Sixth Wave against the Capellan Confederation, the Stalking Rhinos were ready for action. Assigned to the Capellan Operations Command as an ad-hoc raiding force, the Rhinos were able to put their Periphery anti-piracy experience to good use in conducting as series of diversionary raids through the unconquered portionof the Sarna Commonality. It was during the Fourth Succession War that the Stalking Rhinos gained one of their greatest prizes. Jumping into an uncharted system, the Rhinos encountered a damaged Liao JumpShip. The Invader Class JumpsShip had sustained meteor damage shortly after its arrival and was unable to maneuver or fight. Attached to the JumpShips' docking collars were two Mule Class DropShips and an Intruder Class DropShip. The Rhinos deployed their AeroSpace fighters for an attack run on the JumpShip and demanded its surrender. Seeing no other option the Liao crew complied and the Rhino's infantry boarded and secured the vessel. A short period of bargaining and pointed persuasion convinced the crew convinced that their future as mercenaries was brighter than as members of the Capellan military. A prize crew was brought on board to operate the ship and the Liao crew was dispersed between the two JumpShips for security reasons. Working feverishly, Rhino Techs repaired the vessel using parts cannibalized from the Long shot.. Before jumping out of the Rhinos repainted the Liao JumpShip with the unit's colors and insignia, renamed it the Peregrine and falsified the logs to show the vessel was purchased approximately six months ago in the Taurian Concordat. They then transferred half of their 'Mechs and combat support personnel to the Peregrine completing the illusion that the JumpShip really did belong to the Rhinos. Since the war, the Rhinos have served for a variety of employers. In 3031 their contract with House Davion expired and the unit accepted an offer from House Steiner. Posted to garrison duty in the Trellshire Theater, the Rhinos spent the next three years rebuilding their strength lost in the Fourth Succession War. The unit kept in fighting trim by conducting punitive raids against the Bandit Kingdoms. A growing reputation enabled the unit to recruit enough personnel to field two full companies of 'Mechs with DropShip and JumpShip lift capability. The Steiner contract expired in 3034 and the Rhinos accepted a contract from the newly formed Free Rasalhague Republic. Immediately the Rhinos found their combat skills challenged by the fierce combat of the Ronin Wars. Unlike most mercenary units, the Stalking Rhinos were more than happy to wade into battle against the outlawed Kurita units. In fact the unit was eager to pay back the Draconis Combine for its poor hospitality of nearly a decade ago. Major Hebert and the rest of the former Steiner MechWarriors took great pride in putting new kill markers on their 'Mechs and 'Dragon hunting' became a popular pastime. Major Hebert's ferocity towards Kurita forces in the field and his disdain for Kurita prisoners shocked even the most die-hard Rasalhagian patriot. After some suspicious deaths in the heat of battle, Colonel Howell was forced to reprimand Major Hebert and pull him out of combat. He was reassigned to support duties for the remainder of the Ronin Wars. The Rhinos' battlefield behavior endeared themselves to the Rasalhaugians, who, based on previous experience, had an extremely poor opinion of mercenary troops. While still suspicious of mercenary troops in general, the Rasalhague government was willing to work with the Rhinos and treated them more hospitably than other mercenary units. The remainder of the contract passed uneventfully. In 3037, with the Rasalhague contract about to expire, the Rhinos were approached by agents of the Federated Commonwealth. Angered by the anti-mercenary tirades of Tor Miraborg and his cronies, the Rhinos jumped at the chance to serve again with their old employers. A contract was signed in May 3037. By the end of the year the unit was on duty along the Free Worlds League border. Most of this period passed without incident, as House Marik was too preoccupied with internal problems to mount effective raids into Steiner space. The Rhinostookthe advantage of the lull in fighting to conduct intensive training with its infantry and AeroSpace assets. By the end of the contract had finely honed their combined arms tactics. By the time 3040 rolled around the Rhinos had decided to up stakes and try out a new boss. Impressed by the new military competence of House Marik, the Rhinos negotiated a contract with the Free Worlds League in early March. The Free Worlds League assigned the Rhinos to assist in the conquest of the Duchy of Andurien, a mission the Rhinos accomplished handily. Their battlefield success against units of the Defenders of Andurien raised the Rhino's stock considerably with House Marik. Following the recapture of the Duchy, the Rhinos were posted to the Periphery border as part of a force keeping an eye on the Magistracy of Canopus. By the end of the Marik contract the Rhinos' ranks had swelled, enabling the unit to field three full strength 'Mech companies, supported by six AeroSpace fighters and a company of Jump infantry. The Rhinos also acquired an old, but serviceable Overlord Class DropShip. Renamed the Alamo, the DropShip became the unit's command center. House Marik was satisfied with the Rhino's performance both on and off the battlefield. As an incentive to remain in the Free Worlds League, they offered to extend the unit's contract for an additional three years with a hefty pay raise and land grants to sweeten the deal. Knowing a good thing when they saw one, the Rhinos quickly agreed to the extension. The Rhinos were given land on the border world of Scarborough as a base. For the next three years the Rhinos remained in garrison, keeping an eye on what was left of the Capetian Confederation. It was during this second three year contract that the Stalking Rhinos recruited a fourth 'Mech company. Combat experience had taught the Rhinos the value of light 'Mech forces, and the unit badly needed additional light 'Mechs to balance out it's force structure. Also a balanced 'Mech force would enhance the unit's chances at the negotiating table. Rhino agents went to Galatea to look for a light 'Mech unit that would fit the bill. There they encountered a newly formed outfit calling themselves the Celestial Knights. The Knights had the light 'Mechs the Rhinos were looking for and their records seemed in order. The Knights were quickly brought into the Stalking Rhinos as Delta Company. The addition of a fourth company required a reorganization of the Rhino's command structure. Alpha and Gamma companies were organized as the First Battalion, Stalking Rhinos; while Beta and Delta companies were organized as the Second Battalion, Stalking Rhinos. The entire unit was then set up as a short regiment of four companies. Newly recruited fighter pilots brought the Rhinos' fighter strength up to twelve AeroSpace fighters. Problems with Delta Company began as soon as the unit was deployed in combat. The company's MechWarriors refused to adopt the Rhinos' methods, preferring their own. On more than one occasion the other Rhino companies were left without support as Delta Company left on its own to pursue objectives they considered more important. Reprimands and counseling sessions only increased the bad feelings between the "Deltoids," as they were now known, and the rest of the Rhinos. It was rapidly becoming apparent that Delta Company was not fitting in and the bad feelings and political infighting were threatening to tear the Rhinos apart. The Rhino command structure decided upon the financially painful option of buying out Delta Company's contract. Once that was done, the unit was sent packing. Since that time, the Rhinos carefully screen every new recruit before he is accepted into the unit. Recent Campaign History Since the disastrous experience with Delta Company, the Rhinos have been very choosy about accepting new personnel into their ranks. The unit has gone so far as to institute a six month trial period for new recruits where the individual's performance can be compared to their previous combat record. If they measure up they are allowed to sign up for the full three year contract, otherwise they are released to seek other employment. Even though Delta Company's actions tarnished the reputation of the Stalking Rhinos, the Free Worlds League nevertheless offered the unit another three year contract extension in 3047 The terms were even better than their previous offer and included a clause which allowed the unit to purchase new Marik'Mechs containing recently acquired Star League technology. The offer was better than any other at the time, so the Rhinos accepted. The unit remained on Scarborough and continued to serve as the planetary garrison, while conducting occasional raids into Liao space to keep the Capellans on their toes and to keep the Rhinos' combat experience level high. In addition to these duties, House Marik has used the Rhinos for other, unspecified missions. In the processthe Rhinos have been able to acquire several 'Mechs and AeroSpace fighters from a number of sources. Strength The Stalking Rhinos currently muster three full-strength BattleMech companies, plus one Battalion Command Lance, for a total of forty one 'Mechs. Combat support is provided by twelve Aerospace fighters and a company of infantry. The infantry is a multi-role unit and is trained in space boarding actions, VTOL and jump operations, as well as standard hover and anti-'Mech infantry tactics. In an age contemptuous of ground-pounders, the Rhino infantry often provide the margin of victory. The infantry are grouped with additional combat support assets to form a Special Operations Group (SOG). Operating out of the Intruder Class DropShip Gatecrasher, the SOG performs standard combat missions, but their forte is reconnaissance and covert operations. The Rhinos often use the SOG for deep penetration raids and intelligence gathering. Unlike many mercenary units, the Rhinos provide their own transportation. DropShip assets include one Overlord, two Unions, one Intruder, and two converted Mules, while two Invader class JumpShips provide interstellar transport capabilities. The Stalking Rhinos combat history has taught them the value of owning your own transportation and the unit's assets are well cared for. Current Situation The Stalking Rhinos are undergoing rest and refit after a series of raids into the Capellan Confederation. While the unit suffered some damage, it accomplished its mission and even managed to capture a Liao Raven. This 'Mech, with its extensive electronics suite is a a rare prize. Per the agreement with House Marik, the Rhinos have been replacing their damaged and destroyed 'Mechs with new 'Mechs rolling off Free World League assembly lines. This new addition of recovered Star League technology will definitely enhance the Rhinos' combat capabilities. Assessment The Stalking Rhinos are a tight-knit professional mercenary unit. They can be relied upon to fulfil the contract and even go a bit beyond if the situation warrants. The Rhinos are known for their fondness for close, no-holds barred combat. While this increases combat losses and damage, it also enhances the unit's reputation. Overall unit morale is high and the unit is currently financially stable. Assuming the Stalking Rhinos encounter no major disasters, its continued success and growth as a mercenary unit is assured. The unit is organized along democratic lines and periodic elections are held for unit positions. Although popularity is a factor, battle and leadership skills are far more important to the unit's members and only proven leaders have been elected to officer the unit. This competition for position also ensures that incompetent officers do not remain in positions of authority. The Stalking Rhinos are notorious for their forays into red light districts. In fact, it has been said that one of the reasons the unit stays on front-line duty so long is to save on property damage lawsuits and bail costs. The unit is also known for its macabre sense of humor. An example of this can be seen in the fact that the unit's DropShips are named after famous military defeats. In the words of one unit member: "Bad luck is better than no luck at all, besides one side's overwhelming defeat is the other side's overwhelming victory." Restrictions The Stalking Rhinos are open to all combat personnel with combat experience. Records will be checked to verify experience but the unit is not picky as to the origin of prospective employees. However, due to the problems the unit unit had with the recently departed Delta Company, record checks are more stringent than ever. New personnel are taken in under a six month trial period before the Rhinos will allow them to sign on for a full three year hitch. This allows the unit to validate a person's present performance against his past record. Another restriction concerns employers. The unit will not accept contract offers from the Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation. The unit vows never to be caught in a Kurita Company Store squeeze again. As for the Capellans, they might want their "liberated' JumpShip back. In any case the unit's senior personnel considers neither realm to be trustworthy employers. In regards to House Kurita, this attitude may change depending on what effect Theodore Kurita's reforms have on the Kurita military and society in general. STALKING RHINOS (As of May 3050) BATTALION COMMAND LANCE
Assault Lance
Fire Lance
BETA COMPANY Command Lance
Attack Lance
Recon Lance
Assault Lance
Recon Lance
Doucet's Infantry Company
1st AeroSpace Company
Callaghan's Air Lance
Taylor's Air Lance
2nd AeroSpace Company Command Air Lance
Transportation Division
LONG SHOT Invader Class JumpShip
PEREGRINE Invader Class JumpShip
ALAMO Overlord Class DropShip
FREDRICKSBURG Union Class DropShip
DIEN BIEN PHU Mule Class DropShip
TANNENBURG Mule Class DropShip
GATECRASHER Mule Class DropShip
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