January 19, 3035, diary of Daniel Horgunse, Tyr/Kungsarmee Second Regiment, Training Company Alpha, Recon Lance (how I love to write that)
I'd always wanted to be a Kavallrist, what you call a MechWarrior. I spent all my quarter-Cs on the simulator games when I was growing up. Not the gulping smile-faces, not the lance combat on kangaroos, the games as much like 'Mech piloting as possible. Minnesota Tribe Raid, Star League Divided, Davion for Glory, even the can't-win Hohiro Vanquished, I can tell you
their strategies even today.
As a gawky teener I spent my prentice wages on the training sims while I worked with my dad, who is an Astech at a Tyr secret base, servicing the scrap-heap 'Mechs which were all the Tyr saw for equipment, particularly before the deal with the Lyrans. Say what you can about the Elsies, old Katie treated us decently when it came to equipment. I worked on the'Mechs I
loved and hung out with the pilots. (Well, I went for coffee and listened to their stories.)
Just before the end of the Fourth Succession War, there was a raid on Skokie. My Oncle Fredrik's lance was one of the defending units. They did a classic combined ops canyon maneuver, with hidden infantry, VTOLs, the whole bit. They placed a juicy ambush at the end of a long river canyon. Between them, nine enemy'Mechs were salvaged. One was a Panther which
looked as if it had been through a meat grinder. Ammo explosion took out the left arm and most of the center torso and killed the pilot. I was assigned to work on it. Javla, it was a beautiful machine! I had to rebuild the arm actuators almost completely . It is
possible to take the central socket from the left hand actuator of a Clint and do a lot of reshaping on it and make it fit a Panther!
I've proved it. It only takes two months of night work! I put in a lot of night work, and most of my paychecks. I kept my simulator training up, so my dating was limited to women who liked picnics - or holding wrenches. It took me over a year to fix Sluggo up. He'd taken a lot of damage. I got into the habit of talking to him during the long nights testing myomers - even
with the Thornhill MAS, you can't rush a myomer analysis! When
he was done, I gave him a coat of blue paint with yellow trim to
hide all that blood red - and felt a little lost.
Then the Major called me in. He asked if I'd transfer to
one of the training units. I'd seen the posters in the 'Mech bays
saying how desperately they needed Techs. Dad's training took
over. I volunteered. Then the Major told me three things more:
1) I would be training under a Lyran captain. It was
part of a supersecret deal where both the Dracos and the Elsies
were sending officers to train our troops. He had to explain this
one twice; I'd had my head in a 'Mech and hadn't been following
2) The others training with me would all have the
battlefield training I lacked. I'd have to work like crazy to be even
adequate. But he thought I was sufficiently motivated to
succeed. (Huh? I had my Astech credential now; I was no
Robertson, but I could pull my weight.)
The shock of joy this gave me hit as hard as a battle wound. I
almost passed out. I don't know what I said to him. I only knew I
had to tell Sluggo.
There seemed to be a lot of people around the 'Mech
bay as I made my way to the back hanger. Suddenly I saw
Sluggo had a blue ribbon on him. And a label with D. Horgunse
written on it.
Then I did pass out.
If you ever get everything you've wanted for years on a
single day, maybe you'll do better at it than I did. I hope someday
you get the chance, OK? Ja, I wore a grin like a vidshow country
boy for a week. Then I said goodbye to everyone I'd ever known
and Sluggo and I shipped out. Fierce joy and terminal
homesickness clashed in my belly. Dad had given me a letter
so he didn't have to say it all face to face.
When you feel inadequate - and you will - remember
that you're twice the Tech any of them will ever be! he told
me. If I hadn't been studying so hard that whole trip, I'd have
wanted to cry.
February 19, 3035
Our lance commander is the Lyran, Elizabeth Rychek.
She's short, which is an advantage in a cockpit. I'm 6'1" myself;
after one of her long night watches is over, I've got kinks in
places I didn't know I owned. She's soft spoken; it took me an
expensive week to learn that orders are orders even when
they're not barked. She's even polite to us ... but relentless. We
train till we drop. Red Alert power-up drill. Run-and-Fire obstacle
courses. Jump-and-Fire obstacle courses. Hide-and-Fire
obstacle courses. Cliff climbing with lobster claws. Asteroid
fighting, with the non-jump capable 'Mechs tending to lose
contact with the ground and drifting away. Understudying the
Astechs so we know maintenance (the only place I do well).
Never mind if you've been a'Mech pilot for most of your life. Back
to basics; unlearn bad habits (I'm OK here, too. I have nothing
much to unlearn). Start over and this time DO IT RIGHT (that's
the hard part).
Hiro's worse. That's the only consolation.
Takashi Hiro is the Kuritan commander of the Fire
Lance. He's also the Company Commander. You should hear
the Fire Lance groan back in barracks. Laura Micheaux waving
her hands around begging somebody to kill her and put her out
of her pain. Sven just grunts and carves up some inoffensive
piece of firewood. Well, he's senior Kadett, he has to set a good
example. Our lance, Kimi and David and me, try to convince them
that our training is a piece of cake; we're waltzing right through it.
Her Catapult, his Trebuchet, my Sluggo; they're all such sweet
'Mechs that Rychek can't help loving us. The Fire Lance doesn't
buy it. Silverton said some particularly pointed things yesterday
when I got KP.
March 23, 3035
Sven's got us all out chopping firewood again.
Punishment detail. I asked if anybody knew why. We weren't
great today, but we didn't really mess up the way we used to.
Appaarently some reporter interviewed Sven, Rychek, and
Commander Hiro. All together. According to Kimi, who was on
office duty and overheard, Sven did his best wooden Kadett
imitation and Rychek and Hiro sniped at each other. They're
always correct; each owes it to basic self-esteem to keep one up
on the other in courtesy. But staff conferences are so icy you
could skate on it.
April 17,3035
I passed my pilot certification. Rychek bought me a beer
in town. She's actually kind of human off duty. Sven led the
initiation last night. It was worse than the Astech certification
party. Somehow or other it seemed logical last night to show
them how the Astechs made me climb the mech I was working
on. There I was, climbing Sluggo without using the access code
to get stairs. I had a rope around his left shoulder; I was
dangling about mid torso when I noticed the vocal
encouragement from below had slacked off. I looked down, and
there was Hiro, waving to me to descend. I let myself down so
fast I took skin off of my hands. He asked for an explanation. It
seemed to take a long time to tell. Sven was standing beside
me. He asked permission to speak. He told Hiro the whole
story, how I'd been a tech for so long, that I'd never thought I'd
get a chance to be a mechwarrior, that he thought I'd worked
hard and I'd finally got my certification, against some rather
heavy odds. He even said he'd take full responsibility. Hiro
looked us up and down. There was a long silence.
"Can you make it to the top, Horgunse?" he asked finally.
"Yes, Sir, I can."
"Prove it. If you make it to the head of your 'Mech," he
paused, "then this never happened."
If you think they cheered me on before, you should have
heard them this time. Yes, I made it, even more stylishly than
the time before.
Oh, my head hurts!
May 16, 3035
Basic retraining done at last! We got a speech from
Hiro, and both officers agreed to give us a week's leave. We
went out on the town to celebrate. There's the base tavern, the
PX, the alehous in town, the smorgasbord shop -- we hit all the
fleshpots. Wow.
We were supposed to get leave in Ymir, ninety klicks
away, but there's some kind of emergency; we have to stay
close to base and keep our whereabouts known at all times.
That puts a crimp in your lovelife! I have a week with no duty and
a date with Lorette Swenson for tomorrow. So life could be
May 17, 3035
Life is worse. We've got incoming DropShips
surrounding Jotunheim. Our air wing's gone already. We get to
march upcountry. Lorette was understanding. That's nice.
Somehow the town's home brew seems more enticing than it
did yesterday. And the barracks never looked so snug. Bag
packed, ready to leave. I've checked Sluggo over for luck.
May 19, 3035 battle recorder
Why does this place seem so familiar? It 's one of
Skandia's rifts, broken sharply by glaciers, further carved by a
roaring river; not deep but very swift. The rock walls reach= out
of sight, broken by strata of rubble, in crumbly layers.
The Recon Lance under Rychek are advancing in a
modified leapfrog, sticking to cover. Kimi can't pilot her Catapult
as well as Hiro (gosh, he's good!) but she did a good camo job
on her 'Mech; wherever she sets down, she blends. I'm still in
blue and yellow. I loved my proud paint job once. Now I wish I'd
stuck to mud! David ... David's Trebuchet seems to flow through
the terrain effortlessly. He's seen combat before, of course.
"Bird One to Bird Lance," crackls my radio, "I/R caught a
possible at the end of the valley. Hard to identify."
"Bird Two to Bird One," Kimi interrupts, "Positive I/R
readings. Some are 'Mech sized; some too small."
"Bird One to Bird Two, try to get a count."
"Bird Two to Bird One, three or four 'Mech size, a lot of
something else."
I knew suddenly why this place looked familiar. Oncle
Fredrik's canyon!
"Bird Four to Bird One", I say.
"Come in, Bird Four," Rychek's voice. I hope I know
what I'm talking about.
"Could it..." my voice could have been steadier, "could it
be combined arms? Mechs and scout vehicles or hovertanks?"
"Bird One to Bird Lance. Possible mixed force ahead.
Look out for 'Mechs, vehicle, VTOLs, infantry, whatever. Think
360 degrees, guys. But don't shoot your own!" On the private
link, "Not bad for a wrench jockey, Horgunse!"
"Bird One to Dragon Leader. Possible hostile force.
Heat signatures indicate mixed forces. Hovertanks, maybe."
"Bird Two to Bird One. MAD confirms. Heavys and
Hovers. Maybe more!"
"Bird One to Dragon Leader. Seems we've got trouble
here. Can you help?"
"Dragon Leader to Bird One. Affirmative. Hold position;
we'll close up with you."
The simulators don't tell you what it's like to wait to be
fired upon. We keep our radio transmissions to a minimum,
things like "Forty klicks - two Condors, 10 o'clock!" "Two more,
thirty five klicks, separating!"
Now I see them, four heavy hovertanks coming in from
10 to 2 o'clock, zigzagging so it'd make you dizzy.
"Bird One from Bird Two, the air is full of heat
signatures. Something there besides..."
"Bird Two and Three, this is Bird One. Get lost, I repeat,
get lost! Bird Four, they're going to peel and fire. Try to pick 'em
off as they start their turns."
Somewhere ahead of us Kimi and David are going to
ground. I'm trying to do the jump-and-fire sequence Rychek
drilled us in. If you jump, they miss you. Zing, it worked that time.
The second shot went by me too.
"Bird Four, fire when you jump!" Expletives
deleted from battle recording.
I jump and fired my PPC. Naturally I missed. Rychek
hits one; an armor shot, I think. Two more jumps till I was in the
From the Fire Lance I hear, "Dragon Two to Dragon
Leader, 'ware infantry!" Sven' s voice. The Fire Lance had caught
up to us - but the hostile infantry had gotten past us and was
attacking them! The Condors had masked the infantry advance. I
wonder uneasily how many there were of the infantry.
Wondering, I missed my evasive jump.
Sluggo rocked wildly; I'd taken a hit on the right arm. I
compensate frantically to stay upright. I see Rychek turn,
sight, and fire in one smooth motion. Her autocannon five
blasted, right down his exhaust! A bloom of fire. One Condor
"Dragon Two from Dragon Leader, one of my right
side jump jets is hit. Attempting controlled landing. Stay
clear." He must have made it because the next command
was "Dragon Two, I'll take the right side clearance." The hiss
of laser fire, and Sven's "Got my avalanche started, Dragon
Leader. Looks like you did too. They're history!"
We're switching frequencies, preprogrammed, of
course. Over our latest channel we get a voice from the
enemy, a command and answer in Japanese. "Hiro Okama,
right flanking!" "Hai, Chu-i!" The next thing I knew, our
Captain Hiro's Catapult is rocking past me, unstable in the air,
with one jump jet belching smoke. Laura's Phoenix Hawk is
following, not too close. Why get eliminated by your own side?
Why take to the air at such an appalling risk? The cadet that
tried that would be washed out in a minute! But Hiro isn't a
cadet; he is a pilot with skill that'd make you weep with envy.
He's proving it, too. He makes a safe landing in front of an
enemy Rifleman, shouting something as he landed. Laura is
shouting too as she follows "Don't do that! Don't do that!
Don't.." she makes a safe landing, far in advance of us.
Rychek's got a Condor smoking; I didn't seethe hit.
Imiss Again. So do the three Condors. Davidson's Vindicator
and Silverton's Archer are arriving on the scene behind Sven.
Sven's Archer just stands there, firing long range missiles at
the oncoming heavy 'Mechs. The range was extreme, but one
of them returns fire. There are bursts all around us. "Himmel!"
I heard Rychek "Cadets! Don't fire on us, blast your eyes!"
"Dragon Three, this is Dragon Leader. Break off, this
one is mine!" Laura's Phoenix Hawk turns away from the
Rifleman to fire on the advancing Warhammer. A Shadow
Hawk rises in the air, advancing on Hiro's Catapult, two on
Rychek snaps, "It's up to you, Bird Four!"
"What?" I say stupidly. She jets
up to challenge the other Shadow Hawk. I
jump and fire, reflexively. Nobody could
be more surprised than I am as I hit the
damaged Condor square in the hover
fans, and watch him spiral out of control.
Davidson's PPC and lasers fire from
beside me, blasting armor off one of the
two remaining Condors.
Sven and Silverton run on by me to where Laura's Phoenix Hawk is
holding off the Warhammer and a Crusader. She's staying mobile, not trying
to fire much, just harrassing them and waiting
for help. Just as they close, the Warhammer finally passes
Kimi and David in their concealed position. They fire all they
have, straight into its poorly armored back. David fires once
and ducks down. Kimi stands to fire a second time. This time,
two of her lasers hit, but the Crusader hits her. It's one of
those flukes, a perfect cockpit shot.
I hear Davidson's Vindicator fire again, PPC and both
lasers. He misses with everything. I hit with my SRM four pack
as the second Condor is coming in. The first Condor hits the
Vindicator; some torso armor scaled away. The second
Condor has taken out both my right leg jump jets. Fair trade;
it's a cloud of smoke now.
Rychek hits the Shadow Hawk. It hits her. Both torso
hits, no major damage. The Rifleman hits Hiro's right leg. He
hits it in the left arm.
Our Archers target in on the Crusader. Kimi's 'Mech
sways and falls. She seems to make no attempts to keep it
upright. There's a gaping hole in the head. Sven hit with two
mediums (he was too close now for the LRMs). Silverton
misses, stepping in the river, sawing the air wildly with his
arms, falling prone. Sven runs to draw fire away from him.
Laura scores a hit on the Warhammer with her
machine guns and large laser. I think she'd aimed for the head
and got the torso, but it's a hit! (She's even worse at gunnery
than I am.)
Davidson's VIndicator braces itself beside me and
fires everything at the remaining Condor. His LRMs hit it at the
far point of its turn, and it drives straight into his PPC fire. No
more Condors! He runs toward the battle. I limp after him,
noticing for the first time that my left leg actuator has been
damaged. Davidson is running, firing, running, firing, running ...
It is an impressive display of firepower. It was also stupid. He shuts down.
Davidson is OK; the volume of his monologue makes
that clear. I limp right by him. If I can just get a shot in... but the
other combatants surge back and forth; the air is full of heat and
smoke. I can't get a clear target.
Sven arrives to help Laura with the Warhammer. David
got another brace of LRMs in, this time to its right arm. Its PPC
is useless; cherry red on the sensors. Silverton pries himself up
from the river bed. The Crusader fires its LRMs at the
approaching Sven, hitting him in the left leg, then missing with
its SRMs at David. Kimi's 'Mech lies still; I know she is gone. I
see David bending over her. The Shadow Hawks continue to
pound on each other; I really can't keep track of them.
Hiro takes a bad hit. His Catapult keeps half its LRM
ammo in the left torso; all was unfired. The ammo explodes.
The force of the explosion spreads downward and sideways.
The remaining ammo in the right torso blows. There is an
appalling screeching of metal, audible even over the bass
rumbling that followed the explosions. Both of his legs have
been blown off! I limp faster, sure that nothing I could do will get
me there on time. The Rifleman takes deliberate aim at the
immobile Hiro. Sven can't see him; Silverton is in the river...
Rychek's Shadow Hawk zooms past the Rifleman, firing
as it comes. Her autocannon flashes along his torso without
noticable effect. The enemy Shadow Hawk follows her closely.
Too closely; its medium laser fires, fusing her right arm actuator.
Too closely; as it follows Rychek, its leg hits the Rifleman with
all the force of its motion. The Shadow Hawk's leg crumples; it
rebounds from the Rifleman and falls to the ground. Large dents
appear in the Rifleman's center torso. It sways heavily, but
keeps its feet.
Silverton runs toward the Catapult as Davidson moves
past me. Sven is doggedly firing at the Catapult while Laura
buzzes the Warhammer, firing only her machine guns, keeping
her heat down while keeping him distracted. She keeps hitting,
doing fleabite damage each time. He must have hit her again;
armor is peeled back all along her torso now. Sven hist again,
and the Catapult's right leg fell off!
Silverton turns to the Warhammer as Davidson's
Vindicator fires its LRMs into it. The Warhammer lets loose, and
Davidson is unlucky. He takes hits from a PPC, an SRM sixpack,
and two medium lasers. His left arm is hanging; there's
something wrong with his right leg; his right torso looks like
swiss cheese. He has only his PPC now, and the medium laser
in his head. He fires both at point blank range as Silverton's
Archer lets loose with its long range missile packs. I can hear
the shouting on my radio link as everything connects; the PPC
burst finds a hole in the torso armor and smoke starts coming
from inside. When two of the long-range missiles find the same
target, the Warhammer starts to sway.
A gyro hit! The Warhammer fires everything it has left, and
misses, so badly was it swaying. The pilot must be seeing
everything double!
Sven, meanwhile, has picked up the Catapult's leg and
was using it for a club. He was having a grand time, whooping
in Swedish and banging away at it. I think something has gone
wrong with its targeting computer; it can't seem to hit him as he
slowly beats it to scrap.
And David hits with every long range missile he has,
right into the Rifleman's barely-armored back. Some of the
autocannon ammo explodes, the engine blows straight forward,
halfway through the armor of the center torso front. You can hear
the pilot coughing, then swearing as he tries to punch out and
fails. Then, mercifully, the rest of the ammo blows. We couldn't
have gotten him out. Hiro is beginning to make groggy noises
from inside his legless 'Mech. He'd been knocked out and was
only now coming to.
The end is messy. Neither the Warhammer nor the
other Catapult will surrender. We take the Warhammer pilot alive
at last; the Catapult pilot dies when his 'Mech takes a cockpit hit.
Rychek pulls me aside, keying the private channel. "I
didn't want to leave you alone there, Daniel. But when I saw him
take that hit! He'd been screaming about family honor, so I knew
he wouldn't break off ... That Rifleman was a cousin or
something even closer.. But it's not necessary to mention it to
anyone, OK? Well, you did all right--you even hit something.
You're blooded now."
David is our field medic. He does his best for Hiro while
Silverton and Davidson bury Kimi. Her Catapult is in almost
perfect condition. It only lacks its soul - the pilot.
And then we wait.
It is not often that a Mechwarrior saves the life of a
superior. It's more usual the other way around. Rychek has
saved Hiro's life. They were enemies not long ago. It is possible
they will be enemies again. What can he possibly say to her,
"Thanks for the memories?"
The dialogue between them sounds like this: Rychek
gives a crisp status report, motioning to Sven to do the same for
the Fire Lance. She ends by deliberately asking for the
impossible "Permission to salvage, Captain?"
Slowly, Hiro returns, "I regret I must refuse. The troops
have earned their reward, I agree. Have them place salvage
markers - but as many as are fit must continue. The relief of
Jotunheim must not be delayed."
A combined lance under Rychek marches forward while
Davidson and I prepare to salvage what we can. The last
exchange my recorder holds is quite mundane.
"Perhaps we might share a flask of saki when I join you
in Jotunheim?"
And Rychek in the most formal voice of Japanese,
"Honorable Hiro, I look forward to it"
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