by J.D. Webster
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Hello gang! This issue's four page center spread has a selection of 2d edition rules picked to help you understand some of the mass of those 2d edition game charts that we gave you in issue 16. Progress on 2d edition rules continues. 6.6 --- SUPERSONIC SPEED EFFECTSAircraft flying at speeds approaching or exceeding the speed of sound are affected by the buildup of sonic shock waves and may receive Decel point penalties or other flight restrictions as outlined below. The Speed Of Sound. The speed of sound is referred to as Mach 1.0 (MI). Speeds just under the speed of sound are termed Transonic speeds. Speeds equal to or greater than M1 are termed Supersonic speeds. The actual game speeds that considered Transonic or M1 vary by Altitude Band (The speed of sound decreases as the temperature of the air decreases with increased altitude). These are summarized in the Transo n ic/Su person ie Speed Reference Table. Transonic Speeds. An aircraft with a start speed 1.0 less than M1 are considered to be at Low Transonic speed. Aircraft with a start speed 0.5 less than M1 are considered to be at High Transonic speed. Aircraft flying at Low Transonic speed, High Transonic speed, or at exactly M1 receive Transonic Decel point penalties. These are listed in the Transonic Drag Table and vary depending on whether the aircraft is a design which suffers from High Transonic Drag (HTD) or benefits from Low Transonic Drag (LTD) or is average (normal). The ADC will note if an aircraft is an HTD or LTD design. Supersonic Speeds. An aircraft flying at M1 or faster is in supersonic flight and is subject to the following effects:
Poor Supersonic Maneuvering Aircraft (PSSM). Some aircraft, usually early delta-winged designs without tails or canards, maneuver poorly when at supersonic speeds due to shifts in their aerodynamic center of lift. Such aircraft are noted on their ADC. They are penalized as follows when Supersonic:
Good Supersonic Maneuvering Aircraft (GSSM). An aircraft noted as being a GSSM aircraft maneuvers well at Supersonic speeds. They receive the following benefits:
Supersonic Delta Aircraft. Some first edition game aircraft were noted as being supersonic deltas. These are now treated as Low Transonic Drag aircraft under second edition rules. 7.6 --- G-INDUCED LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (GLOC)Aircrew aboard aircraft which turn too sharply may lose consciousness due to G-force effects. When Can GLOC Occur? When an aircraft turns at the ET rate in the LO, ML, or MH altitude bands its crew may lose consciousness (at higher altitudes, the G4orce of these turn rates is insufficient to cause GLOC). Each crew member must check for GLOC after each facing change at the ET rate. Procedure. Roll the die once for each crewmember and apply any required modifiers. A result of 1 or less results in GLOC. The GLOC roll is modified by the following conditions: GLOC Cycle. The GLOC check cycle continues with increasing probability of unconsciousness until the aircraft does no ET or BT turn rates in a game-turn, Recovery. GLOC normally lasts from the instant R occurs until the affected crew member recovers. Affected crew members automatically recover in the Admin Phase of the second game turn following the one in which GLOC occurred (if a pilot blacked-out during turn 5, recovery would occur in the Admin Phase of turn 7). Early Recovery. A crew member may recover from GLOC early. Unconscious crew members with excellent fitness, or in multi-crewed aircraft in which another member is not GLOC'ed, are eligible for early recovery. during the Admin Phase of the game-turn in which GLOC occured, they and any other GLOC'd aircrew are eligible for early recovery in the Admin Phase of the game turn following. To check for early recovery, roll the die: the crewmember recovers on a result of 4 or less (no modifiers apply). Effects Of GLOC. An individual affected by GLOC is unconscious. The following procedures are followed depending on which crewmember is unconscious:
9.3 --- AIR TO AIR ROCKETRYBefore the advent of guided missiles, aircraft designers worked to provide interceptors with a weapon that out ranged the defensive guns of long ranged bombers and that had sufficient power to knock the bomber down. The solution most came up with was to utilize clusters of unguided rockets fired from retractable packs or pods attached to the wings. The rockets were to be fired in shotgun like blasts. The concept was never tested in battle and it never proved satisfactory in practice. Intercept geometry was difficult to attain and the rockets proved to be inaccurate. As soon as guided missiles became available, air to air rocketry faded from the scene. Nevertheless they were, for a short time at least, the primary anti-bomber weapon of the early 1950's Cold War period. Air To Air Rocket Factors: The ADC shows if an aircraft can carry rockets (and H so, how many). Each factor represents 10 to 15 rockets fired in volley. Range. To declare a rocket attack, the firing aircraft must have a target in its limited radar arc and be within four hexes (count each two full aftitude levels as one additional hex of range). Rocket attacks may not be done at range zero. Rocket attacks are distinct from air to air gun attacks. Rockets or guns may be fired, but not both in a gameturn. Only one rocket attack is allowed per game-turn; it may be fired at any point in the aircraft's move. Procedure. The attacking aircraft declares its target and indicates the number of rocket factors being fired. The Air To Air Rocketry Table is consulted. At the intersection of the range column and the rocket factors row is the base die roll to hit. Roll the ten-sided die and modify it as appropriate: if the result is equal to or less than the base die roll to hit, the attack has produced a hit. The rocket factors entry also shows the Attack Rating for that number of rockets being fired. This Attack Rating is used on the Damage Tables if a hit is achieved. Rocket Attack Modifiers. The roll to hit is modified by a variety of circumstances as for air to air gunnery, however only the following modifiers apply.
Collision Course Attack (CCA) Technology: North American designers fitted some American and Canadian fighters with auto-pilot guidance systems which utilized an early computer linked to the interceptors radar. The computer figured rocket ballistics and if the radar was tracking a target, it could guide the fighter to a release point and automatically launch the rockets. This concept freed the fighter from having to use pursuit curves to get into gunnery parameters and was called "collision course" guidance as the interceptor could now theoretically attack from any angle. To qualify for the CCA to hit modifier, the attacking aircraft must start a game-turn with an air to air lock-on to the target and must not do TT or greater turns, any maneuvers except slides, or utilize climbs or dives of more than one altitude level up to the point of executing the rocket attack. If it meets this criteria, a -2 is applied to the hit roll. Rocket Damage Modifiers. Rockets, because of their large warheads, receive -2 to the damage table roll just like direct missile hits. Rocket Attack Restrictions. Rocket attacks are restricted as follows:
Air To Ground Rockets In The Air-To-Air Role. An aircraft equipped with air to ground rockets or rocket pods may fire them in the air to air role. The conversion is performed as follows:
14.6 --- REALISTIC MISSILE SPEED ATTENUATIONMissiles use powerful boost motors which accelerate them to top speed within a matter of two to three seconds. After that, most missile's simply glide to their targets rapidly losing speed along the way. Some have sustainer motors which burn for a short period of time after the booster goes out and these lose speed at a lesser rate. Nevertheless, the speed loss can be dramatic, up to a third of the missile's top speed within the span of a single game-turn depending on its actions. This rule replaces the generic method for determining missile speeds given in 14.2 and accounts for the various differences in aerodynamics of missile designs (Fat versus skinny, light versus heavy missiles etc.). Missile Speed Attenuation Factor. To realistically account for the high speed loss that can occur each turn, a Speed Attenuation Factor is applied to the missile's start speed to get an average speed for the turn. The average speed is the speed that is referenced for determining the number of FPs that the missile has. The average speed is therefore the speed that is listed on the aircraft log and used for the missile's flight and is termed its adjusted start speed. Procedure. At the beginning of every game-turn of its flight, including its first, determine a missile's adjusted start speed as follows:
The final result is the missile's adj:usted start speed for the current game-turn. Note: a math saver table is provided in the play aid's which does this for you. Missile Base Start Speed. On the first turn of the missile's flight, the base start speed equals the missile's listed speed from the MDT plus the speed of the launching aircraft. On all subsequent game-turns, it is the missile's adjusted start speed plus any changes for climbing, diving and maneuvering. Climbing and Diving Effects On Speed At the end of a game-turn increase or decrease the missile's speed as given in 14.2 for climbs and dives. Maneuvering Effects On Speed. At the end of game-turn, reduce the missile's speed by one for each 30 degrees of facing change it accomplished by turning during that turn. Sustainer Motor Effects. Some missiles have sustainer motors which provide extra thrust after the missile's booster gives out. This rules replaces the one given in 14.2. On the first game-turn of a sustainer powered missile's flight, use the missile speed attenuation factor that applies for the altitude band two above that the missile is actually in or the UH band, whichever occurs first, to determine its start speed. For each game-turn of sustainered flight after the first, the speed attenuation factor is 1.0 regardless of its current altitude. Once the sustainer gives out, normal speed attenuation factors are used. Minimum, Maneuver and Maximum Missile Speeds. Listed Next to the Missile Speed Attenuation Tables are the minimum, maneuver and maximum speeds allowed to any missile in a given altitude band. Speed gain above the maximum speed is not allowed, excess speed gain is lost. Any missile with a start speed of less than the minimum listed is considered to stall out and is removed from play. Any missile with a start speed of less than maneuver speed may not turn or perform maneuvers of any sort. It may only fly forward and climb or dive. 19.2 --- DECOY DISPENSER SYSTEMS (DDS)An aircraft equipped with DDS may dispense expendable decoys automatically or manually. A decoy (as used in the game) actually represents a cluster of 2 to 4 actual expendable decoys being dispensed. Internal DDS. Internal DDS installations are identified on the ADC. Four types are internal DDS are available: A, B. C, D. The Internal DDS Table shows the possible loads of decoys available for an internal DDS. External DDS. External DDS pods are identified on the External Pod Table, which shows the possible loads of decoys available. Types of Decoys. Three types of decoys are available: flares (FL), chaff (CH), and jammers (JM). DDS Programs. An aircraft may use automatic programs which provide continuous protection by dispensing decoys throughout a game-turn. A program is declared as ON or OFF during the aircraft decisions phase. When on, the program will provide a LEVEL of protection of from 1 to 6 depending on its design. This is the aircraft's PPL (Program Protection Level). A PPL is in effect from the time the program is turned on until it is changed, turned off, or available decoys are exhausted. A PPL number represents both the level of protection and the number of decoys dispensed in a gameturn when the program is on. DDS Program Design. A DDS program design is noted on paper in the following format (in PPL numbers): Chaff / Flare / Mini-Jammer. The decoy program need not be symmetric: the PPL for each type of decoy carried need not be the same. For example, 4/2/3 is a DDS program calling for 4 Chaff, 2 Flares, and 3 Mini-Jammers to be dispensed each turn providing a 4/2/3 level of protection. When the decoys in the DDS run low and the remaining quantity of decoys is less than the PPL number called for, the PPL is reduced to equal the quantity of decoys remaining. Decoy PPL Effects. The various EW tables detail the specific effects or die roll modifiers PPLs produce. The following is a summary:
19.4 --- RADAR JAMMINGAn aircraft may carry internal radar jammers or carry radar jamming pods to degrade the capabilities of enemy radars. There are three types of jammers: Barrage Jammers, Active Jammers, and Deceptive Jammers. Some ECM pods have multiple jammer capabilities and ii so, all characteristics may be used simultaneously. Active Jammers (AJMs). These self-protection jammers confuse enemy radars by copying their signals and sending back false and/or additional misplaced radar echoes. This makes it harder for the enemy radar to find and lock-on to the real aircraft among false blips. Most active jammers only function in response to a radar pulse and thus do not provide a continuous beam for home on jam missiles to guide on. An A.JM protects only the aircraft equipped with it, only from radars operating in the aircraft's protected arcs, and only against radars operating in a jammable frequency. If an aircraft has both internal and podded A.JMs, only the most effective A.JM in the given frequency is used. Subtract the ECCM rating of the jammed radar from the barrage jammer rating and apply it as a die roll modifier for any search, passdowns, and/or lock-on attempts by the radar. Deceptive Jammers (DJMs). A Deceptive Jammer breaks radar lock-ons by shifting the radar beam off the intended target through sophisticated manipulation of the radar's signals. False timing of the radar returns gives the lock-on beam a perceived angular error and when it shifts to recenter the target, it actually shifts off the target losing its lock-on. When an air radar or TTR lock-on is achieved against an aircraft, Deceptive Jammers come into play to break the lock. When a radar controlled AAA gun fires at an aircraft, a DJM may act to spoof the FCR adding adverse to hit modifiers. Refer to the RWR/DJM coverage table to see if a DJM is effective against particular radars. If so, take the DJM's numerical self protection rating and subtract the radars ECCM rating from it. If the result is positive, this is the number or less that must be rolled on one die to break the lock-on. DJMs also provide modifiers to radar guided missile attacks as detailed in the EW tables. If an aircraft has both podded and internal DJMs, only the most effective one in the given frequency is used. Back to Table of Contents -- Air Power # 17 Back to Air Power List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by J.D. Webster This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |