Field Marshal Ardan
Sortek led the Galedon Thrust of
the Federated Commonwealth's
new attack into the Draconis
Combine with the intention of
winning back worlds lost during
the Fourth Succession War. This
was one arm of four coordinated
thrusts. The beginning attacks
were simple; only light resistance
was encountered by the
AFFC. At this point in time, the
Draconis Combine seemed to be
barely holding on to a defensive
position; the DCMS seemed
seriously weakened. The planet
Delacruz was one of the rare
exceptions, and it was because of
the tenacity of their planetary
militia. The Eighth Sword of Light,
who would normally have been
garrisoning the planet, had left
only a training battalion, which
was quickly mopped up by the
Davion assault force.
The city of Sena was
bombarded for almost a week
with Long Tom artillery before
units were sent in to eliminate
remaining opposition.
Game Setup
The scenario is based in the city of Sena. Place four map boards in
the form of a square. Place fifteen buildings of various types on each board.
Then place forty rubble markers placed randomly throughout the city. (This
is to represent the effects of the shelling which the city has endured).
Defender Setup
The Defenders are the Delacruz Planetary Militia, and a recon lance
from the 8th Sword of Light.
Planetary Militia
1 Platoon of Infantry, armed with machine guns
Pegasus Scout Tank #1 Piloting: 3, Gunnery: 2
Pegasus Scout Tank #2 Piloting: 2, Gunnery: 2
8th Sword of Light Recon Lance
Cadet Lt Chai Wah,
Piloting: 5, Gunnery: 4
Cleon Brockman, Stinger
Piloting: 6, Gunnery: 5
Edward Winslow, Stinger
Piloting: 5, Gunnery: 5
Merideth Page, Wasp Piloting: 4, Gunnery: 6
Defenders may use hidden infantry rules. All
limited intelligence rules should be used in this scenario.
The attackers are a medium lance from the
Kingston Caballeros, who have the task of capturing
Lt Carl Michaelson, Dervish-S* Piloting: 3, Gunnery: 2
Lydia Chambers, Assassin Piloting: 4, Gunnery: 4
Brian Delgado, Hatchetman Piloting: 3, Gunnery: 5
Albert Cooper, Assassin Piloting: 4, Gunnery: 3
Special Rules
See the rules on limited intelligence in CityTech,
or in the BattleTech Manual.
For every squad or other unit the attackers
destroy, they receive 2 points. Subtract 5 points for every
unit of the attackers which are destroyed.
Victory Scale
16 to 20 Points = Decisive Victory for Attacker
10 to 15 Points = Marginal Victory for Attacker
5 to 9 Points Draw
4 to -4 Points Defender Victory
In 3027, Defiance Motors, a division of Defiance Industries, opened the new factory it had
been building and rebuilding since 2995. The R&D divisions on Hesperus 11 and Furillo had been
com peting in designing a new Dervish variant. Hesperus 11 won, with a design that changed as little as possible of the workhorse ofthe battletield'other than totinally give it some reardefense. With a new in-house source of fusion engines, the variant proved economically possible for the first time.
With the rebuilding after the Fourth Succession War, the Factory began full scale
production, twenty DV-7S a year. Even after two transport loads were lost somewhere in the Tamar Pact/Rasalhague/Greater Valkyrate intersection, some 80 of these Mechs are known to exist in the Inner Sphere, most of them in the Federated Commonwealth. (Twenty-five were lost in the Vega Prefecture of House Kurita during the late hostilities; it must be presumed that some ere salvaged.)
The changes in weapon positions (one medium laser and one SRM-2 placed on the CT
rear, the other medium laser replaced by two small lasers) allow the Mach to take better advantage of the 360 degree challenge which today's battlefields offer a pilot, The design perameters which kept the sillouette of the standard Dervish, even including medium laser mounts on the arms camouflaging the small lasers actually present, often allow the variant a chance to get in a surprise counterattack on a foe who is not expecting any armament on the lightly-armored rear of a Dervish.
DV-7S Dervish Variant
Mass: 55 Tons
Chassis: Defiance 55D
Power Plant: DefFire 275
Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: Swingline X-1000
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: HardDef 105
Armament: 2 10-shot LRM Missile Systems
2 2-Shot SRM Missile Systems
1 Medium Laser
2 Small Lasers
Manufacturer:Defiance BattleMechs
Communication System: Coventry Communications
Targeting/Tracking System: Banzai Ltd
Type: DV-7S Dervish Variant Tons
Tonnage: 55tons 55
Internal Structure: 5.5
Engine: 275 DefFire 15.5
Walking MPs: 5
Running MPs: 8
Jumping MPs: 5
Heat Sinks 10 0
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 120 7.5
Location: Int Structure: Armor Value
Head 3 8
Center Torso: 18 20/4
Rt/Lt Torso: 13 15/4
Rt/Lt Arm: 9 10
Rt/Lt Leg: 13 15
Weapons and Ammo:
Type Location CriticalTons
LRM 10 RT 2 5
LRM Ammo 12 RT 1 1
LRM 10 LT 2 5
LRM Ammo 12 LT 1 1
SRM 2 RA 1 1
SRM Ammo 50 RA 1 1
SRM 2 CT (rear) 1 1
SRM Ammo 50 CT 1 1
Medium Laser CT (rear) 1 1
Small Laser LA 1 0.5
Small Laser RA 1 0.5
Jump Jets RL 2 1
Jump Jets LL 2 1
Jump Jets CT 1 0.5
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