by Charlie Spiegel
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Rules Clarifications Artillery Barrages: Must each be resolved separately. Never combine two barrage's fire values. 9.5 Air strikes may be allocated to counter battery fire the same way as offboard artillery. When the airstrike enters play, it rolls to spot the enemy artillery. On a roll of four or less the unit is spotted. As long as the airstrike is in play, roll one die each time the enemy artillery unit fires, adding one to the die roll for a maximum of plus three. 9.5. 1. 1 Spotting rounds (plot actions) count as firing for the purposes of being spotted for counterbattery fire. Rules Changes 11. MEs may recover fatigue if engaged only if over 2" from enemy units, and not fired at. 10. 1. 1. 5 Offboard artillery must check morale if it takes any cohesion hits (even if no stand is eliminated) from counterbattery fire. Corrections to the Charts and Tables Casualty Values - for anti-personnel fire the scrub terrain was accidentally dropped from the table. It should be the same as light woods. Fire Results Table - add one "1" result on the next die roll result following the two. For example a die roll of five on a value of two should have a result of "1". Infantry Anti-Personnel Fire Values - Drop the French entry for Paratrooper and the second machine guns (these values were accidentally carried over from the United Kingdom entries. German PzVIb front armor, second exception should read -- 14:3,9, (not 14: 3-9) The French 47mm gun is listed as 471-34 in the vehicle data and penetration charts, but as 471- 32 on the anti-tank values chart. It's all the same gun. From Golan to Sinai Errata Scenario 5: Chinese Farm - The Egyptian reinforcements are the two battalions of the 14th Tank Brigade plus the Heavy Tank Battalion and the 21st Artillery Battalion. All other Egyptian units begin play as described in the set up. P.23 The 120 mm mortar in the Israeli Mixed team is offboard. P. 28 For the Egyptian Mechanized Infantry Battalion each line of four sagger shots corresponds to the three infantry companies. P.40 The 332nd Artillery Battalion is mistakenly labeled as the 352 Reserve Infantry Battalion. On some copies of the booklet the printer accidently switched around some of the scenario maps. The maps are all correctly labeled even if they are in the wrong place. Back to Art of War Issue #21 Table of Contents Back to Art of War List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1995 by Clash of Arms Games. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |