By Bill Protz
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15mmFrei Korps 15
Recent events have seen the dissolution of the agreement with Black Hawk to manufacture Frei Korps in the U.S.A. A prolific number of figures produced for all theaters of the SYW. There are 78 different French, British and Moghul figures for the Indian theater alone. The French and Indian War includes European troops as well as Colonial and Indian allies with 30 castings for the British side and 22 for the French. Major and minor powers for the war on the European continent are covered by an unbelievable 269 castings as follows: Prussia (67), Austria (46), Russia (30), France (52), Britain (33), Hanover (20), Schaumberg-Lippe (4) and Sweden (17). The Commissary section offers 7 different items. An American War of Independence range is in the offing with the first 4 figures being listed. A comprehensive range is planned. Frontier Miniatures
Send $3 for catalog and sample figure (formerly Pass of the North). Another new manufacturer with an array of figures for the European and North American theaters as well as the '15 and '45 Rebellions. Prussian, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, French and British, including Jacobites, are produced. There are 78 packs of infantry, including command and artillery sets and 40 cavalry packs, command packs inclusive. There are 6 mounted personalities for both the Prussians and Austro-Hungarians, as well as 4 personalities for the British. Gallia Reproductions
Sole U.S. Distributor:
A new entry into the SYW with a range still in its infancy. Sixteen Prussians and 5 Austrians are listed. Austrian and Prussian artillery crews as well as a complete range of Rogers' Rangers have been released--quantities unknown. An 18th Century American Frontier range of 26 castings is featured including 9 different Indians. Peter Laing
Twenty-five castings are listed under the American War of Independence range. Gamers seeking figures in "full skirt" coats should consult the extensive Marlburian listing which includes 25 foot figures, 8 castings apiece for the cavalry and gunners, 2 pioneers and 21. pieces of equipment, many of which are unique to this manufacturer alone. A "Link Items" range of 16 castings will. enable the gamer to do the 'IS and '45 Uprisings as well as the SYW. Due to Peter Laing's "muted" sculpting style, some of the Indian Mutiny figures could be suitable for Moghuls. Mike's Models
Mike's Models
SYW British, French, Austrians and Prussians are offered with Russians to follow. There are 33 castings for the Austrians, 14 for the Prussians and 19 each for the British and French. Riders are separate; therefore, 5 different horses are available. The equipment range boasts 11 castings--8 of which are ordnance. Mike's also has a range of Moghuls under their Renaissance listings. There are 16 castings in the range which includes artillerymen and crews for their armored and unarmored war elephants. The equipment range has 4 items. Miniature Figurines, Ltd.
Miniature Figurines, Ltd. USA British, French, Prussian, Russian and Austro-Hungarian figures available for the wars in Europe. There are 49 infantry packs, including artillerymen and command sets; 40 cavalry packs, including command sets; and 5 packs consisting of 6, 12 and 24 lb. guns, a limber and a six horse team with drivers. Miniature Figurines of New York offers infantry packs with command sets included. Minifigs' catalog also lists 4 packs of Moghuls in their Renaissance range. An American War of Independence range has been discussed, but availability will not be before late 1985 at the earliest. "N" Gauge (9mm)Munro Miniatures
Formerly Jack Scruby's Military Miniatures Twenty packs of figures for the SYW, 5 specifically for the French and Indian War. The American Revolution range consists of 15 packs with an additional 2 packs featuring figures in various positions. 1/300th Scale (6mm)Heroics and Ros Figures
The Viking Forge Fifteen Prussian and 13 Austrian packs are produced for the SYW. Equipment and figures in "full skirt" coats can be gleaned from the 13 entries under the Marlborough Period heading. Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol. II No. 2 Table of Contents Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1985 by James E. Purky This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |