This scenario deals with the opening moves of the
War of 3039, and is suited for two to four players, each running
a single character. Scouts and soldiers are best for this
particular action, with a tech along to deal with any difficult
portions like circumventing the sensors.
The team should be equipped as follows: each
should have a dagger, light environment suit, personal
communicator, med kit, and a laser pistol. Suggested for the
group to carry: one level three lock pick set, a pair of
rangefinders, and a starlight scope. At gamemaster
discretion, here are two new weapons which may be included
if desired.
Sollstar Air Pistol
This is best used in places where you want a quiet
shot, to knock out or kill personnel in such a way that the rest
of the area is not alerted to attack. Its disadvantage is that it is
only useful at ranges of less than ten meters. It fires a
chemical dart which injects various toxic substances when it
hits its target. Once the injection is done, the dart dissolves;
without a minute examination it cannot be detected that the
opponent has actually been shot. The Solstar's darts can
penetrate through a light environment suit.
Solstar Air Pistol
Type: Air Gun
Cost: 80 C-bills
Number of Shots: 6
Reload Cost: 20 C-bills plus toxin
Skill Class: Pistol
Damage: See below
Range in Hexes
Short 1-2
Medium 3-4
Long: 5
Short: 2-7
Medium: -
Long: 8-10
Time to reload: 1 Turn
Game Use
Damage is dependent upon toxin used; the dart itself
does only 1 pt of damage. Sample Toxin Costs: Knockout = 10
C-bills, Cyanide = 130 C-bills, Nicotin = 75 C-bills. For toxin
strikes, affected character should roll versus his BODY to stay
Ice Grenade
This grenade creates a cloud of cold vapor to mask
the infrared signature of humans. While it is a useful weapon
for guerrilla operations, it does no damage whatsoever. It
requires no DEX roll if set off while handheld; if it is thrown, roll
as a standard grenade throw. Affects a circular area 4 meters
in diameter. They come in standard grenade sizes, but cost
three times the normal grenade price.
Game Use
The cold vapors are not noticable to the human eye. I/R
signatures are effectively masked. The sensor operator covering
the area gets a roll against his LEARN at -2 to notice that the
area is colder than the rest of his sensors. (Remember, he is
scanning for heat.) The vapors last for 2-7 rounds (1 D6 +1). The
length is rolled by the gamemaster; the players should not know
how long the screen will last.
If the party succeeds in this mission, the Federated
Commonwealth is able to capture Mc Comb two weeks ahead
of schedule. The party receives hazard pay equivalent to an elite
scout's for successful completion of goals. Give out experience
points by the standard method. The seven year old daughter
gives your players an ethical and political dilemma. If they find a
creative way to solve this without killing her, give extra
experience points.
Site Description
General Area
The base has been placed in an area of light woods.
Around the external perimeter, the woods have been cleared
away for a total of 300 meters to create a free fire zone. (if
gamemaster wishes, random encounters may be added here.)
Perimeter The fence is 40 rn by 50 m, and is
barbed. In addition to this, there are pylons atop the fence, one
every 10 m. The players may deduce that the pylons signify that
the fence is electrified, and may be set either to stun or to kill.
(gamemaster note: have players who touch it make a BODY
saving roll at -2 or be knocked unconscious). The sensors are
both heat and motion sensitive. (See Technical Readout 3026
for uses.) The rest of the site description is as found in the
The Barracks The doors are fingerprint coded to
the base personnel. PCs must figure out a way in or pick the
lock. The floors are wooden throughout, although walls, ceiling,
etc are hardened ferroconcrete.
Non-Player Character Statistics
BODY: 6 Skills: Leadership 4, Diplomacy 4,
DEX: 8 Interrogation 3,Brawling 5, Bow/Blade 5,
LRN: 8 Drive 4, Computer 2
CHA: 9
He will reach for his Katana on being wakened.
Governor's Wife:
BODY: 4 Skills: Diplomacy 3, Pistol 1
DEX: 7 Land Management 4
LRN: 6
CHA: 8
She keeps a pistol near the bed; can reach it in two turns.
Base Commander
BODY: 8 Skills: Leadership 3, Pistol 2
DEX: 8 Brawling 4, Rifle 3
LRN: 9 Rogue 2, Diplomacy 1
CHA: 8 Bow/Blade 1
He has both pistol and sword at hand.
Guard Stats: Gamemaster may choose to vary these.
BODY: 8 Skills: Brawling 2, Rifle 3
DEX: 8 Medical/First Aid 1, Rogue 2
LRN: 9
CHA: 5
Each soldier has an SMG, 3 clips of ammo, a personal
communicator, a light environment suit, a dagger, and a first aid
kit. The sleeping men are not wearing their light environmental
suits; if awakened before the PC's enter the Barracks, they will
take two turns to put on their gear.
Governor's Son:
BODY: 7 No relevent skills
DEX: 6
LRN: 6
CHA: 5
Governor's Daughter
BODY: 4 No relevent skills
DEX: 5
LRN: 6
CHA: 6
Level One
Room 1 is the monitor room for the base. There is always
one person on duty here watching the monitors for the heat/
motion sensors on the perimeter and the cameras observing
the hallways on level 2. For the operator to note a particular
action (the perimeter being breached, movement on the second
floor), he must make an LEARN saving roll at -2. (Yes, this is
cumulative with the ice grenade -2; if the device is used he rolls
at -4).
Room 2 is a kitchen. There is an industrial dishwasher, a
lot of counter space, a huge freezer (large enough to fit four
normal sized human beings), a large grill and 8-burner
stovetop, and the rest of the paraphenalia that belongs in a
Room 3 is the barracks. There are 22 double bunkbeds
here. A table which could seat 20 men is on one side of the
room. There is an elevator in the corner which will go to the
second floor. Needless to say, there are also 33 sleeping
soldiers here. Characters must make stealth rolls at this point
to insure that they do not awaken the guards. (gamemaster may
wish to place a modifier on this.) The elevator has been
soundproofed; there is no chance that it will awaken the guards.
Make an LRN roll at +4 to recognize this soundproofing.
Level Two
Hallways: At the end of each hallway is a camera. These are
monitored for suspicious movement in the hallways. If the
players have left the monitor room untouched, roll each turn they
are in the hallways at -2 to see if the party is noticed
Room 1 A is the governor's bedroom. There is a king-sized
bed, two closets, a desk, and a small window. The room is
tastefully decorated with wall hangings of an oriental design; the
carpet has the Kurita Dragon in the center of the room. Beside
the bed is a sword stand on which is a katana.
If the party has not alerted anybody up to this point, the
governor and his wife will be found asleep in their bed. When
anybody actually enters the room, both of them will awaken. The
floor under the carpet is a "nightingale" floor, designed to creak
loudly to warn against intruders. If a player suspects this, has
some Kurita background, and makes a stealth roll at -4,
gamemaster may allow him to approach the bed undetected. If
he is not specifically trying to avoid such a floor, do not allow the roll.
Room 2A is the office from which the governor has been
administrating this world. There are several chairs around a
large table. Along the walls are books (if examined, they fall
primarily into three categories: Military theory & practice,
philosophy, and political science). Some of the books are
valuable, dating back to the Star League, and even earlier. There
are scroll cases as well, containing some of the governor's most
prized ancient treasures. The only one the players have a
chance of recognizing is Musashi's Book of Five Rings. It will
take 20 minutes of examining and an LRN roll at -3 to do so.
This is a mid-twenty second century copy by the master Odo
Nakamura, worth easily 15000 C-bills to a collector.
Room 3A is the room of the governor's oldest son. He is
sixteen. He will not awaken unless somebody shakes him or
makes a noise in his room. There is a single bed, a desk and a
closet. The room is decorated with many pictures of aerospace
fighters, some carefully painted, some photographs, some cut
out of magazines,etc. (If one of the PCs makes an LRN saving
roll at -4, he will notice a recent photograph of a Star League
style aerospace fighter. Gamemaster: if a player notices this
and if he remembers to report it in debriefing, he has just given
the Federated Commonwealth which may change the course of
the war. Reflect this with experience points.)
Room 4A is the room of the governor's daughter, seven
years old. The room has a child-sized bed, a desk, a small
easel and a closet. There is an unfinished picture of a
monastery on the easel which shows a great deal of talent. On
the desk are several examples of origami. Examining PC's will
notice origami of Mechs, including a Grand Dragon, and a Mech
of unfamiliar design.
Room 5A is the Company Commander's room. If the alert
has not been given, he will be found He is awake, praying aloud
before a portable altar. If the PCs listen before they enter, they
will hear that he is praying that he'll be able to repel the invaders.
He sounds desperate. The room is sparsely furnished; futon
bed, desk and closet. There is no ornamentation of any sort.
Room 6A is set up as a chapel. It is unoccupied.
Player Introduction
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