by Keith Raynor
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Though it might
appear to be slow at times, the British Army did not stand still
regarding the experimentation or introduction of acceptable new
ideas during the Napoleonic Wars. This included questioning the
suitability of red as the uniform colour for the army particularly for
its light troops. One such experiment occurred in 1800 being a
controlled test on the effect aimed rifle fire had on coloured targets,
these targets being either of a red, green or grey colour. The
resulting tests showed that grey was the most suitable colour for a
uniform and a recommendation was made for its adoption by
Riflemen and Light Infantry.
The tests were carried out by the rifle company of the
6th/60th [1] under the
supervision of Charles Hamilton-Smith [2]. Years later he described the
experiment in an article for the Royal Engineers. [3]
The main part of Hamilton-Smith's article precluding the
preamble is herewith transcribed below:
Under general circumstances; and in battles, when the distance,
the smoke of cannon and musketry, partially, at least, concealed
contending armies from each other, glaring uniforms may not have
caused serious bloodshed; but in the later wars, and the mode of
engaging introduced during the French Revolution, where the rifle
service is greatly increased, and clouds of skirmishing light Infantry
cover the front of their forces so far in advance as to be checked
only by similar combatants pushed forward by the opposing army,
the fire of both parties is commonly guided by individual aim, and
good marksmen make considerable havoc. The colour of the
uniform becomes therefore a question of importance, particularly
where it is of so distinct a nature as to offer a clear object to the
marksman. [4]
Observation teaches military uniforms to fade from the
eye, in proportion as they are neutralized; from red, the most
conspicuous, to earthen brown and neutral greys. To the
marksmen, white enlarges the object, and is so far deceptive; blue
reduces the real magnitude; black and dark green assimilate with
blue, and light green has a tendency to appear neutral.
The relative distinctiveness of these colours was readily
ascertained by the normal rifle company of the 6th battalion 60th
Regiment, which, after rather severe service in the Helder
expedition, returned to the Isle of Wight, and there had, with the
sanction of its Colonel, permission to undertake a series of
experiments on the comparative effect of rifle fire upon different
After some preliminary observations on plain white and on
black targets without ring or bull's-eye, and where the first
mentioned was evidently more maltreated by rifle shot than the
second, it was resolved to confine the trials to plain red, green, and
grey - a light iron-grey made with distemper being then the uniform
of a Highland regiment, of a Dutch rifle battalion, both in the same
garrison, and the normal company in question, which then still had
the same Austrian Tyrolean costume which it had worn in the last
Helder expedition.
From this Company were selected the best six marksmen,
all educated Jager, and each was supplied with six bullets. The red
target, placed on the open heath, was distant 125 yards from the
stand; the time selected was seven in the morning, with weather
sufficiently moderate not to have perceptable influence on the
direction of the shot; the men were to load as to them seemed best,
and to fire at leisure. After each had fired six shots, the party
returned home. On the next day, when the weather was equally
favourable, and the sun at the same angle of elevation, the same
number of shots, were delivered by the same men, and under the
same conditions, at the green target; and on the third, at the grey.
On the third day of the second series of trials, the men
immediately observed that they were now so familar with the
distance, that their fire would be more effective than in the first.
But it was this time the grey target that was to be aimed at, and the
result turned out by no means commensurate with the expectation
of the marksmen. In this manner the second series of experiments
was conducted, even with more care, if possible, to maintain the
conditions perfectly similar: each day the targets had the shot-holes
stopped, and the surface repainted; but now the red target was
already so much damaged, that fearing it would not hold together
for the day's trial, the distance for the third and last series of rounds
was increased to 150 yards, and notwithstanding the changes
resulting therefrom, it fell to pieces before the last shot was
delivered, and, being bound together by withies, was brought home
in a bundle. The green also was so much battered in the fiery ordeal
as to be unfit for repairing; but the grey remained sound, and was
afterwards used again. [5]
108 shots had been fired at each, 72 of which at 125, and
the last 36 at 150 yards. It is to be regretted that the exact number
of shot-holes which had been each day carefully noted down is not
now in the possession of the writer; the copy of the report which
was sent up to Sir Robert Brownrigg, the Quarter Master General
of the forces and Colonel of the battalion, having been lent to a
Military acquaintance who never returned it. But qso far as
recollection can be depended on, there were, it is believed, more
than double the number in the red than in the grey target, and the
state of the green was intermediate.
It was observed also that the grey was comparatively
unhurt when the distance was increased, and to ascertain the fact
more fully, that target was afterwards painted vertically one half
red and the other left grey, and the same result was obtained. It was
then suggested to set up the triangle stand, upon which the rifle can
be laid, in order to level it at the centre, and screw it fast. The most
experienced Tyrolean in the company took pains to effect the
object, and still the red bore the great majority of hits, upon which
last occasion only it is proper to observe that
both ring and bull's eye were painted black, none having been used
during the three first series of experiments.
The general result is, however, of so important a nature,
that it appears exceedingly desirable they should be repeated, and
if possible, with still greater precautions, because, in case of
further confirmation, the question arises whether all riflemen and
light infantry should not take the field in some grey unostentatious
uniform, leaving the parade dress for peace and garrison duty.
[1] The rifle company of the 6th/60th had
just returned from the Helder campaign in which they had worn a light iron-
grey uniform. Two years later the uniform had changed, the regulations
describing it as: