by Kevin Zucker
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GAME MAP, p. 3 Change: Center map overlaps North, South, map overlaps Center. Clarification: If a hex is only partially woods, marsh etc., it is still considered woods, etc. (But N-4825, for example, is not woods.). Correction: The left-most space on the Weather Track should be "Heat." II ADMINISTRATIVE LEVEL EFFECT ON ATTRITION (Step 3), p., 7 Reminder. A Force which can trace Dispatch "Distance to any possible Supply Source does not have to use the "No LOC" column on the Attrition Table. OFF-MAP MOVEMENT, p. 8 Addition. Seeking an Armistice The Coalition Player may seek an armistice at any time within seven turns of any Pitched Battle which caused a Morale shift left by at least one space. In seeking an armistice, the Coalition Player grants to the French Player the applicable Morale shift for control of Koenigsberg, depending upon the Game-Turn reached at the moment of Armistice, regardless of who actually occupies the town. DAMAGING BRIDGES, p. 9 Clarification. If an Enemy Force, occupies the other hex adjacent to a permanent bridge hexside, the bridge cannot be repaired because the Movement Point cost to repair will exceed its Movement Allowance (see "Repairing Bridges," below). [These two sentences on repairing bridges ought to have appeared within the paragraph titled "Repairing Bridges."] DANZIG EFFECT ON MORALE, p. 11 Clarification: Coalition troops may not exit to Danzig until the first non frrost, non-Snow Game-Turn after March 14-15. THE FORTNIGHT, p. 11 Addition: Fortnight Sequence
Addition. Change. to Forage Mode
Change the first four lines of paragrqph2 to Regular Sequence
Fortnight Sequence II. MOVEMENT PHASE, p. 12 Addition. a). During the Fortnight they arrive, reinforcements don't count against the limit of 3 Major General-led forces, which each Player may move during the Fortnight Sequence. However, the Reinforcements must obey the restrictions on, movement stated for moving Major Generals. They must move toward an objective hex (on-map) which meets the conditions stated on page 11. IV. MORALE AND VICTORY IN THE GRAND SCENARIO Addition. In the Grand Scenario victory is defined differently: If the Morale Marker is off the left side of the track or in the "A" space, the Coalition wins an Operational Victory; if off the right side or in the "G" space, the French win an Operational Victory; any other result is a draw. PRUSSIAN HOSPITAL CAPACITY, p. 12 Omission. Prussian Infantry Hospital #2 Capacity for Fortnights I-III is nine, rising to 20 thereafter through the end of the game. BATTLE SCENARIO 3, p. 18 Correction. Russian Reserve Art Allenau (N-4423) CAMPAIGN SCENARIO 1, pp. 19-20 Change: Morale Condition: D Correction: Ney's force begins on the mapedge at hex C-0133, but may not move until December 16th, unless a Coalition force moves within five hexes. [Historically, Ney's force occupied Thorn, five hexes beyond the mapedge, from December 6th.] Correction
Marulaz Nowydwor (S-3826) CAMPAIGN SCENARIO 2, p. 22 Correction. IVCorps Golymin (S-4314) CAMPAIGN SCENARIO 3. p. 23 Correction.
Friant Alt Ramten (C-2111) [The village of Alt Ramten was also called Locken or Lookken.] STANDARD RULES, p.16 Reminder. The Rules contain numerous subtle but dramatic changes from earlier games in this series. For instance Pursuit Battles, like Pitched, may be Critical Battles and cause a Morale adjustment. CHARTS & TABLESSiege Duration Table Clarification: The Siege Duration Table may be consulted only once per game for an exit toward Thorn and once per game for an exit toward Danzig, Therefore if a Force has already exited by land toward Danzig in relief by sea is possible. If the Coalition Player obtains a result on the table for an exit toward Thorn, the French Supply Sources at C-0133 and S4632 nmt not be active for the number of Fortnights specified, beginning with the next Fortnight. Change: , Siege Duration Table Die Roll Modifier The Coalition Player must add the die roll modifier appropriate to the turn of exit when rolling on the Siege Duration Table. The Modifier is shown below:
KEY: n/a exit not allowed. Modified die roll greater than 6 is treated as 6. Alternate Historical Weather Table Omission: Average Temperature for February: 24 ° / 1" Turn Record Track January 3-4, Change: Delete the French battalion i.d.s. [H.I.0] (see April 17-18 and Study Folder, p. 24; 111121 joined Thorn garrison on June 7). April 15-16, Note: These 4 Cuirassier Regiments formed d'Espagne's Division. Back to Art of War Issue #21 Table of Contents Back to Art of War List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1995 by Clash of Arms Games. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |