By Dave Reynolds and Charlie Spiegel
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This scenario for our Clash of Armor miniatures rules set depicts the U.S. Ist Armored Division's first encounter with the 10th Panzer Division on December lst, 1942. Following the successful Allied landings in Algeria, Combat Command B was raced to Tunisia to join offensive operations there. The Allied command hoped to capture Tunis and in doing so cut the Axis forces in two. Combat Command B was divided among three separate spearheads launched toward Tunis. On November 26th Colonel Water's battalion clashed with elements of the 190th Panzer Battalion in the Chouigui Pass (immediately off the lower left of the game map). Having occupied the area covered by the map below, the Allied forces attempted to move on to Tunis, just over twenty miles away. On November 29th and 30th the Allied launched two understrength and unsuccessful attacks by the Bruss's medium tanks and the 5th Northamptons in an attempt to take the town of Djedeida (located just over one mile to the right of the playing area) and hence clear the path for the march on Tunis. Allied plans to renew the attack on December 2nd, were cut short by an attack. involving elements of the 10th Panzer Division (newly arrived from Italy). The German counterattack aimed at regaining Terourba and clearing the area of Allied units. Set Up (Table Size = 6' x 10'): The map below shows the general location and entrance areas of Allied and German units. The British 6th Battalion and Water's Command may set up any where with the area formed by Chouigui, the olive grove and the hill to the right. Kampfgruppes Ost and Gruber enter on the first German round on the marked areas. Kampfgruppe Neider may set up in the any where within the marked hill so long as the, do not have a line of sight to any units c Blade Force. Optional: The above set up represents the actual historical location of the opposing side Players may want to use their own setups. The Allied 11th Brigade group must deploy on the right side of the playing area, Blade Force on the left (however, the 17/21st Lancers must set up in the area enclosed by the hill and the two roads. The German Kampfgruppe Ost must enter in the marked locations. If 11th Brigad sets up tank or artillery units on Djebel Majana players will have to extend the upper edge of the playing surface another 12" so the Kampfgruppe Ost simply doesn't enter within close range of these units. (Historically the Allies could only spot the German units after they had crossed a mountain ridge located just over 12" off the board.) Kampfgruppes Neider and Gruber may set up anywhere within their combined historical entrance areas. Time Limit: The game begins at 1100 hours and ends at 1800 hours. This is equivalent to 14 initiative cycles. Allied Forces: The 11th Brigade:(Brigadier E.E. Cass) 2nd Tank Battalion, 13th Regiment, CCB:
commander (Lt. Col. H. Bruss) +2(2)
D. Company (3x M3Lee) activation 3
1st Tank Battalion, 13th Regiment, CCB:
commander (Lt. Col. J. Todd) +3(2)
A. Company (3xM3A3 Stuart) activation 4
1st Infantry Battalion, Brit. 78th Div.:
commander +3(5) A. Company (3x Rifle) activation 3
2nd Hampshires Battalion, Brit. 78th Div.:
commander +3(3)
A. Company (3xRifle) activation 4
5th U.S. Field Artillery
Battalion commander +2(2)
A. Battery (four 155mm guns) activation 3
British Artillery
commander +3(2)
A. Battery (six 25pdr guns) activation 3
Blade Force: (Col. Hull) 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Regiment,
CCB commander (Lt. Col. J. Waters)+ 3(4)
A. Company (3x M3A3 Stuarts) activation 4
17/21st Lancers, Brit. 6th Armored
Div.: commander +4 (3)
A. Squadron (3xA15-11 Crusader)
activation 3
6th Infantry Battalion, Brit. 78th Div.:
commander +3(4)
A. Company (3x Rifle) activation 4
5th Northhamptons, Brit. 78th Div.:
commander +3(4)
A. Company (3x Rifle) activation 3
175th Artillery Battalion commander +2(2)
A. Battery (six 25pdr guns) activation 3
Allied Reinforcements: Both Todd's command and the 5th Northamptons begin play off-board. Beginning with the second Allied round, the Allied players must roll a ten sided die for each of these commands. On a roll of 1-3 the formation may enter via the marked road. If German units can fire on this entrance road, the formations may enter between the river and the line of trees just to the right. German Forces:Kampfgruppe Ost: 190th Panzer Battalion: commander
+4(4) 1st Infantry Battalion, 23rd
Regiment: commander +3(5) A. Company (3xRifle) activation 4
2nd Infantry Battalion, 23rd
Regiment: commander +3(6) 34th Artillery
Battalion: commander
+3(4) A. Battery (six 105mm guns) activation 4
Luftwaffe Ground Support:
Flight A. three strikes - activation 4
Note: all airstikes have experience regular; they are assigned to close support with a scramble time of two. Kampfgruppe Neider: 1st Panzer Battalion(-), 10th Panzer Div.:
commander +5(4) A. Company (3xPzIlIm) activation 5
1st Armored Infantry, 10th Panzer Div.:
commander +4 (5)
A. Company (3xPzGren)
activation 4
Kampfgruppe Gruber: 2nd Panzer Battalion(-), 10th Panzer
Div.: commander +4(4) B. Company(2xPzIVf2)*
activation 5
2nd Motorized Infantry, 10th Panzer Div.:
commander +4(4)
A. Company (3xPzGren) activation 4
3rd Artillery Battalion, 10th Panzer
Div. commander +4(3) A. Battery (six 150mm guns) activation 5
Victory Conditions: Historically the German Command wanted to capture or at least isolate Terouba by the end of the first day without incurring great losses to its valuable armored formations. The Allies wanted to hold back the German attack and keep from getting cut off. Each side earns points based on the following: Each formation reduced to shaken level: 1 pt. (2 pts. if one of the three Panzer formations). Each formation eliminated 2 pts. (4 pts. if one of the three Panzer formations) For Germans Only: Cut off Terouba* 3 pts. Capture Terouba 5 pts. For Allies Only: Germans fail to take Chouigui: 3 pts. Germans fail to take Djebel Majana: *This is defined as having at least one unshaken ME close enough to the river so that if allied units can enter or exit the lower board edge without being engaged. Because of the woods-line along the river, German units must get to within 6" of the river. Which ever side has the most victory points wins based on the following scale:
2-4 pts. Marginal victory. 5-7 pts. Victory 8+ pts. Decisive victory Historical Aftermath: It was a tough day for the still largely green Combat Command. The Germans planned to first capture Chougui and destroy any Allied units near there. Or once this attack had started to draw Allied units were the southern force to make a serious assault on Djebel Majana. The two northern pincers succeeded in both capturing Chouigui and overrunning or dispersing most of Blade Force. The 17/21 Lancers tried to join Blade Force but were repulsed by long range fire. Todd's battalion made an aggressive yet unsuccessful foray which took heavy losses. In the early afternoon Bruss's tanks launched a counterattack from the south east. Despite this by the end of the day Allied units near Terouba had been force back to defense immediately surrounding the town. Very effective fire from Allied artillery both in and beyond the battle area prevented the Germans from cutting off the town completely. The enemy's more experienced units and successful tactics had beaten up CCB. Both Bruss and Waters reported at half-strength. CCB had suffered a significant, but not catastrophic defeat. The next day Combat Command B launched a counterattack aimed at relieving Terouba. It included Company E of the 13th Armored regiment (Mayshark) recently arrived from operations elsewhere. After suffering heavy losses the Allied commanders decided to evacuate Terouba and pull back to positions in the Terourba Gap where CCB would again clash with the 10th Panzer Division from Dec. 6-10 again receiving a severe drubbing and learning some very hard lessons. ![]() Back to Art of War Issue #21 Table of Contents Back to Art of War List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1995 by Clash of Arms Games. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |