by Ed Wimble
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Sequence of Play, 1D Combat Phase: Players may strictly adhere to this sequence or may perform bombardment as attacks are defined. This will help keep track of which units were bombarded for purposes of Combined Arms attacks. Cavalry Charge Terrain Costs (5.3d): (Clarification) If the cavalry Charge results in the charged hex being vacated by the defenders (either by retreat or elimination) all the charging cavalry unit(s) must advance into the hex and deduct from its remaining movement potential the cost of the hex as if it had moved into the hex under normal (non-charging) circumstances. It must pay the full cost for the hex, even if it is currently in road column. It may then continue its movement and make additional charges if it has movement potential to do so. There is no additional cost for charging a hex. Stacking and Road Columns (6.3): (Emphasis) A unit must adhere to the stacking limit for Road Column starting with the moment it employs Road Column and thereafter for the length of the Movement Phase. Note that units expend movement points to enter a hex, not to exit a hex, and therefore; a unit that begins the Movement Phase in a stack could employ Road Column (take advantage of the road/highway movement cost) if the first hex it enters contains a road that is contiguous with the hex it is about to exit and is also empty of friendly or enemy units. Zones of Influence and Retreat After Combat (9.9c): (Clarification) Retreating units may retreat from, into, but not through an enemy Zone of Influence. In other words, a unit can always retreat one hex (assuming it does not retreat across or into prohibited terrain), but if this retreat movement involved a second hex (retreating into and out of the same Zone of Influence projected by the same enemy unit), as with a result of Dr2, it would be required to lose a casualty increment rather than retreat the extra hex. The Off Board Movement Track (10.0): (Change) All Allied cavalry and horse artillery may move two spaces to the left per turn, and not one space, as currently written in the rules. (Of course, they must have been activated and their CAMs on the game board.) French Units and CAMs (17.2): (Change) Disregard this rule. The proximity of French units has no effect on Allied Corps Assembly Markers. First Turn Restrictions (30.0): (Change) 2nd Paragraph, 2nd Sentence: This should read instead. . . "If the result of this die-roll is a one (1) or two (2) that corps may not move unless its units are taken under tactical command by Napoleon (not Grouchy), in which case the units move normally." The Optional Rules: (Clarification) Using the Optional Rules does not require the consensus of all players. If the Prussian Player wishes to use Rule 21.0 Special Prussian Infantry Deployment, or Rule 23.0 Obscured Units, then he may do so, regardless of the wishes of his ally or enemy. Prussian Organization and Scenario Manifest: (Correction) Steinmetz's brigade is given an incorrect starting position for the Campaign Scenario. It should read "Anderlous [3]." There is also some debate as to when Ziethen chose to react to the intelligence his outposts reported at the close of June 14. Therefore, for the opening of the Campaign Scenario it should be the Prussian Player's option to set this piece up in either Flureus or in Charleroi. French Organization and Scenario Manifest: (Correction) Teste's division in the Waterloo/Wavre Scenario does not start on the map, but enters with Pajol on Turn 36. Anglo-Dutch Organization and Scenario Manifest: (Correction) Saxe-Weimar's Brigade begins the Campaign Game in "Genappe" and not in Quatre Bras. Cavalry Charge Table: To the left is the official revised Cavalry Charge Table for L'Armee du Nord, which will appear in all future editions of the game. Cavalry Charge Table
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSQ. Prussian Special Infantry Deployment: What happens to combat modifiers when there are different features in the three hexes the unit is assumed to be occupying? A. If the unit is attacked in only one of these hexes it gets the defense value of only this hex. If it is attacked in more than one of these hexes it gets the weakest benefit that is provided in the hexes in which it is defending. Example: A Prussian infantry unit is deployed in a clear hex, a grand farm hex, and a woods hex, but is attacked in only thc clear hex, receives only the defense benefit of the clear hex. If it is attacked in both the woods hex and the clear hex it would still only receive the defense benefit of the clear hex. Q. Prussian Special Infantry Deployment: When leaving this deployment may the unit consolidate in any of the three hexes? A. Yes, after expending one movement point to do so. Q. Prussian Special Infantry Deployment: If one or more of these hexes are in the Zone of Influence, is the unit subject to all the normal ZoI restrictions? A. It may still "consolidate" but must do so into a hex that is in the ZoI. Q. Prussian Special Infantry Deployment: What if it is in a ZoI that affects two of its three hex deployment? A. In this case it may not "consolidate" into a single hex deployment. Q. Prussian Special Infantry Deployment: What happens if there is an attack result of ExC? It is not allowed to attack, may it counterattack? A. No. This is an exception to the attack results. In this case change the actual result to an Ex*, and roll the attack again after applying casualties. Q. Terrain: Are Terrain modifiers cumulative if a hex has more than one terrain feature within it? A. Yes, for Movement and Combat. Q. Terrain: Must all attacking units be attacking across a given hexside in order for the defender to receive its defense benefit? A. No. These benefits are cumulative. Q. Leaders: What happens to Leaders that are alone in a hex that is subsequently entered by an enemy unit? A. It automatically "flies" to the nearest friendly unit of the same army. Q Retreats: According to Rule 9.9a, a retreating unit only loses a strength point if it cannot retreat to a hex not adjacent to one of the victorious unit. Does this mean that a retreating unit must lose a strength point whenever it moves adjacent to an enemy unit whether or not that unit was involved in the combat that caused its retreat? A. No, the rule should refer to a "victorious attacking unit", i.e. one of the units that it just fought and lost to. Q. Picquets: In the campaign game, if a French unit advances next to a Prussian picquet, is the corresponding parent unit of the picquet also activated even if it is not adjacent to a French unit, i.e. inactive'? A. Yes EXPANSION RULESMarshal Ney Note: This rule may only be used in the 2 or 3 player game (see rule 4.0). Historical Comment: Ney had misgivings about Napoleon's new regime, and grave doubts about the orders he received from him on the 16th, 17th and 18th of June. His conduct seemed to be rash when it would have been better to exercise caution; and he was cautious when boldness would have won the day. The following rule is given to simulate the unpredictability of this Marshal of France. Rule: At the start of each French Command Phase beginning with Turn 13 and onwards, the French player rolls the die to determine the predisposition of the Ney counter for the length of that turn. On a roll of:
3 or 4: Ney may only command in a tactical role 5 or 6: Ney may not put any unit or leaders in command Marshal Grouchy Note: This rule may only be used in the 2 player game (see rule 4.0). Historical Comment: Napoleon surrounded himself with men who had proven both their competence in the field but also their loyalty to his person for this campaign. Unfortunately for Grouchy, loyalty to the Emperor did not also include faith in his judgement by his lieutenants. The new Marshal had to contend with insubordination and disrespect. Rule: Any Army Corps leader that would be put in command by the command span of the Grouchy counter is not automatically in command for that turn, but first must roll a die. On a result of 6 the corps leader refuses the command and must roll his own initiative to move his corps. (Note that this only applies to Army Corps leaders in Grouchy's command span, and not Cavalry Corps leaders.) Combined Arms (Defense): Any defending hex containing infantry, cavalry and artillery units will cause the Attack Results Table odds to shift left one column in their favor. Bombardment Attack Support: Prior to bombarding a hex the attacking player may declare some of his own units to be "in support" of the bombardment attack. To do so the units must be adjacent to the defending unit(s) being bombarded. If the defending unit(s) are eliminated, or the hex is vacated as a result of the bombardment, the designated units that are "in support" may advance into the hex now as if they were advancing after combat. Units declared to be "in support" may not have been part of a previous attack that turn, but may conduct a subsequent attack immediately after advancing. AND MORE OPTIONAL RULES24.0 One or t'Other: In addition to the op- tions presented in the game, the Allied Player may use one of the below:
25.0 New Optional CRT: An optional CRT is presented below. Unlike other optional rules, all players must agree beforehand to use it.
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