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As the result of post-publication playtesting and comments from the public, we've been able to compile a fairly comprehensive listing of corrections in the counters, maps and rules. Thanks to everyone who participated! - D. Bolt The Counters:1) The French Verdun division on Sheet 6 has no yellow in the Unit Type Symbol box on its backside and the place name printed on the counter should be entirely lower-case on both sides. 2) The French Verdun (VERDUN) Fortress Corps command counter should be a 5-3, not a 5-2. 3) There are two markers labeled "French Direct Art. Replace. Accum. x1" - one of these markers should read "French Direct Art. Replace. Accum. x1o." 4) There are two markers labeled "French Direct Art. Replace. Used x1" - one of these markers should read "French Direct Art. Replace. Used x1o." 5) There should be two additional markers labeled "French Spec. Replace. Accum. x10" and "French Spec. Replace. Used x10." Players should use blank French counters to make these two counters. 6) Similarly, there should be two additional markers labeled "German Spec. Replace. Accum. x10" and "German Spec. Replace. Used x10." Players should use blank German counters to make these two counters. 7) The marker labeled "British Replace. Accum. x1" should instead read "British Direct Art. Replace. Accum. x1." 8) The promoted French leader d'Urbal's counter should have an asterisk when commanding the XXXIII Corps. A small touch of white out will do the trick. 9) The German Gemersheirn fortress counter on Sheet 8 is misspelled Genersheim. 10) The 33 Strassbourg reserve infantry division Command Counter reads "33 s r" instead of "33 st r" as it should. 11) The Belgian fort "Antwerp 14" did not print on Sheet 6 (it's the blank green counter!) Use the blank green counter to represent this fort. It has the same values as Antwerp 13. 12) The motorized supply units (those with a "M" MR) are missing their little wheels beneath the Unit Type Symbol. Use a black pen to ink them in. 13) (Correction): Eliminate all references to the Bavarian landwehr division. It does not, in fact, exist. 14) There are two Combat Class counters for the French beaudemolin (b c) cavalry division one with 6 SPs and another with 4 SPs. Discard the 6 SP counter, it is not used in the game. 15) There are two counters for Maud'huy, commander of the XVIII Corps; one with an asterisk after the corps number and one without. Discard the counter without the asterisk, it is not used in the game. 16) Discard the French Frouard fortress counter on Sheet 5. It is not used in the game. 17) The German Dummy units have two distinct shades of gray on the front side of the counters -- this has no effect on play. The Maps1) On the map, some of the Major City areas or hexes in orange lack their black overprint. These include W1109 (Antwerp) and W:2030 (Calais) for example. A fine black pen can correct this problem easily. 2) The town of Ciney in hex W2401 is not really there, it's correctly printed in adjacent hex E2533 on the East Map. A light touch of white out can correct this one easily. 3) Hex W3201/E3234 is indeed a rough/ woods hex. 4) Nieuport should be in hex 1522. 5) The rail line running from E1830 (Liege) to E1525 (Aix-La-Chapelle) is a double-gauge line; this includes E1831, E1830, E1829, E1728, E1727, E1627, E1526. Note that while there are two double rail lines running from Liege to the west, there will normally be more than one army tracing supply over either one of these lines (see Standard Rule 7.22E). 6) There are six hexes on the Eastern map where the rail line appears not to connected, but there is a continuous rail line running through the hex. These hexes are: 1323, 1325, 1332, 2508,4100,5103. The Charts:1) The Game Turn Reminders Chart should list the release of the German Ersatz formations as Game Turn Two, not Game Turn Three (See Exclusive Rule 11.57). 2) The corps tracks on the Strategic Charts should be labeled "Corps-sized Strategic Formatiow" - not "Corps-sized Strategic Formations". 3) The corps tracks on the Army Charts and Army Detachment Charts should be labeled "Corps-sized Army Formation:" - not "Corpssized Army Formations". The Standard Rules:Introduction (Correction): Fractions are retained in combat. The introductory line about fractions always being rounded down is then specifically overridden later in the rules in several situations. 2.81 (Clarification): The rules that Standard Rule 2.81 refers to regarding "cross attachments" of Army or Supreme Command units are Exclusive Rules 11.81 and 12.91 in HBTLF. 3.13D (Clarification): Army Formation counters which have to be displayed on the Independent Formations Track do count against the maximum number of independent formations that can be attached to an army. 3.31 (Clarification) A corps formation is still considered to be "one formation" for game purposes. The example in Rule 3.14C indicates this and that is one of the principal reasons to stack with a Corps HQ. 3.31C (Clarification): Fortress Class units do not count towards stacking limits. 3.45 (Clarification): The presence of friendly units in a hex does not negate the ZOC-related MP costs of friendly units moving in, through or out of the hex. There is always the cost of moving into an enemy ZOC, regardless of the presence of friendly units. 7.14 (Clarification) Throughout the Death of Empires rules, if a commander is not given a M, by the GHQ on his side, that leader will revert to the MO printed on his counter. Strategic Formations without leaders which are not given a M, adopt the Hold MO. The Supreme Command( must provide Mission Orders to Strategic Formations if a player does not wish for the leader of that Strategic Formation to revert to the printed-on-the-counter MO preference of the leader. Example: The GHQ must give King Albert a MO if it does not want the Belgian army con mander to revert to his MO preference of Retin The Belgian army under the Retire MO retires I any hex of the Antwerp fortress (until Antwerp occupied by the Germans, at which time it treated like any other Allied army). Any leader acting under his own MO preference has a SP marker placed underneath with the loss marker rotated to indicate the number ( impulses that the leader has acted under his own MO preference (See Standard Rule 7.14. B.). 7.15 (Clarification): Units may always conduct reconnaissance and overruns, regardless of the Mission Order that their formation is under. 7.15A (Addition): Units that belong to a formation attached to an army on the Advance MI may not exercise the call-off attack option (10.53B). Such units are allowed to use th Probe Option (10.53A). They also may choose to withdraw to fulfill a loss. (Note: Without these last two options, attrition goes very rapidly in favor of the Germans). 7.15A (Clarification): If an unit in an Army with an Advance MO has the choice to infiltrate from ZOC to ZOC (of the same units) but cannot then place two attack markers, the choice to advance or attack is the attacker's to make. 7.15A (Addition): The exception that applies to Standard Rule 7.15B should also apply to Stanard Rule 7.15A. 7.15B (Clarification) Main Depot, Supply unit and Army HQ units may move freely in both Advance and Retire MO in order to keep their formations in supply and command control. These units only have to move their full movement allowance when their parent formation is under Retire Mission Order. 7.23H (Clarification): If a Corps is out of CCF and its divisions are within its CCR, they all lose 1 ML, not just the Corps Command counter. The Corps being out of CCR throws all its attached formations out of CCR as well. 8.13 (Clarification): Detachments and subordinate units are created from and disbanded into their parent units and HQs at any time during the Concealment Segment of the Movement Phase (and not the Counter- Movement). Also out of supply/out of CCR detachments do effect their parent formation in terms of ML loss and all other effects, 8.22A (Clarification): Units in Deployed Mode do not have to pay the river hexside MP costs 9.4 (Clarification): All withdrawing units are simply picked from the map. There is no cost in Rail Points to remove them. This clarification applies to both sides and all withdrawals. 9.5 (Clarification): The German North Army (IX Corps) enters on Game Turn 4 as per "other theater" rules, not on Game Turn 3 per the Scenario Seven reinforcement chart. 10.1 (Clarification): All unpaved (dirt) roads are assumed to cross (i.e. bridge) river hexsides as well. At 5 miles to the hex, the number of bridges crossing the rivers on map are too numerous to show. Designer's Note: The MP penalties for Road mode can sometimes outweigh the advantages. The cost to enter Road mode for a stack containing more than I BE is I MP when entering road mode on an dirt road (Standard Rule 8.23.A). This Road Mode Procedure rule (8.23.A) in the final sentence levies a 1/2 MP per hex MP penalty cost for taking Road mode through hexes occupied by friendly units. So taking Road mode short distances over dirt roads makes sense, but not if done so through multiple hexes occupied by friendly units. Dirt roads, as the Exclusive Rules point out, pretty much went from any hex to any hex in this part of Western Europe in 1914. This rule reflects the congestion and confusion that occurs when one body of troops tries to march through other bodies of troops, some of whom want to occupy the same roads. 10.4 (Omission): Mountain hexes also contain unpaved (dirt) roads which are not printed but an unit must be in Road mode to use them. 11. 5 (Designer's Note): Players interested in using the original Schlieffen Plan as a "what if" scenario should try the following: Leave the Eastern Front Reinforcements on map, give the ersatz divisions to the armies of the right wing (and form an army detachment with them to besiege Paris with the heavy artillery). Do not allow the Sixth or Seventh armies to leave Germany. In fact, pull back the Sixth army deep into Western Germany in response to Plan 17 and draw the French in Loffaine far away from Paris. Take two formations from the Sixth and Fifth armies and give them to the armies of the right wing. Allow the Sixth and Seventh armies to be in Flexible or Hold MOs from the Game Turn One. There's probably more that could be said, but there are some ideas to begin with. 11.51C (Clarification): German reinforcements are able to move by rail (only) during Game Turn One. 11.53 (Reiteration): Remember, this rule mandates that as long as the Germans are operating under the Schlieffien plan (i.e., the "Strategic Plan") the supreme commander must issue the "Advance" MO until the Strategic Plan is abandoned (see Standard Rul3 13.4 and Exclusive Rule 11.55). 11.54 (Clarification): If a German unit (Fourth or Fifth Army on Turn 2) which has to attempt to entrench at the end of its movement phase does not have enough MPs to both move a hex and entrench, is it obliged to entrench. Note that forced marching can always add 1 MP (or more) to formations with an ML above 6 without the possibility of a failed MC (i.e. a formation with an ML of 8 could force march 2 MPs and not run the risk of a failed MC). In a similar manner cavalry units are obliged to entrench as well. 11.61E German Army Artillery (Addition): All army artillery regiments begin every scenario at half-strength. All army artillery regiments which enter the game as reinforcements do so at halfstrength as well. Army artillery regiments may be built up with specialist replacement points. 11.81 (Clarification): This Exclusive Rule is similar to Standard Rule 3.13D but always takes precedence over the Standard Rules. It gives the ability to German Army units (i.e., army artillery and engineer units) to "be treated as if they were part of that" formation when stacked with a Headquarters Class unit of a formation attached to their army. In other words, these units could attack and defend as if they were one formation. The Standard Rules only allow them to stack for free, but not to act is if "they were part of that formation." 11.82 (Clarification): The rule specifically addresses the "mobilization covering troops" that both sides deployed to screen the mobilization of their respective armies. Those units are represented by the fourteen SPs from fourteen divisions in the Sixth and Seventh Armies. These units are described in detail on page 54 under German Unit Locations section for Scenario Seven. This rule would not apply to any detachment with Army Detachment A in Scenario 13.1 - these were not mobilization covering troops, but rather, a force specially formed to assault Liege at the outset of the campaign so the note in Scenario 13.1 stating they do count against stacking limits in the hex is correct. 12.42 (Clarification): This rule prohibits Allied Fortress Formations from every moving more than one hex from all fortress class units bearing the same fortress indicator. This Exclusive Rule supersedes the Standard Rule's Mission Order requirements. Note also that Fortress class units negate the effects of being out of both command control and supply for combat units (up to a corps per fortress unit). An armysized formation could thus Advance or Retire away from a fortress corps stacked with fortress unit(s) and not have that fortress corps suffer the effects of being out of supply or command control. 12.51C (Addition): All German units are released if any are attacked in Germany north of the 5400 hexrow. South of the 5400 hexrow the following applies: The German Seventh Army and any Strategic formations located south of hexrow 5400 are released when the first French unit enters Alsace. 12.51C (Clarification): French reinforcements are able to move by rail (only) during Game Turn One. They are bound by the restrictions on rail transfers between maps (i.e., they may not move by rail between maps when they arrive). Designer's Note: French doctrine provided for the transfer of the Army of the Alps to Eastern France, where it could be recalled to the Italian border if things got dicey again (some of these units did ultimately get moved to the Western map, but not for several weeks after they left the Alps). 12.61 (Clarification): The initial Belgian Army MO situation does allow the Belgian Army to do as it pleases (i.e., may be given MOs normally) until the end of Game Turn Two, at which time all Belgian units (except 4th division) must be within two hexes of Antwerp. The 3rd division can stay in Liege during the Opening Game Turn and Game Turn One, but it must retire to Antwerp by the end of the Game Turn Two as per Exclusive Rule 12.61. Note that the Belgian 4th division has a special rule in this regards (Exclusive Rule 12.61A1). However, note that in game turns 0 and 1 the Belgium Army's units should move towards Antwerp, otherwise the units of the divisions starting in Mons and Ghent cannot reach Antwerp in time, being limited to retire hexsides. Albert does have a Hold MO preference after the retirement to Antwerp for the rest of the game 12.61C: (Omission): The Belgian Army Main Depot traces from Antwerp, or any French supply source. 12.82C (Omission): Allied (French and English) dirigible units have the same capabilities as German Zeppelins in the game. They may be placed on the Strategic Chart in the Dirigible Box, or on map in any city or town. British dirigible units are always flown from the Strategic Chart Dirigible Box, as if in London. French Dirigible units can be flown from the Strategic Chart Dirigible Box if they begin the scenario there, or if a French Dirigible unit flies off the southern map edge with 10 MPs remaining 12.91 (Clarification): This rule allows for French Combat Class Army units to be reassigned from one Army to another this. In addition, the French do not have to wait for the abandonment of their strategic plan to cross attach units between armies as the Germans do (see Rule 11.81). The Scenarios:13.0 (Clarification): Note that several of the Corps, IV R in 1st Army and VII R in 2nd Army do not have Leader counters. As stated in the Standard and Exclusive Rules, leaders represent commanders of exceptional ability (exceptionally good or exceptionally bad). 13.0 (Clarification) When a formation is given in the Scenario Rules as being in the LOC box, then all units of that formation is considered to be in the LOC box. 13.0 (Clarification): Dummy units may be deployed (in fact should be) at the setup of an scenario. Specific dummy units amounts are given in the general scenario information for each scenario. 13.13 (Clarification) The Belgian Army MO is listed as "Hold" The Belgian Army begins the game with this MO and throughout the rest of the game it must be given a MO to avoid the Belgian Army going into Retire (the MO preference printed on King Albert's counter). They pass over a river via a bridge (rail or road) hexside. Note that this has important consequences for the Opening Game Turn as units cannot cross a river hexside from ZOC to ZOC in a 2-day impulse march segment, but may do since the bridge hexside is valid for Deployed Mode. 8.22C (Clarification): Fortress Class units may be overrun. (Note: This is what the Germans tried to do initially at Liege. An overrun in this game system implies an attack directly from march order without much preparation). 8.31 (Clarification): An air unit considered to be on its mission until the end of the immediately following Combat Phase when it returns to base. 8.31A (Reiteration): This rule states that air units may perform a maximum of one operation per impulse. This is true even if the air unit flies during a Counter-movement Phase, returns to base, passes a MRC in the player's ensuing Supply and Command Phase and thus is technically ready to fly again in a 2nd or subsequent Movement Phase. A player must wait until the next impulse. 8.35 (Addition): Air units automatically move with the HQ of the formation they are attached to. In addition, air units should be able to move independently from the headquarters they are attached to, as long as they remain within the Command Control Radius (CCR) of their formation's Headquarters Class unit. the air units were mounted on relatively lightweight structures and hauled around by fairly good horses. In that sense, they should be allowed to move by land with a mobility rating of "H." Moving by land would avoid the potential for a failed MRC which occurs after an air transfer operation (Standard Rule 8.34). 9.11 (Clarification): Players are allowed to recover MLs in the Counter-march Segment but not when force marching. Rule 9.12.A states "units force marching may not expend MPs for Morale Recovery." 10.1 (Clarification): Combat Markers should point through one of the three frontal hexsides of a unit, or stack of units. When resolving combats, the attacker must designate a hex at the moment of combat: it must be any enemy hex adjacent to a frontal hexside. It is possible for a unit to attack through an hexside in the initial segment and then through another hexside in the final segment but these must all be frontal hexsides. Also any unused combat markers are flipped, or removed, at the end of each Combat Segment. 10.11 (Clarification): An unit with an intensive combat marker has it flipped over automatically if the unit cannot attack in the first combat segment because of its target being barrage attacked from a different hex 10.43B (Clarification): The attacker only announces his choice of LR first in a Barrage Attack, with Fire Attacks and Morale Checks the defender announces the first LR, the attacker then announces the second defender LR, the attacker announces the third LR, the attacker the fourth LR and so on. 10.5 (Clarification): If a formation is adjacent to two hexes containing enemy units, the Artillery Class units in the formation can Barrage Attack one of the hexes, while the rest of the Combat Class units Fire Attack the other in the same Combat Segment (assuming no other units attack either hex.) Designer's Note: The prohibition on Barrage Attacking and Fire Attacking the same hex in the same combat period reflects the poor state of artillery coordination in 1914. 10.51 (Clarification): Heavy Artillery Organic Combat Units participate in Fire combat like any other Heavy Artillery unit. However, all heavy artillery can only participate in Fire Combat at half strength, and then only if an AP is expended. 10.52C1 (Clarification): If in a Fire Attack, one formation attacks across a river hexside, while another does not, the odds column is still shifted one to the left. 10.52C7 (Clarification): If the basic odds of an attack are beyond the left column of the fire chart (8-1), column shifts are first applied, and then the appropriate column selected. For example, a 12-1 attack with 5 column shifts left would be resolved on the 7-1 column. 10.53 (Clarification): If a Barrage Attack clears a hex of defenders, the attackers can only enter by exercising the pursuit combat option during the ensuing Fire Attack step. If a Fire Attack clears a hex of defenders, then the attackers can exercise the pursuit combat option immediately. 10.53C (Clarification): Players may make cavalry charges against enemy Fortress Class units in clear terrain, even if there are enemy Combat Class units stacked in the same hex, but why someone would want to do so ? 10.53D (Clarification): Combat markers are flipped/removed after Pursuit, at the end of the Combat Segment. 13.21 (Clarification) The FCRT hexside modifier (Flank or Rear) is never used when attacking Fortress Class units (by design, they have all around facing). 13.22 (Clarification): If an attack against a fortress unit in the same hex fails, the friendly attacking units can remain stacked in enemy fortress hex if there are no enemy non-fortress units in the hex as well. 13.22A (Clarification): It is not compulsory to put an intensive combat marker on top of units entering an enemy fortress class hex. A regular combat marker could be placed instead of an intensive combat marker, but some sort of combat marker must be placed on a friendly unit entering an enemy fortress unit's hex. The "Combat Marker Removal as a Result of Combat" is allowed in this case. 13.22A Clarification: Fortress Class units canno be Fire Attacked from adjacent hexes. They may be Barrage Attacked from adjacent hexes of course. When conducting a Fire Attack on an enemy Fortress Class unit with friendly units in both the same and adjacent hexes, only the adjacent Artillery Class units may do so. Combat Class units must be stacked with the enemy Fortress Class units in order to participate. 13.2313 (Clarification) Fortress Class units have both a BF and a MGF; they may use both where defending against fire attacks. You add botlfactors together when defending against Fire Attacks. The BFs are multiplied by the Fortress unit's SPs just as is the MGF. Remember that BFs are halved because of being Heavy Artillery, but not if the attacker occupies the same hex as the fortress unit. Then the MGFs and BFs are totaled together when calculating the defense of a hex occupied by a fortress unit. As a general rule, whenever different types of combat modifiers are involved in a combat, the combination most disadvantageous to the attacker should be used. If a combination of friendly adjacent units and units stacked with an enemy Fortress Class unit attack the fortress, the combination most disadvantageous to the attacker would be the BF at full strength and the MGF afull strength. Example: The Fire Value of a Liege fortress unit if attacked by enemy units in both the same hex and adjacent hexes would be 42 (6 SPs x 5 BF,4 + 6 SPs x 2 MGFs). Designer's Note: It is interesting to note that the above procedure replicates exactly what happened to the initial German assault on Liege the 3rd Belgian division had withdrawn (from the hex so to speak) so the German infantry enter the hex and conducted a Fire Attack. The Belgian fortress units withstood the initial assault alone -- the losses suffered by the German infantry were a portent of things to come. 13.23A (Clarification): Heavy or Super Heavy BFs are halved when firing at 2 hex range, when exclusively firing at Fortress Class units for purposes of determining the BCRT columr to be used and they are halved for purposes ocomparing the Caliber Factor (CF) to the Bar. rage Factor. This is not the case, however when halving BFs due to weather - the BFs remain whole for purposes of comparing the CF tc the BFs (only) when modifying Barrage Attack, due to weather. The Exclusive Rules:7.51 and the Off-Map Rail Movement Cos Summary Chart (Correction): All costs are giver in terms of hexes (not MPs). Designer's Note: HBTLF non-rail out of map movement is far more rapid than rail movement This is not a mistake. The road net runs fairly close to the map edge whereas the rail net goes out for quite a way before connecting back or map. The off-map rail movement rate is simply a calculation of the off-map rail line's length. Most of France's rail net in 1914 is on- map. 13.15 (Correction): In the discussion under German Army Detachment A , use 2 SP artillery detachments "ao" through "at", not infantry detachments "ai" through "an". As indicated in the scenario rules:
detachments b and p are from the 7th division, detachments c and q are from the 14th division, detachments d and r are from the 17th division, detachments e and s are from the 19th division, detachments f and t are from the 22nd division. The morale levels of the detachments a-f and o-t are those of their parent formations. 13.15 (Clarification): Belgian artillery units begin the game with 1 SP (only). The other SP must come from French artillery replacements being given to the Belgians (see Excl. Rule 21.66). 13.15 (Correction) With regard to the Belgian forts around Liege and Namur, the stated setups are incorrect. The Belgian Fortress Units should form a ring around Liege and Namur with those cities in the center of the ring as follows:
Liege N: E:1730 Liege NE: E: 1830 Liege SE: E: 1930 Liege S: E: 1931 Liege SW: E: 1832 Namur NW: W:2204 NamurN: W:2203 Namur NE: W:2302 Namur SE: W:2403 Namur S: W:2404 Namur SIN W:2304 Designer's Note: If anyone is wondering in light of the correction above, the configuration of the fortresses around Nancy is as it should be with hex E4919 left open. This is intentional. Historically, there was not a full circle of fortresses around Nancy. There was a fort in 5019 astride the rail line leading from Nancy (Fort Vincent). 13.15 (Omission): No setup is given for the Belgian fortress at Huy, it should be E:2132. 13.15 (Clarification): The bicycle units of the 1st Belgian cavalry division are set up at the beginning of the game. The bicycle battalion begins the game, the armored car battalion is a Game Turn 3 Reinforcement. Scenarios that include Game Turn 3 will list it appropriately. 13.15 (Clarification): The Antwerp balloon counter sets up anywhere within the Antwerp Fortress complex. It may not move further than two hexes from Antwerp. 13.15 (Correction): The Belgian heavy artillery brigades set up less 7A resulting in 1SP, not less 8A. Exclusive rule 12.66 goes into detail about the Belgian heavy artillery. 13.15 (Correction): In German Army Detachment A, set up the 19 infantry division's artillery with less 2A, not less 4A. 13.15 (Clarification): Heavy artillery units of the German 2nd Army may not be stacked with the VII Corps at the start of the opening turn. They are not released together with VII Corps at the second impulse of the Opening Game Turn. They are released when the rest of the 2nd Army is released. 13.15 (Correction): The numbering of the Zeppelin units in Scenario 1 should be Z5 and Z8, not ZS and Z9. 13.15 (Clarification) German Army Det A units do count against stacking. They are not OHL units as they would have the identifier "OHL" printed at the top of their counters if they were. German Army Detachment A units stack normally, see the instructions under "German Army Detachment A" on page 24. 13.15 (Correction) The First Army Headquarters unit setup hex should be listed as 1425. 13.15 Correction: The Main Depot for Army Detachment A should set up. in hex 1721 and the army supply unit should set up in hex 1824 (not 1822). 13.15 (Clarification) The IX Corps is attached to the First Army. The VI I Corps is attached to the Second Army. Both these formations can move into Belgium and still be within CCR. Remember that the infantry brigades and artillery regiments of a corps need to remain within the CCR of the corps headquarters. The corps headquarters can, in turn, be within range of the army headquarters (see Standard Rule 7.23A -- The lowest level CCR). This allows the VII Corps and the IX Corps, when released, to move adjacent to the Liege forts and begin assaulting them. 13.15 (Clarification): When German Army Detachment A expends an AP, all formations attached to that Army Detachment with command counters on the Independent Formations Command Track of that Army Detachment's Chart can use the full strength Barrage Factors of any artillery unit in the current combat segment (only). The detachments with Army Detachment A are similarly effected. Note that there are potentially four combat segments per impulse that a unit could participate in (the initial and final combat segments in both mutual combat phases). Thus, the expenditure of an AP in the first three combat segments of an impulse would leave Army Detachment A without an AP in the final combat segment of the second combat phase in an impulse. What's more, if this happened in a situation where the Allied player had the initiative in the next impulse, the German player might have to go through another combat segment before a friendly Supply and Command Segment would come around again to allow the replenishing of APs. Now admittedly, this won't really be a problem for Army Det. A in besieging Liege, but it might be if the Belgian player retained the division garrisoning Liege for a local counter-attack or two. 13.23 (Correction): The setup instructions for the Third Army's Depot should state it's status is Minimum (the Main Depot Unit is located in a single rail line, and traces supply through several single rail line hexes) 13.25/13.75 (Clarification): The French XVIII Corps begins the war with the 2nd Army. It was transferred to the 5th Army early in the campaign. That is why it is already with the 5th Army on Game Turn Two in the Scenario Two. The setup information in Scenario Seven on the XVIII Corps is correct. 13.35 (Correction): German Unit Locations: for the German railroad engineer units make the following hex number changes: E:3825 should be E:3824. W:3827 should be E: 3724. W:3721 should be E:3425. 13.35 (Omission): The German 4th Army artillery unit should be set it up in any Corps HHB of the 4th Army in the same manner as the army air squadron and the army engineer unit. 13.35 (Clarification): The French 54R division starts out of command in hex E4024 intentionally. (This division performed poorly in this battle). 13.35 (Correction): The French Army Detachment B should have the Army Detachment B Main Depot unit in hex EA228 (and not the Third Army Main Depot). 13.36 (Correction): Game Turn Two, French Withdrawals: Delete the reference to the withdrawal of the 63rd reserve infantry division. 13.42 (Clarification): Both players begin scenario 4 without RPs. The scenario begins at the last impulse of a turn, the players do not get RPs for this turn. 13.65 (Correction): The German 7th cavalry (7c) division (Sixth Army) should be in 4118, not 4418. 13.73/13.75 (Omission): The French 2 col bde should be set up anywhere with a unit of the French 1 st Army at the start of Scenario 7. 13.74 (Correction): On page 58, the Turn Three German Reinforcements indicating the I LW Corps should read the 11 LW Corps instead. 13.75 (Correction): The Bavarian ersatz division should be set up in hex E5014. 13.75 (Correction): Both the IV Reserve Corps and the 67th reserve division setup in hex WA703 (not EA703) in Scenario 7. 13.75 (Correction): In the German 6th and 7th army set-up notes, the German ersatz divisions have artillery regiments with 2 Strength Points (SP) and a Barrage Factor of 3. These artillery units should start as cadres with 0 SPs. If the German player(s) wants to use the limited artillery replacements to build up these artillery units (as opposed to replacing losses in nonersatz units), then he is free to do so. The I Ersatz corps artillery also enters the game as a reinforcement at cadre strength. 13.76 (Correction): As above, the IE Corps artillery enters at cadre strength too. Back to Art of War Issue #29 Table of Contents Back to Art of War List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Clash of Arms Games. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |