by Keith Raynor
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At right, the rearguard of the light brigade on the road to Vigo in this painting by J. Beadle.
I have added extracts (shown italicised) to the report from
the memoirs of those who survived the retreat. These include those of
Sir Robert Ker Porter, William Green of the 95th, John Harris of the
95th, John Macfarlane of the 71st and Robert Blakeney of the 28th.
These memoirs give valuable information concerning the retreat and
largely corroborate the findings of the Board. Coincidentally, after the report
was published, a memorandum was issued by Horse Guards reminding
General Officers that they would be held responsible for the loss of such
articles as camp equipage and camp necessaties.[1]
Board of Claims, Great George Street, 26th May, 1809
"The adjutant General having by letters...signified your commands that
the claims of the regiments and individuals named...43rd, 52nd, 71 st, 95th,
Major Rose 42nd, Capt. Macneils 91st, Capt. Campbell 92nd, Capt. Grant 42nd,
Capt. Connelly 26th, Lieut. Graham 6th, Lieut. Robinson 32nd, Capt. Hamilton
5th, Lt. Fraser 92nd, Lt. Rose 92nd, Lt. Col. Harvey 79th, Capt. McNeil
79th...Should be reported upon as soon as possible, they being under orders for
immediate service...including also the claims of the detachment of the 3rd
Regiment of Foot and of Colonel Crawford, the Board understanding that they
are likewise under orders for service [2]
The Board nevertheless considering the great importance of the trust
confided in them, both with respect to the nature and extent of the claims, on
which they would have to decide, and the consequent magnitude of the
indemnification to be granted at the public expense...felt it their duty not to
deviate from any of the usual or established rules, without first calling for
evidence to prove the facts...With this view they have...examined several
General and other Officers, upon the subject and the result of such
examinations has formed the basis of various opinions and resolutions...of
which the following is a summary:
1). It appears that large quantities of Regimental accoutrements and
appointments, of Officers Baggage, and camp equipage, and of N.C.O.'s and
men's necessaries, were left behind, or destroyed, at various times, and
places, for want of the means of conveyance, the horses and mules having
been so worn out with fatigue, want of forage, shoes as to be unable to
proceed, and it consequently became necessary to destroy them.
Sir Robert Ker Porter would later recall that "Our draft animals and
baggage mules having almost all perished, and no means of recruiting them
arising, we were consequently obliged (dreadful necessity!) to relinquish many
carts full of the sick and fatigued, as well as others laden with necessaries... ".
Porter further recollected that at Corunna. ""Our cavalry and the artillery horses
on entering the city were found in such a state of debility and irremediable
lameness from want of shoes, that many fell dead in the streets, and more were
obliged to be shot in mercy to their sufferings"
Blakeney of the 28th, on arriving at Villa Franca, saw that "The
slaughter of the horses continued throughout the day...upon my inquiring of the
men how it was that horses in apparently tolerable condition were incapable
of at least proceeding quietly along, the invariable answer which I received was,
that from the roughness of the road, hardened by continued frost, they cast their
shoes, and that they had not a nail to fasten on those picked up, nor a shoe to
replace those lost".)
That in the town of Lugo alone, not less than from 200 to 250 horses were
shot under these circumstances. That in the case of one Regiment Äthe 15th
Lt. DragoonsÄthen consisting of 700 men, not more than 300 men were
mounted on the return of the Regt. to Corunna.
(William Green in the 95th observed that when the horses were taken lame
and could not keep up with the army, "... the rider was ordered to dismount,
throw his saddle bags on his shoulder, draw his pistol, and fire the ball through
his horses head; leaving him with the saddle and all the other trappings, and the
poor fellows would have to walk with knee boots and spurs, in the best manner
they could to Corunna. We felt sorry for them, as they were not used to
That the horses were constantly falling down on the road, and their
backs were so offensive, from being in a state of mortification, that the
stench was frequently intolerable.
(Porter commented about this at Corunna, "The heavy rains have
swollen and burst many of the carcasses and the infected air hovers so
rancorously about our heads, that it is almost impossible to pass in any
direction without feeling violent convulsions of stomach... ")
Natives Plunder
2). That in addition to the hardships which the army had to encounter, from
these and other circumstances, the inhabitants in almost every part of the
country through which the troops passed were continually watching
opportunities to plunder both Officers and Men, so that no vigilance on the
part of either, could protect them from depredations of this kind which appear to
have been committed to a very great extent.
(This reason for the losses by the army is largely unfair to the Spanish
people, particularly as the surviving evidence from memoirs points to British
Troops as perpetuating most of the plundering.
At right, 71st Highlanders on the march. During the retreat, they were brigaded with the 36th Regt and 92nd Highlanders in Craufurd's brigade.
Captain Gordon of the cavalry remembered, "...parties of drunken soldiers
were committing all kinds of enormities, several houses were in flames. The
gutters were ovefflowing with rum, a number of puncheons had been staved in
the street and a promiscuous rabble were drinking and filling bottles in the
To this can be added the recollection of William Verner, 7th Hussars, "... for
miles the men were scouring the country and plundering every house ". While
Moore was to have at least one soldier hanged for plundering, the punishment
handed out to the 71st for their antics was of a less terminal kind.
Macfarland wistfully recalled that "Some of the men had taken from the
inhabitants honey and potatoes. The Colonel paid for them, and we had to pay
for them afterwards, three halfpence each man".)
Verbal Orders
3). That verbal orders were at various times given by General and other
Officers to destroy or throw away, accoutrements, Baggage, Camp equipage
and necessaries, and to destroy horses.
(Porter wrote that "...Sir John Moore while we at Villafranca, to facilitate
our march, had ordered whatever magazines and carriages which he
considered as more cumoersome than useful to be destroyed".
Blakeney of the 28th also remembered the destruction at Villafranca, "The
Whole Town seemed on fire. This conflagration was caused by the destruction of
stores and provisions, and so tenacious were the Commissariat in preserving
everything for the flames that they had guards posted around even the biscuits
and salt meat to prevent the men as they passed from taking anything away... ".
However, "...many of the men had the hardihood as they passed to stick their
bayonets, and Sergeants their pikes into the salt pork which was actually being
set fire to. Several hunks were thus taken away .. "
Earlier at Astorga, " .. there were a great many pairs of shoes destroyed
Though a fourth of the army were in want of them, and I among the rest, yet they
were consumed along with the other stores in the magazines " regretted a soldier
of the 71st.
Finally on arrival at Corunna, the Third Hussars of the K.G.L. had the heart
breaking task of shooting their horses which had carried them faithfully
throughout the retreat. The reason for this sad act was the difficulty and delay in
trying to embark the horses whilst pressed by the enemy and " prevent them
falling into the hands of the French, where their sufferings would have been
protracted... Two hundred and ninety horses of the Legion were thus disposed
of... ".)
Of Necessity
4). That Baggage was sometimes left behind from the necessity of
employing the horses and mules on services of greater importance.
(The Treasury of Moore's army was carried in two cans pulled by oxen.
However the retreat proved too much for the oxen and the army's rear
guard eventually caught up with the carts. This led to a somewhat one-sided
conversation between the Paymaster-General and General Paget gleefully
recorded by Blakeney, "The treasure of the army Sir, is close in the rear,
and the bullocks being jaded are unable to proceed; I therefore want fresh
animals to draw it forward" said the Paymaster.
Paget's response was to give the unfortunate clerk a right dressing down,
concluding with the phrase, "...ought to be hanged". This had the desired effect
of stimulating the oxen to further efforts. But all to no avail.
The rearguard soon caught up with the carts again and this time the army's
coinage was, "...rolled down the precipice, their silvery notes were accompanied
by a noble bass, for two guns were thundering their applause into Soult's dark
brown column". No recorded attempt was made to use either horses or oxen from
other army transport to even save the army's treasury. Though the Hussars of
the K. G. L. using their own initiative managed to save some of the money, it
was in the main abandoned to the elements, French, locals, and a few voracious
Hurry and Confusion
5). That from the hurry and confusion which prevailed on the reembarkation
of the Army at Corunna, as well as from the want of Boats to convey
accoutrements, baggage, etc, on board the transports, very considerable losses
were sustained.
(The History of the K. G. L. records that "... the men were hurried off to
the ships with little regard to regiments or vessels, and many transports
were overloaded, while others had not half their compliment the baggage
also could not be entirely brought off, and the German hussars were among the
other suffers in this particular.
Macfarlane of the 71st, upon reaching Corunna beach in the dark, was rowed out to sea, where, "... the next thing was to find out the ship where the regiment was in. They had the sailors rowed from one ship to another, but could not find it out. We got orders to get into any ship... we had now a good company of men belonging to five or six regiments. We had an Officer with about eight or nine of our regiment".
Another member of the 71st also encountered the same confusion, "There
was no regularity in our taking the boats. The transport that I got to had part
of seven regiments on board". Green of the 95th wrote later of having members
of 29 different regiments aboard his particular ship.)
No Baggage
6). That many articles of various descriptions were lost in consequence of
Regiments not embarking in the same transport with their baggage, which upon
their arrival in England, was found to be in a very deficient state.
(Blakeney of the 28th lamented, "Scarcely a regiment got on board the
vessel which contained their baggage, and the consequence was, that on
quitting our ships we presented an appearance of much dirt and misery".)
Hospital Destruction
7). It appears also from the testimony of, and from Documents produced by,
the Military Superintendent of Hospitals that considerable quantities of clothing
and necessaries belonging to sick men of different Regiments, were destroyed
in the several Hospitals upon their landing in England, to prevent infection, and
that a very considerable loss of accoutrements was likewise sustained from the
same and other causes.
(Edward Costello, who had just enlisted into the 95th, watched the arrival
of his new regiment at the barracks, "The appearance of the men was squalid and
miserable in the extreme. There was scarcely a man amongst them, who had not
lost some of his appointments, and many, owing to the horrors of that celebrated
retreat, were even without riles. Their clothing too was in tatters, and in such an
absolute state of filth as to swarm with vermin. New clothing was immediately
served out and the old ordered to be burned, which order was put into execution
at the back of our barracks... ".
Green also of the 95th remembered of his return to England, "Such a lot of
rag-a-muffins never landed at Portsmouth before. We were so filthy with
vermin...on arrival at Hythe barracks, our new clothing was served out, and then
a fire was made in the barrack square, and all our clothing, shirts and flannels we
burned, and all the livestock they contained! ")
1). With respect to Colonel's losses, the Board have merely decided upon the
merits of the several claims as not being in possession of any Regulation for
fixing the Quantum of allowance, in such cases they have not felt themselves
authorised to decide thereupon.
2). The Board being of Opinion that eighty dollars (£ 18 sterling) should
be fixed as the maximum, or highest rate which ought to be allowed for
Mules...that in the instances wherein Mules were delivered up to the
Commissariat Department at Corunna in pursuance of a General Order to that
effect, 25 Dollars only have been allowed for each mule, without reference to
the price at which mules are purchased; which in most cases appears to
have considerably exceeded the 25 Dollars allowed under that order...that the
difference between the sum of 25 Dollars received, or to be received, from the
Commissary in Chief in consideration of each mule so delivered up, The sum
actually paid for the same, not exceeding 80 Dollars ought in equity to be
allowed in every such case.
3). The Board have made a distinction between losses in store in Portugal, and those in Spain, conceiving that the circumstances, must be very strong indeed to warrant any allowance whatever in the former case, and the claims of this description which have hitherto come under their cognisance have been disallowed accordingly.
4). It appearing from reference to the General Orders the advance
of the army from Lisbon, that Officers were directed to leave their heavy
baggage in store there, and to carry with them, only that proportion of baggage, coming under the description of "Light equipment for the field", as the means for conveying the same would be...very limited.
The Board considers that two thirds of an Officers Personnal (sic) Baggage, and one half of his Camp equipage were full as much as he ought to have taken with him, agreeably to the said order. They have therefore not allowed more in any instance for losses sustained during the advance and retreat of the army.
5). The foregoing rule is considered to be equally applicable to the Column
which marched from Corunna, it appearing that the Officers of that Column
were restricted to the same limited means of conveyance for their baggage.
6). It appearing to the disallow various claims made by Officers
of different Regiments for Baggage damaged and rendered unserviceable by
the almost incessant wet weather which prevailed during the retreat of the army
to Corunna and Vigo. The admission of such claims not being warranted by the
Kings Regulations (sic).
Yet, as it has been proved to the satisfaction of the Board, that from the
very peculiar and pressing nature of the service on which the army was
employed, it frequently happened that Officers had no opportunity afforded
them even to open their baggage for the purpose of drying the same.
In consequence of which it rotted and became totally useless....the
final rejection of claims of this description would be attended with very serious
inconvenience, if not ruin, to many of the claimants, who depending wholly
upon their pay for support, have no means whatever of re-equipping
themselves for service, unless some pecuniary assistance is afford them for
that purpose.
The Board...recommend the claims of Officers so situated to the
favourable consideration of Government, and that the several sums thus
recommended, and which will be specified in the different reports, being equal
in amount to what would have been granted, had the baggage in question been
taken by the enemy or lost under circumstances entitling them to public being taken in that event, to point out to each individual
that such deviation from the ordinary rules, is by no means to be considered
a precedent for admitting future claims of this kind.
(Compare this favourable attitude with the experience of Macfarlane;
Having been wounded at Vimeiro and then surviving the Corunna retreat,
he found on return to Britain that he had to renew his knapsack, "and it
was well for them that lost theirs for they got £ 2 2s Od. I should have let
mine drop off my back, for it was not worth two shillings. After receiving
what things I was in need of, I was in debt above five pounds, but I
received five pounds for my wound, and this paid my debt.)
7). In cases where the sums claimed by Officers for loss of Baggage, did
not exceed the rates fixed by the Kings Regulations, the Board have not
made any deduction on account of certain articles which tho' not improper
for Officers to have had with them, do not appear to come strictly under
that head, the specific articles which ought to be considered as constitut-
ing an officer's Baggage not being defined in the existing Regulations.
8). It is the opinion of the Board that the following sums should be con-
sidered as the highest rates of allowance for canteens in cases where
claims on that head appear to be admissible, viz to a: Subaltern œ 7.7.0,
Captain œ 8.8.0, Field Officer œ 10.10.0 (Suggested by the C-in-C
Subaltern œ 3.3.0, Captain œ 4.4.0, Field Officer œ 6.6.0)
9). And that a sum not exceeding six guineas should be allowed for a
pair of pistols, to infantry officers entitled to indemnification for the loss
of that article (the C-in-C does not see any reason for accommodating
this allowance).
10) Claims for the loss of maps of the country where an army is
employed, do not seem to come within the existing rules of public
indemnification. Officers whose situations render it necessary for them
to be possessed of such articles are entitled to a compensation for the
same, when lost upon service if properly substantiated accordingly.
(The C-in-C does not see any sufficient reason for accommodating this
11). Claims for money have in no case been admitted unless it...was
public money, and that it ought to have been in the possession of the
person claiming indemnification on account thereof, at the time the
loss was sustained.
12). Although no provision appears to have been made by any of
the existing regulations for granting indemnification on account of the
loss of mess utensils, yet as it is the general usage of the service,
for every Regiment to have a mess; And in these times such a
custom seems to be absolutely necessary, the pay of Officers not
being sufficient to enable them to live separately...that Regiments
should receive a reasonable remuneration for the loss of those
articles, in cases where it appears, that the service on which they
were lost, fairly warranted their being taken with the Regiment.
The...Public should only be charged with a very moderate sum
for losses of this description, and that for articles strictly necessary,
but by no means for those of luxury or show...that no greater
allowance than one hundred pounds should in any instance be
granted for an admissible claim of this nature.
13). On all future occasions a committee to consist of one field
officer and two captains, or as nearly in that proportion as possible
should be formed at each Regiment, as soon after the loss shall have
been investigate the merits of the several claims
intended to be submitted...also, to see that every claim is made out in
strict conformity to the forms prescribed by the regulations.
The several claims to be afterwards examined, and properly
certified by the C.O. Three copies of every such claim to be made
out by the claimant, and each to be certified in the same manner as
the first. One copy to be left with the Regiment, one to be delivered to
the General or C.O. of the forces on the station, to be by him
transmitted to government for consideration and final settlement.
Unless he shall deem it necessary to convene a Board of
General Officers on the spot, deciding upon the personal
claims of the officers and men.
Claims of Colonels, on accounts of Regimental losses must
always be settled in England, although claims ought to be examined
in the first instance at the Regiment in the same manner as the
others....the third copy to be sent by a different conveyance, or by a
subsequent opportunity to the regimental agent, to be delivered to the
proper Department in England, in order to provide against
the...accidental miscarriage, or nonarrival of the copy sent home by
the General Officer commanding.
14). Many claims have been admitted which do not
strictly come within the established rules of public indemnification,
such deviation from the usual course, is not to be considered as a
precedent upon any future occasion, and has only arisen out of
the very special circumstances attending the service on
which the army was employed during the late
intimation to this effect should be communicated to each Regiment, entered in their respective orderly books.
[1] Memorandum, Horse
Guards, 30th May 1809. "General Officers commanding on
foreign stations are to make it known to the different corps
under their command, that they will be called upon to pay for
such articles of camp equipage and camp necessaries which
(being in charge of the corps respectively) are lost through
neglect or destroyed from wilful abuse, at a rate founded on
the value of the same. as stated in the accompanying schedule.
Scale of the Full and Half value of articles of camp equipage 13th
December 1806.
[2] The Regiments and
Officers mentioned were most probably under orders for
embarkation on the Walcheren expedition or re-embarkation for the
[3] General Order,
Applicable to the Troops destined for Continental Service. Horse
Guards, 12th July 1808.
On orders being received for embarkation, all heavy and
superfluous Baggage...are to be left at the Barracks from which
the respective corps march... Under the head of Heavy Baggage
is comprehended spare cloathing, Arms, Accoutrements, and
Appointments. By superfluous Baggage is meant, the Baggage of
Officers, beyond what can be contained in one trunk and one
portmanteau, which with a pair of canteens, and Bedding of the
lightest, and most portable kind, must (independent of camp
equipage) constitute the whole baggage of each Officer on
service. The Baggage of the different ranks of Regimental
Officers, must not, in the whole, exceed the following weights,
and the Baggage of Officers on the Staff, must be regulated on
the same principal (sic): cwt. each
Report of the Board of Claims W.O. 26/41 PR.O. Kew