Loose Files and
American Scramble

Wargaming Rules for
the American Revolution

by Andy Callan

[Editor: This set of rules was originally published in Issue #1 of Wargames Illustrated and since copies of said issue are no longer available, we decided to share this much requested set of rules with our readers]

Students of the American War of Independence are well aware that the popular myth of the pipe clayed redcoats helplessly shot down by wily frontiersmen is a far cry from the truth. The Americans can hardly be blamed for propagating this myth, for it must be hard to come to terms with the fact that the British, although usually outnumbered, managed to win most of the battles in the war.

They did this not with the rigid manoevers of the European parade ground, but through an intelligent combination of conventional drill and discipline with flexible, fast moving formations and aggressive tactics. Such an innovative approach was ideally suited for the typically broken terrain of American battlefields and produced a fluid style of fighting in which successive waves of infantry attacked and counterattacked with the edge giong to troops able to quickly reform after an action.

So far from being rigid, one-sided affairs, most of the battles were fast moving, close-run and unpredictable. Given the small numbers of troops involved (usually less than 5,000 per side), this makes the period ideal for wargaming.

To be realistic though, the rules need to reflect the fast pace and special features of these actions. It is thus a mistake to think that you can just adapt a typical Seven Years War or Napoleonic rules set, since these are usually designed for the relatively stately, large-scale engagements of the European theater. So it is probably best to start from scratch and design a set of rules that are tailor-made for the period.

The final version of my own set, printed below, are the product of many revisions and play-testings, polished over the years through the experience of many a close-fought action. They may not suit everyone, and some may find the mechanisms a bit unusual; but give them a try and remember that "playability" is the keynote.



1 figure = 10 men.
1 inch = 25 yards.
1 turn = approx. 5 minutes.
1 gun model = 2 pieces of artillery.


Infantry in companies of three figures on a base. Unit size = 9 to 30 figures. Cavalry are in troops of two figures to a base. Unit size = 4 to 12 figures. Skirmishers are individually based and fire in groups of three figures (maximum unit size is 15 figures). Artillery: each gun model has a crew of 3 figures and a team of horses. One company or troop base in each unit should be clearly identifled as the 'Command Group', e.g. by using a flag or officer figure on the stand.


Each unit is given a basic efflciency grade at the start fo the game, Indicating its training and experience. This may vary in a campaign context, but the following should be taken as standard grades for the different classes of troops:

    1st Class: Grenadiers, Light Infantry
    2nd Class: Regulars, Continentals, Rangers, Jaegers
    3rd Class: Raw Regulars, Veteran Militia, Loyalists
    4th Class: Militia, Inexperienced Loyalists, European-led Indians
    5th Class: Other Indians.

Order of Play in a Turn (all movement is simultaneous)

  1. Compulsory Retreats/Routs following combat in prior turn.
  2. Calculate Morale effects provoked by #1 above.
  3. Firing
  4. Allocate Command Points; move commanders and caurias
  5. Movement; announce attempted advances to contact/charges
  6. Combat
  7. Redress ranks(according to training) of units that did not move this turn.


This is exercised through the use of Command Points (CPs). At the start of the game determine the Command Points of each sides commander in chief. Unless these are determined by the scenario, the number of command points = Average dice roll +1. Subordinate commanders (Brigadiers) always have 3 CPs. The actions possible to a commander are listed below, together with the cost in CPs.

  1. Move up to one dice (average dice or D6, as you choose) x inches =1 CP.
  2. Issue an order = 2 CPs (note: a unit takes one full turn to react to an order).
  3. Inspire troops in Combat (i.e. +1 in combat calculation) = 3 CPs
  4. Rally one D. Point (see below) = 2 CPs.

[Note: for items 3&4 above, command figure must be adjacent to the unit's command group/stand]

"D. Points"

Represent the temporary Disorganization, Demoralization and Desertion that can affect a unit's performance in action. Unlike casualties (see below), DPs do not have a permanent effect. the number of DPs on a unit may fluctuate up and down according to circumstances, but may never by more than 5. According to their training, units may remove DPoints by re-dressing the ranks and otherwise sorting themselves out at the end of a turn. This varies according to training and circumstances.

1st Class units may remove up to 2 DPs per turn, if stationary and not in combat.

2nd Class units may remove 1 DP per turn if station~y and not in combat.

3rd Class units may remove I DP per turn if stationary, not in combat and not under fire.

4th Class units may only remove DPs by a commands using 1 command points.

5th Class units only remove DPs if the commander-in-chief uses his command points.


In the close terrain typical of this war, movement rates were unpredictable and so all movement is randomised in the game. 1st/2nd/3rd Class units move one or two Average Dice (at players' choice) x inches,

4th/5th Class units move one average dice or one average dice and one six-sided dice ("D6") x incbes, [Editor: I take this to mean that if the player rolls a "2" on the average die and a "5" on the D6, then he can move die unit 2+5=7 inches.]

Skirmishers may move an extra D6 x inches if player wishes.

Cavalry may move an extra one or two D6 x inches if player wishes. All troops except skirmishers take 1DP for each 1 or 2 rolled. In woods take 1DP for every 1,2 or 3 rolled.

Special Cases (Movement): Hessian infantry, except jaegers move one average die or one average die + 2 inches. Cavalry may only change speed by one or two dice in a turn (i.e. if a unit is at rest it may only move up to two dice x inches, and if it is moving at top speed, 4 dice, it may only slow down to two dice on the next turn). In any move where it is the intention to close to contact, a cavalry unit must roll at least three dice, whatever the distance to be covered, taking any penalties in D.Points.

On Roads: the player may choose his own roll on any average dice, thus limiting the random effect and preventing too much 'bunching' in marching columns.

Woods and uphill: minus one inch from all dice rolled.


Wheeling: treat as an uphill move. Pivot one end of the line, measure the distance moved by the outer figure. Take 1 DP.

Change Formation: takes one turn; take 1 DP or 2 DPs if under fire.

Cross minor obstacle (ea. small stream, gully): takes one turn; take 1 DP or 2 DPs if under fire.

Cross major obstacle: (ea. abatis) time and penalties determined by the game umpire.

Cross fence/wall or about face: takes 1/2 move (roll dice as normal, but halve the total). Take 1 DP if cavalry or under fire.


Each unit takes 1 DP. Retreating or routing un ts move around supports that are better formed (ie. have less DPs), but run through and collide with units equally or worse formed.


  • troops ignore the retreat of friendly units with a lower training grade, but take I DP if such unit retreats past and within six inches.
  • if equal/higher grade unit retreats within six inches, take 2 DPs.
  • if equal grade unit routs within six inches, take 2 DPs and 1 casualty.
  • if higher grade unit routs within six inches, take 3 DPs and 1 casualty.


All Artillery Firing: (3 gun classes are recognized)

    Light = less than 3 pounders ( ea. gallopers or grasshoppers)
    Field = most guns 3-6 pounders were in general use
    Heavy = 9 pounders and higher. Rarely used in the field in AWI.


    Long = 10" to 36" (minus 6" for light, plus 6" for heavy)
    Short = under 10"


Roll 1D6 and then apply modifiers.

    +1 Heavy gun
    +1 Target in column or limbered artillery
    +1 Firing at same target, at same range as in previous turn.
    -1 Firing at new target
    -1 Each DP on gun firing
    -2 Target in field works or stone building
    -2 Target in skirmish order
    -1 Light gun

At long range: inflict 1 DP for final total of 4 or over

At short range: inflict 1 DP for total of 2 or 3; 2 DPs for total of 4 or 5; inflict 1 DP and 1 Casualty for total of 6 or more.

[2] Infantry:

Note: only skirmishing infantry may fire and move in the same turn.

Ranges: Musket (0-8"); Rifle (0-10")

Effect: Roll one D6 for each company or group of 3 skirmishers firing, minus the number of DPs on the firing unit. Halve the total if firing at artillery or skirmishers, halve again if target in fieldworks or building. Halves always round up.

Example: a seven company unit with 2 DPs firing at skirmishers would roll:

(7 minus 2 for DPs) = 5 divided by 2 = 2.5, rounds up to 3 dice.

Inflict 1 DP for throws of six only. Skirmishers roll again for throws of five, with subsequent 4/5/6 = inflict 1 DP.


If a unit under fire has already sustained the maximum number (ie. 5) of DPs, any subsequent DPs caused by fire, combat or morale only are taken as casualties.

The loss of one casualty = remove one company (3 figures) of infantry or one troop (2 figures) of cavalry. A gun that receives a casualty is knocked out.


Occurs when a unit advances to within 4 inches of an opponent. Each side throws one Average Dice, plus or minus the following:

    +3 Each training grade higher than the opponent
    +3 Defending fort or stone building
    +2 Defending fieldworks or wooden building
    +2 Making a bayonet attack (this option available to British regulars only, declare before attack)
    +1 Terrain advantage (up hill, behind stream, gully, wall, etc.)
    -3 in skirmish order
    -3 being attacked in flank or rear
    -2 each DP on the unit
    -1 outnumbered *
    -2 outnumbered 3 to 2*
    -3 outnumbered 2 to 1*
    -5 outnumbered 3 to 1 or more*

    * for this purpose one cavalry figure = three infantry; one gun = six infantry.

For two units attacking one, the attackers add up all their factors and divide by two. Count the highest grade unit for training comparison.

Combat Results:

+4 or more: Easy Victory Take 1 DP. 1st/2nd/3rd class troops obey orders. 4th/5th class troops pursue.

+2/3: Successful Action. Take 1 DP and (if facing infantry or artillery and not in a fort,building, fieldworks, all of which = hard cover) on casualty and halt for one turn.

+1/0/-1: Stand-off: No clear result. Bo~ sides halt. Action continues next turn. Both take I DP and (unless infantry facing cavalry or facing a bayonet attack or in hard cover) one casualty.

-2/-3/4: Driven Back. Take 2 DPs and one casualty. Retreat one move at maximum speed (no deduction for about face).

-5/-6/-7/-8: Defeated. Take 2 DPs and 2 casualties. Retreat at maximum speed behind next line of friendly troops or next terrain obstacle if no support.

-9 or more: Routed. Run away at maximum speed to beyond artillery range of enemy or next terrain obstacle (whichever is the furthest). Take 4 DPs and 2 casualties.

Note: Pursuit continues until the enemy outdistances the pursuers or is destroyed by them. Cavalry who get a Stand-off result against infantry or artillery act as if Driven Back. Generals who attach themselves to a unit may not quit that unit until the combat is resolved, and they must share the fate of that unit, i.e. risking retreat/rout and getting caught in the pursuit.

Risk to Commanders

If a unit to which a commander is attached ( e.g. for rallying purposes or to give an order, etc.) takes a D Point from enemy fire, or takes a casualty in any circumstances, roll one D6 to see if the commander is hit (maximum of one such roll in any turn)

    1 = HIT, then roll dice again:
      4/5/6 = light wound, lose 2 CPs
      2/3 = serious wound, retire from the field, lose all CPs
      1 = KILL

Formations Allowed:

Light InfantryYesYesYes

Note: Line is the normal fighting formation for both infantry and cavaky. Column is used ody on the march, except regulars may use it as an attack formation when assaulting hard cover. Regulars are too sensible to consider skirmishing, but militia are only too happy to do it even though the effectiveness of untrained skirmishers is questionable.

Designer's Notes

D. Points

Because the number of D. Points affecting a unit is constantly changing it is not practical to try and keep a record of them on paper. Some sort of counters, placed next to the command group of the unit in question is a much better system since you can tell at a glance how disordered a unit is. The enemy can see it too, which is only realistic since ranks would be wavering, etc. You can add or subtract counters as required. The counters I prefer to use are little pebbles, sold as gravel for fish tanks in pet shops. These can be handled more easily than flat counters and have the added advantage of looking better on the wargame table.

Command Points

Keeping record of how many command points are used is equally important. The system I have settled on, after much experimentation, is to use a little gadget made up of cork tile and mapping pins. Each commander has a small rectangle of cork tile marked so:

    Movement (l) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
    Orders (2) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]]
    Rally 1D (2) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
    Combat +1 (3) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

The figure in brackets is the cost in command points of each command action. Give each commander as many mapping pins as he has command points. At phase 4 on each turn the commanders CPs are allocated by putting pins in the appropriate boxes, Six is the maximum number of boxes needed, since the maximum command points score is an Average Dice +1. Thus a 4 point general could move 2 D6 dice x inches and then rally one D Point, or he could issue 2 orders. But he couldn't move 2 D6 dice x inchesand add one in combat since this would cost a total of 5 CPs. Using the cork tile and pins, this is immediately clear to the Umpire and the players.

The Advance to Contact

A couple of points to note:

[1] You will find that an attacking unit can avoid coming under fire from the defender before the combat calculation if he carefully times his attack so that his unit doesn't finish a move within musket range (0-8"), but is outside combat range (0-4"). This does take some careful timing and a good deal of luck since movement is randomized, but does give a particularly finely judged advance an appropriate reward. The umpire should prevent the players from carefully measuring distances.

[2] The +2 for a bayonet attack is a bonus open only to British regulars, who used the tactic to good effect to put the scare into their opponents. Note however, that the bayonet attack is a two-edged weapon since if you only get a Stand Off result then the defender doesn't take casualties. This reflects the fact that the attacker has dispensed with any firing during the advance, but has still been subject to the defender's fire. The advantage thus passes to the defender with the opposing sides going into the next round of combat with the attacker on a minus 4 (-2 for a D.Point, -2 for a casualty) and the defender on only minus 2 (-2 for a D.Point). The lesson for the Bntish player is therefore: only use a bayonet attack to enhance an already likely victory, or as a risky last resort to get out of trouble. Steady Continentals are unlikely to be impressed by it.


Under these rules you get some idea of how difficult it is to put a complicated plan of action into effect. The terrain is assumed to be broken up by trees, scub and fences (as was typical of AWI batllefields) which all get in the way of parade ground manoeuvers. The ability of well-trained troops to quickly re-dress their ranks gave them a decided advantage.


Are usually kept busy straightening out the mess manoeuvering units get themselves into. Beware of getting your general shot at, as the loss of all those useful command points can have unpleasant results. Note that while most commanders can steady a unit in defense by keeping a close eye on them (i.e. spending 3 CPs on inspiring troops in combat), a general has to be above average to be capable of raising spirits while leading his men in an attack (the 'hat waving' style of leadership) since moving costs him CPs as well, and exceptionally charismatic to lead a dashing cavalry charge.

Troop Training

Quality is immeasurably superior to quantity. You will find that seasoned regulars can absorb a lot of punishment, sort themselves out quickly and then come back for more. Militia units, on the other hand, have limited usefulness and life-expectancy, so are best placed behind some sort of cover and told to stay put. Manocaver with them at your peril as they soon fall into disorder and become good for absolutely nothing.


Are easily seen off by regulars determined to use the cold steel. Skirmish fire is primarily of nuisance value, but can soon become alarmingly destructive if not dealt with promptly.


You will see why cavalry did not play much of a part in this war. Under these rules they are exceptionally difficult to handle to good effect since they usually fall into disorder too easily to be of much use against steady troops. A successful cavalry charge is thus a great rarity, but when it does come off it can be wonderful to behold.

The American Experience:

"We fight, get beat, rise and fight again. -- Nathaniel Greene.

The British Experience:

As we go forward into the country the rebels py before us, and when we come back they always follow.. we seem to be playing bo-beep." Anonymous British Officer, 1777

Final Word:

David Dundas' plans to introduce Prussian-style drill into the British Army di not always meet with approval. General William Harcourt doubted whether the British officer was capable of appreciating Prussian drill and discipline "and on the whole whether loose files and an American scramble would not have been preferred."

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