by MJ Bowen
Reply by Kevin Zucker
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I enclose rather a lot of questions and comments on your 1807 game which I hope you can consider and reply in due course. Could I also thank you and Mr. Zucker for producing the game, which I have been looking forward to for ages. It was well worth the wait. The questions are a bit pedantic in places, but I would like the answers so I can get the most out of the game. Thank you again. MJ Bowen To avoid the Q&A format, Mr. Bowen's queries have been rephrased as positive statements. Every effort has been made to address these questions and they are mostly reprinted here to save our readers the trouble of asking them and to give a model for further interpretation. The questions here are a challenge to the historical accuracy of the design, and I think it's marvelous how many gamers appreciate the historical aspect. But for a game, unlike a book, there has to be alimit of how much historical information can be included. The danger is the design becomes submerged in a jumble of facts. Even if it were possible, I would not wish to pin down every possible point of interpretation, because too much of this can burden the players and reduce enjoyment. I prefer to provide a solid framework within a living system open to players' personal interpretation.--KZ Standard RulesElimination of Leaders, p. 5 Optional rule (MJ Bowen): After every battle, roll two dice for each named leader (for army commander roll three dice). If a 12 (Army commander 18) is rolled, the leader is wounded. Roll again to determine recovery time:
2-3: in hospital two fortnights 4-5: in hospital three fortnights 6: does not recover After the number of fortnights, the leader can return to a supply source, counting the current fortnight as one (even if it has one turn left). If a Major personality is killed, adjust the morale track one space against the owning side. If Napoleon is wounded, French morale declines one space. If a leader is lost and he has a portrait on the Organizational Display, promote the best major general in his force to replace him. To account for thelarger staff, increase the replacement leader's command span by 2, but decrease his initiative by 1. If a named Major general is lost or promoted, he is replaced by a generic MG. If a wounded corps leader returns from the hospital, the promoted MG reverts to his original position. Comment (MJ Bowen): It is very rare in the series of games for a leader to be lost, as all troops must be lost as well. In 1807 and other campaigns, many leaders died or were wounded, Bernadotte and Lannes in 1807, St. Hilaire and lannes in 1809. Zones of Control, p. 10 Comment: Despite the anomaly, a small cavalry force of of say 1SP can extend a ZOC against a much larger force. The repulse rule was added to partially redress this situation. According to FN Maude (quuoted in the Study Folder, page 7), "cavalry can only observe, it cannot hold," so perhaps in truth cavalry should have no ZOC. But then, many more pages of rules would be necessary. March Attrition, pg 11 and Etudes Militaire #2, pg. 12 Clarification: If you move a mixed cavalry and infantry force and the cavalry (alon) exceeds its Movement Allowance, it is still an extended march costing 1 AP. Combat, pg 4, step 4 Correction: Subtract 1 from the bombardment roll. Designate the Atacking Force, pg. 13 Optional Rule: If more than one force is adjacent to a defending hex, roll the dice for the leader's initiative at the start of each round of combat. When successful, the Force may combine its strength in the battle resolution. Optional Rule: If several pitched battles are taking place in close proximity, resolve the first round of each battle in any order, then go back to resolve round two in the same order. Comment (MJ Bowen): this rule will allow one battle to affect another. Actually, battles in adjacent hexes would be seen as one big battle. For example, you don't want the Russian in front of Davout to retreat as then the main army would suffer extra losses for retreating through enemy ZOCs. Retreat into Fortified Towns, p. 15 Addition: If their stopping would violate the stacking limit, they must continue their retreat to the next available hex. Pitched Battle, p. 16 In a counter attack against part of a larger attacking force, a separate choice of battle type is not made. Battle type is the same as for the larger force as a whole. Pitched Batle may be chosen depending on the inititative of the commander. Charts and tablesMarch Attrition table, p. 1 Clarification: If you force march 3.5MPs, the die modifier is 4. Terrain Effects, p. 2 Clarification: There is no extra cost to cross a secondary bridge. Comment: Though all bridges are equally narrow, the men and horses can ford the stream and leave the bridge to the accompanying wheeled vehicles. Clarification: Unlike lakes, primary rivers are not treated as secondary rivers during Frost. Comment: The primary rivers have a significant flow, meaning thinner ice. Primary rivers carve for themselves steep and often inaccessible banks, again, unlike the still lake waters. The presence of guns and wagons makes the cost of river crossings higher than they would be for foot soldiers and horses alone. Pursuit Table, p. 4 Cumulative Die Roll Modifications Clarification: The rain and snow modifier is +1 in each case. Clarification: A force of nothing but Guard cavalry would get both theguard and cavalry modifiers. Correction: The notation "(Battle Scenarios Only)" is misplaced and should apply to "Exclusively Cavalry Force." Siege Duration Table, p. 4 Clarification: If a Coalition Force exits towards Thorn, the results of the table is the number of fortnights of inactivation for Warsaw and Thorn. French forces may not trace Dispatch distance to those two supply sources while inactivated. Like exits toward Danzig, the effect on Morale for exits to Thorn are temporary and reversible if the exited force returns to the map. Clarification: If a Coalition Force exited on May 3 and rolled a 1, Thorn would be inactive during Fortnights XI and XIII only. Clarification: If the Siege of Danzig is delayed by 1 fortnight, this would be through June 12-13, with Lannes entering on June 16-17 and Mortier on June 22-23. Administration Point Pool, p 5 fortnight Clarification: Ignore the effects of Mud on LOC during fortnight. Clarification: If the LOC length is not reduced fro crossing rivers,a primary road hex is a primary road hex. (However, dispatch distances are in terms of MPs, therefore bridge costs must be paid). Comment: Traffic on the Lines of Communications is not bunched up like a field formation or even a military convoy seeking its corps. Turn Record TrackCorrection: Savary enters on June 6-7, not June 8-9. Correction: Buxhowden enters at S-6104. Correction: On 30-31 march, delete "Cavalry reserve" etc. [HIO] Counters and LeadersClarification: the Russian Guards should have the elite "flaming grenades." Clarification: You only count the subordination rating on major general counter when that leader is in play. When the corresponing combat unit is on the track of any other leader, count the subordinating rating on the combat unit. Clarification: When cavalry from a mixed unit is in play without infantry strength, place the corresponding infantry counter on the same track in the subordinate space so that the cavalry effectively costs 1 pt. Exclusive RulesCavalry Differential Clarification: The cavalry differentiation rule can be used in battle scenarios or players may prefer the simpler standard rule (-1 modifier only). Clarification: Cavalry differentiation can only be negative to negate a + modifier. Clarification: If Napoleon had 5 cavalry SPs but only Murat pursued with 3 SPs, only those three points should count towards differential. Clarification: In determining non-clear terrain, ignore the hexside terrain. Any terrain other than that occupied by a given cavalry unit does not affect the cavalry unit. Clarification: In no case may a leader have a modified initiative rating higher than its printed initiative. Warsaw Supply Source, p. 6 Reminder: the French player may change his supply source to Warsaw at any time subject to the restrictions of this rule. If he does not change, he may still trace dispatch distance to Warsaw for attrition purposes (not for movement commands), provided the french control the Vistula. Either way will alleviate the impact of Mud on attrition. Outposts (vedettes), p.5 Clarification: The coalition player can trace one outpost per each real force at thestart of the game, including scheduled reinforcement forces (regardlessof whether there are any cavalry SPs in the force). the French player map place one per every two real forces. Aside from te outposts entering with reinforcement forces, no new outposts may be created. Outposts may be placed on leaders subordinate tracks. Optional Rule: Two outpost markers may be purchased for the cost of 1 cavalry SP. However, two outposts cannot be recombined to generate 1 cavalry SP. Clarification:Outposts have no ZOC. You may retreat through a friendly outpost, but an outpost is forced to "flee" by a retreating enemy force. Replacement Counters, p. 7, Nationality Clarification: There are no Polish replacement points. The Bavarian receive points on 11-12 April and the Italians on 7-8 May. French replacement points may be given to these nationalities, but thereafter they may not be transferred back into French units or points. Adminitrative Level Effect on Attrition, p. 7 Clarification: Note that a force may trace dispatch distance to any possible supply source or the center of operations to determine its attrition column, but must trace to the center of operations only in order to receive a Movement Command. Center of Operations Off Map, p. 9 Clarification: If off map, the army may not accumulate APs in the next turn if the center of operations moves from one track or holding box space to another or to/from the map. Transit between Podlasia and Goniondz Addition: Treat forces which advance on the transit track as moving 5 MPs per turn and determine attrition accordingly. No initiaive or movement command is required to move a box. If the center of operations advances on the transit track, it may not give any movement commands in the next turn and all forces trace to the supply cource for purposes of attrition. Return to the Map, p. 9 Clarification: You cannot carry the MP cost of repair over two turns. 5 MPs is the maximum cost for repair for a stationary force. You may not uses extended march or forced march to repair bridges. It is not possible for one force to begin repairing a bridge and then move off and let another finish the repair. because of the sequence of play, you may not repair a secondary bridge and then move over it in thesame phase. Bridge Trains, p. 9 Clarification: the Subordination rating of bridge Trains is 0 and their movement allowance is 5 MPs. they must pay +1 MP to cross other bridges. Clarification: A force may repair a bridge and receive replacements in thesame turn. Comment: Bridge trains were usually left behin in retreats because the teams were given to the artillery. Boats were highly expendable. Foraging, p. 9 Clarification: If you are in dispatch distance of any possible supply source, you can usethe AP line, even if you are in forage mode. You may elect to use the forage line even if you are in dispatch distance. Redoubts, p. 10 Clarification:You do not need a Movement Command or Initiative to build redoubts. Redoubts do count as fortified towns in pursuits. Batteries Forward, p. 10 Clarification: Losses are rounded down: e.g. 3 SPs of losses would cause 1 artillery SP to be lost. Battalion Carre, p. 11 Clarification: Napoleon himslef does not benefit from other leaders' presence. Comment: Perhaps being stacked with Lannes or Davout should make Napoleon a "6" in initiative. Political features, p. 11 Clarification: The Coalition Player may receive a shift if Konigsberg is still in Coalition hands at the end of the game or scenario being played. Clarification: Occupation means last to occupy. The Fortnight, p. 11 Option: [see "semi-active turns" below] Clarification: Sea Transport and Prussian recruitment can occur in any turn ina fortnight as can French transport purchases. Hospital Tracks Clarification: If you have three cavalry losses, two become dismounts and one mounted. Round the numbers transferred to Track 2 downward. Sea Transport, p. 13 Clarification: You do not need a movement command/Initiative to embark/disembark. Danzig: Commentary, p. 13 Clarification: Marshal Michael Kamenskoi, aged 69, was father of General Kamenski of the 5th Division. Kamenskoi wrote to the Tsar, "I am too old for the army. My sight is growing so dim that I can no longer see the name of a single town on a map. My eyes hurt and my head aches. I can hardly sit on a horse." Ordering Bennigsen to take the army back to Russia, Kamenskoi left camp on December 14 and went home. (Troyat, p.98) Kamenski's Relief Force, p. 13 Clarification: The relief force may leave by sea, subject to weather, anytime between March 15 and April 27. Units with both Infantry and Cavalry Components, p. 15 If there is no counter provided for either component, you may create a march regiment to hold any strength specified in the setup for a unit. Related Article Back to Art of War Issue #25 Table of Contents © Copyright 1996 by Clash of Arms Games. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |