The Final Page

by Jim Purky

I was only able to make it to one re enactment event during 1997, and that was the NWTA meeting at Cantigny, in Wheaton, Illinois on July 26-27, 1997. On what had to have been the hottest day of the year, close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a fairly large crowd of spectators turned out to whatch the battle demonstrations and to walk around the encampments of the British and the Rebels.

I took my two nephews along with me, and they particularly enjoyed the opportunity to meet the reenactors up close and hear them talk ahout their portrayals. One kind soul, a member of the 17th Light Dragoons allowed me to put my youngest nephew, Alex, into a portable set of stocks. I must say that this kept the two lads in line for the rest of the day, i.e. no more bickering. They also had the opportunity to handle swords and muskets. Alex now wants to join one of the units as a drummer boy, so you can see that the reenactors' willingness to spend time talking with the public can make a big impression.

The afternoon tactical was cancelled due to the oppressive heat, but there was an artillery demonstration held by Proctor's company and the 1st Continental Artillery. Although they were firing blank charges, the report of the guns was still loud enough to set off car alarms in the nearby parking lot; and these were only 3 pounders! Afterwords, the combined units assembled on the field for a parade and inspection, in lieu of holding the tactical. I would guess that there were about 200 participants in all. I hope to be able to visit some of the larger BAR events in the east and report on the events in future issues. Who knows, I may even join one of the regiments.

My 25mm American Revolution wargame armies have made considerable progress since the last issue. I now have two full brigades of British infantry plus supporting artillery and a regiment of dragoons. I recently added the Loyal Highland Emigrants (84th Foot) to the cast as wel1 as the Hessian regiment von Donop. The latter were done using Guernsey Foundry's new line of SYW Prussian Freikorps figures. I also plan to add a fusilier regiment and perhaps some Jaegers to form a "German" brigade.

I also plan to add more Loyalist units. As for the Americans, I am starting on Anthony Wayne's Pennsylvania division, circa 1777, and have almost completed Colonel Humpton's brigade. Also in the works are some Continental cavalry and a unit of Riflemen. More of this next issue.

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© Copyright 1997 by James E. Purky

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