by Jim Purky
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The following guide to wargame figures suitable for gaming the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745 lists manufacturers' name, address and telephone number. Where possible, we have included the number of different poses available in the product line. Undoubtedly there are some brands missing from the list and we invite readers to forward such information to the editor of this journal What You Need To Game The '45Government Forces: British Regulars, Dragoons, Artillery Crew and Government Highlanders. French Regulars: Line Infantry, Artillerists, and Dragoons. Jacobites: Any kilted figure from the ECW through SYW period product lines; also, civilian militia in trousers and minimal cavalry. Artillery: primarily small battalion guns of 3-pound variety or less In general, any British Regular figure for the SYW can represent the Government forces. Likewise, any French Regular can portray the Irish Picquets and the Royal Ecossais or Fitz James Horse. Helpful Hint: Look for companies that manufacture figures for the English Civil War (ECW); suitable Highlanders are generally found under the heading of "Montrose's Anny" . Any figure that is armed with a melee weapon, such as a sword & targe, claymore sword, or Lochaber axe, can represent Jacobite Highlanders from 1644 to 1746. Add in a few "British" Highlanders, i.e. the Black Watch figures to add musket -armed troops to your rebel force. Paint them in civilian colors (jackets) and plaids (kilts) rather than in British Red. You should strive to achieve an irregular and motley appearance in your Jacobite army. This can be obtained by using a variety of poses on each figure stand and by using as many different brands of miniatures as you can find. By contrast, the Government forces will look more disciplined so we recommend that each regiment be composed of miniatures purchases from the same manufacturer. Of course, different brands can be used in different regiments. By the way, one of the advantages of owning a Jacobite army is that the same figures can be used to fight Killiecrankie (1689), Sheriffmuir (1715) or Culloden (1746). One could conceivably own one Jacobite army and three different Government armies to recreate all three rebellions on the table top. If you already own British regiments for the Marlburian Era or the Seven Years War, then you have a ready-made opponent to fight if you would like to try something a little bit different. 25MM JACOBITE FIGURESFront Rank Figurines
(In North America)
Front Rank currently provides the most complete line of Jacobite Rebellion figures in any scale and includes hard-to-find Baggot's Hussars (2 poses) and personality figures of Prince Charles and the Duke of Cumberland. The product line includes 10 Highlander poses and 3 Government Highlanders. There are 20 Jacobites and 22 Goverment figures in all. Also check out Front Rank's line of 18th Century Civilians, ECW Artillerists (for prospective Jacobite recruits) and of course its vast SYW line for related figures. RSM LTD
(UK Distributor)
RSM offers an extensive line of SYW figures that are suitable for the Forty Five. The list includes 4 Jacobites and 6 Black Watch poses to supplement its 21 British and 25 French poses. These are very elegant- looking figures and are quite economical at $0.85 per foot and $1.00 per horse. Strategem Figures
(US Distributor)
Strategern provides 10 Jacobite poses for the 1715 Rising that are also suitable for the Forty Five. These are cleanly sculpted figures that are similar to Wargames Foundry castings. Strategem also produces the Government opposition for the Fifteen. Wargarnes Foundry
(US Distributor)
The Foundry offers a magnificent line of 14 Highlanders, each with three head variants, as part of its ECW range. British Marlburians are also available if you want to fight the Fifteen. Willie & Stadden Figures These figures may be purchased from Tradition Ltd. in London. They are well-animated 30mm castings, but are also very expensive (i.e. over $2.00 per foot figure). I do not have Tradition's address or a list of figures, but my recollection is that there are about a dozen different poses in this line. Other Related 25mm Figure Lines A number of companies produce figures for other Horse & Musket Period ranges that could be used in Jacobite Rebellion wargames. Dixon's Grand Alliance Late 17th Century range provides Government troops for Killiecrankie and their growing line of SYW figures can fill out your ranks of French and British regulars, or use their Government Highlanders (8 castings) for Jacobites. Old Glory's 25mm Last of the Mohicans British, French and Highlander figures can be used in the same manner as Dixon's. The Essex 25mm ECW range lists 5 Highlander and 5 Irish (Montrose Royalists) that merit investigation. Essex also has British regulars suitable for Kilhecrankie and the Fifteen rebellions. (US distributor of Dixon and Essex
(US distributor of Old Glory
15mm JACOBITE FIGURESOld Glory, Essex, Frei Korps 15, Matchlock and Roundway are the principal providers of 15mm figures. Most of these figures are found in their respective catalog listings of ECW figures. Old Glory has just released an extensive range of Jacobites, 1745 era British lnfantry and Dragoons, that are specifically designed for the '45. Old Glory
Old Glory (UK) Corp.
Old Glory sells three bags of Jacobite figures that include 100 castings per bag for $18.50, or 30 cavalry figures for the same price. Order #JAB- 1 Highlanders; #JAB-2 British Line Infantry with command; #JAB-3 British Dragoons with command. Matchlock Miniatures
Matchlock produces a nice variety of ECW Highlanders and 16th Century Irish Kern figures that can fight in your Jacobite army. All figures have a high degree of animation and movement. There are 12 Highlanders, 13 Irish Kern, 6 Irish Musketeers (Montrose) and 27 British opponents for Killiecrankie. Matchlock also lists special "character" figures for the ECW: witchfinder, rat catcher, belligerent bishop, aged clansman, just to name a few. Essex Miniatures
Distributors) Essex does not produce a specific "Jacobite Rebellion" range, but I've been able to assemble a very nice-looking army using figures from its SYWECW and Renaissance ranges. The following list of Essex packs that are suitable for Jacobite armies: #REN88 through #REN97 (Montrose's Highlanders); SYBR6, SYBR8 (Government Highlanders and Command Pack). And of course, the Essex range of SYW French and British regulars can fulfill their usual roles. Frei Korps
Frei Korps has one pack of Montrose's Highlanders (#PS35), British SYW Highlanders (#BSY3 and BSY11) plus French and British regulars too numerous to mention in this space. Item #RWA36 -- Camp Followers sounds like an interesting pack. Roundway Miniatures Distributed in the USA by Enola Games (PO Box 83475, San Diego, CA 92138), Soldier World (PO Box 547, Radford, VA 24141) and Division After Division (11107 Finchley Rd., Louisville, KY 40243). Roundway has four packs of 1745 Highlanders and ten packs of British. There are 8 figures per infantry pack, 6 per command pack, and 4 per cavalry pack. Enola Games also stocks the 6mm Heroic & Ros ECW and SYW figures. Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol. VI No. 4 Table of Contents Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by James E. Purky This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |