by Hillary Ayer
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Overview During the early months of the Second Succession War, forces from the Draconis Combine penetrated deep into the Federated Suns, eventually threatening the capital of New Avalon itself. As units of House Davion were pushed back, desperate calls were sent to Davion BattleMech and tank manufacturers. A new type of wheeled ground vehicle was needed, capable of offering stiff resistance in urban areas against advancing combined BattleMech-infantry teams. Davion High Command established several design criteria, and two rivalling firms hurriedly developed prototypes in a competitive bid. After a hasty evaluation, testing was curtailed and both vehicles entered immediate production. Different from any wheeled vehicle built before, the Behemoth and the Leviathan received a new designation: mobile Anti-Infantry Urban Assault Vehicle, officially abbreviated to 'MAUVE', but known more informally as 'the belfry'. This term, unique in recent history, was rediscovered from medieval Terran Europe, where large mobile siege towers called belfries were used for attacking fixed fortifications. This newer type of belfry was considerably more powerful; individual vehicles were capable of engaging and often defeating entire lances of light Mechs, or entire companies of conventional infantry. Expensive to build as to maintain, the Leviathan and Behemoth never entered large-scale production. In fact, only some 440 Leviathans and 360 Behemoths were built during the entire production period form 2795 through 2805. By that time, the Second Succession War's battlefield conditions had changed; the construction of additional belfries was no longer a Davion priority. Neither model ever returned to production, though an estimated 125 Leviathans or Behemoths still remain on active service with Davion House Units stationed in crucial urban areas. It is true that Leviathans and Behemoths are no longer commonly seen. Rumor has it that Coordinator Takashi Kurita has offered a sizable contract bonus to any mercenary unit that can capture and return a functional Leviathan or Behemoth to the Draconis Combine. To date, it is worth noting, no one has been able to collect. Another rumor describes the presence of a single Behemoth in the service of the Circinus Federation, though it has been impossible to confirm this, or to determine how the vehicle might have gotten there. Capabilities For two vehicles built under identical specification requirements, the Leviathan and Behemoth are remarkably different. Both vehicles have a crew of six (the Leviathan has a commander/observer, driver/radio operator, turret gunner, two loaders, and a hull gunner; the Behemoth has a commander/observer, a driver/radio operator, a turret gunner, a loader, and two hull gunners), but the similarities end there. Their appearance is surprisingly dissimilar (due in part to weapons placement), and the only major item of equipment used on both vehicles is the Sperry Browning machine gun, commonly found both on BattleMechs and on other ground vehicles. At the time of their construction, both manufacturers already had long histories in BattleMech development as spirited rivals within the Federated Suns. Corean Enterprises had built the Valkyrie, Centurion, and Trebuchet, while the Enforcer and Dervish were designs of Achernar BattleMechs. These respective track records enabled both companies to borrow components that had been battletested before. As a result, numerous BattleMech systems were installed into the new ground vehicles. For this reason, even though there was little time for a thorough evaluation, the Leviathan and the Behemoth could be pressed into quick service. To everyone's pleasant surprise, almost everything worked. The Leviathan is somewhat similar in appearance (though it is better armed) to a wheeled version of the sleeklooking Demolisher heavy tank. The Leviathan has a smaller turret. In fact, the turret design is too small for the two Luxor DDX-5 Autocannon mounted in it, and the dangerously cramped, overheated surroundings make combat duty miserable for the turret gunner. It is not uncommon for a semiconscious gunner to be covered with scrapes and bruises, and even to have a dislocation or two when he is hauled out of his belfry after a skirmish. In the BattleTech Simulator Game, whenever either AC/20 is fired, on a 2D6 roll of 11 or 12, the turret gunner takes 1 point of damage. The Leenex engine has also been a sore spot on the Leviathan, and the drive mechanism simply wears out sooner than design specifications warrant. Though capable of moving the massive vehicle at slow speeds, it requires fifty percent more repair and maintenance time than its rival. Moreover, the engine is mounted in an awkward location, making such work that much more difficult. Fortunately, there have been very few problems with any weapon system, and the massive StarGuard armor is among the best found anywhere in the Inner Sphere. (The armor requires extra preventative maintenance time; no plus without a minus!) At one time, all Leviathan- mounted Angst Light Lasers were specially equipped with an experimental advanced targeting sight -1 bonus modifier To Hit, but most were scavenged or destroyed over the centuries; only a handful remain. An ample supply of ammunition and missile reloads guarantees that the Leviathan will remain in the fight as long as its crew wants. The Corean TransBand-J9 communications and the BTech Targeting and Tracking systems have worked virtually without flaw. In contrast, the high-profiled, ungainly Behemoth resemble a cross between a Terran porcupine and an armadillo. Thirteen different weapon systems comprising five types make up the Behemoth's bristling offensive payload, ranging in size from six hull-mounted SperryBrowning machine guns to the turretmounted Federated AC-Plus Autocannon. It is exactly this versatility in weapon selection, in conjunction with the Federated Hunter Mk II tracking Computer, that lie at the root of the Behemoth 's tactical strengths and weaknesses. The Hunter Mk II, also used on the Dervish, was never designed to handle simultaneously all tracking and data processing requirements for a vehicle with 13 weapons. For this reason, the system is prone to overloading, which will cause the computer (and weapons) to shut down until the flow of data has been reduced to manageable proportions. On rare occasions, this has proven disastrous, but little can be done to repair the system permanently. LVN-1 X Leviathan BelfryMass: 80.0 tons
Type: LVN-1X Leviathan Tons:
Armor: 304 19.0
Weapons and Ammo:
Fortunately, the Behemoth rarely has to fire large salvoes at one time. At least the Achernar Electronics HID-30 communications system operates perfectly.
Between battles, a technician can insert one or more override circuits into the tracking computer. For every override, the crew can fire eight or more weapons at one time without making a special roll, as described above. The override circuit is then burnt and must be replaced. It takes 24 hours divided by the Tech's skill level to insert a single override circuit. Though one might think it is slightly undersized, the Hermes 140 engine has been a reliable workhorse, meeting every power requirement and fulfilling every expectation made of it. With a flank speed of over 35 kph, the Behemoth can pursue almost any kind of infantry without falling behind. Because of a minor design flaw, the Dorwinion Special NBM/ 80 chassis makes the Behemoth somewhat top-heavy. However, due to its relatively slow speed, there has never been any report of a Behemoth rolling over as a result of its highcentered weight distribution. (It was never meant to be a hillclimber anyway). The StarShield armor has also met the test of combat without trouble. The earliest Behemoths were equipped with a poorer grade of armor which had an unpleasant tendency to flake off in chunks; it was immediately replaced. All known Behemoths were refitted long ago. The Behemoth also has excellent side-and-rear fire capabilities, due in great part to two Federated 6-shot SRM systems, plus lasers and machine guns. This is especially useful when defending against swarming infantry attacks. Indeed, all weapon systems carried aboard the Behemoth are reasonable trouble-free; this is just as well, because repairing them takes three times as long as normal, due to the extra time required in removing and reinstalling the systems. Battle History:These vehicles excel at urban anti-infantry defense, with or without friendly air or ground support. Though they were occasionally forced to engage medium and even a few heavy BattleMechs, their most common opponent consisted of light Mechs and mechanized and/or foot infantry. Capable of enormous firepower at short ranges, one Leviathan could theoretically demolish up to four entire three-platoon infantry companies at 30 meters in the space of one minute, while suffering only moderate damage to the unit's external armor. The Behemoth, a somewhat faster but less powerfully- armed vehicle, was nearly as effective. The tactical method of deploying Belfries was in some ways as unusual as the design. As enemy forces advanced toward urban areas, friendly BattleMechs and other forces would fight wherever needed. In contrast, the Leviathans and Behemoths would be held in reserve behind the threatened cities. When infantry were confirmed to be on their way, the Belfries would slowly move into position as a last line of defense. Slower than anything except foot infantry, the Belfries nevertheless made a good account of themselves as they merely parked at their pre-designated checkpoints and slugged it out with anything that moved. Counting on sheer thick-skinned endurance, the Belfries usually won out by forcing the enemy infantry to retreat and regroup. This respite generally permitted defenders to bring in other reinforcements, often BattleMechs or more conventional armored platoons. The Belfries' ability to produce a voluminous hail of projectile, missile, and beam fire also made them popular as a semi-mobile anti-aircraft battery. An entire lance of these vehicles would often be stationed around crucial headquarters and BattleMech repair facilities, just in case the opposition attempted a low-altitude attack. A Leviathan lance has driven off a flight of Kurita Aerospace Fighters on more than one occasion in just this way. Due to their prohibitively slow speed, however, the Leviathan and Behemoth were unable to participate in most offensive operations. By the time they reached their objective, the defenders would have retreated or out-maneuvered the sluggish vehicles. In one instance, the defenders had returned to their DropShip and had actually left the planet before the belfries finally got into attack position! The Belfries were also vulnerable to long-range missile fire from a variety of sources. In such a situation, the vehicles would withdraw at maximum speed (!),allowing more agile units to soften up the opposition, before turning around and proceeding onward. VariantsThere is a kind of superstition among engineers regarding these vehicles that is unusual even among BattleMechs. Some believe it is linked to the archaic class names, while others are simply in awe of such large ground vehicles. In any event, due to their scarcity and great value, exceedingly few technicians want to have anything more to do with these belfries than they absolutely have to, in fear that unnecessary tinkering may somehow damage the vehicle. In addition, they were among the most effective vehicles of their time and little has changed in that regard. Thus, no variants are known to exist for either the Behemoth or the Leviathan. Notable Vehicles and PilotsLieutenant Bozo 'Bruiser' Cuinard During the First Succession War, Lt Cuinard commanded a newly-formed Leviathan anti-aircraft lance in a regiment of the Syrtis Fusiliers. A good-natured bear of a man,'Bruiser'got his nickname from starting out as a Leviathan turret gunner. Responsible for protecting the Fusiliers regimental headquarters on Robinson, Cuinard's combat force was the only one at hand when a lance of Kurita Slayer fighters came in on a strafing run. The Slayers, unfamiliar with the Leviathan, pressed their attack. Ordering his units to hold fire until the fighters made final approach, Cuinard then cut loose with all units. Two Slayers were shot down immediately and a third was crippled. Cuinard's own Leviathan, the Pentacle of Avalon, suffered a direct hit from a 60-point bomb, but no crew fatalities were suffered; the headquarters were not touched. Cuinard received a decoration and a field promotion fro his conduct under fire. Sergeant Loki Van Der Droch Loki, on temporary assignment to the Davion Household Guard, currently commands a Behemoth garrisoned at the Royal Court on New Avalon. His vehicle, the Eletant Eins, has not seen combat for nearly a century. His Behemoth did not manage to arrive at the scene of the NAIS raid in 3029 until combat was long over.He himself has been out of action for about two years and is now almost over-anxious to return to combat. Previously a seasoned Vedette commander with 14 vehicle kills to his credit, he expects to be rotated with the Behemoth to a garrison/pacification unit on the Kurita frontier. He is very excited to see how well his new command will fare against a Kurita light BattleMech. Loki recently supervised the repainting of the Eletant to a dull grey, in anticipation of painting some kill marks on its turret. (This was written in August 3039; House Davion's plans may have changed since then, for Loki as in many other ways!) BMH-1T Behemoth BelfryMass: 80.0 tons
Type: BMH-1T Behemoth Tons:
Armor: 300 19.0
Weapons and Ammo:
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