by James J. Mitchell
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1. Member Ferkin Doyle writes: "I am trying to find a painting/line drawing of a dead or dying Prussian Grenadier. Could you put out a call for that in the next issue of the Journal? If you do a search of Prussian/Art/Grenadier, in any order, you get over 300,000 hits!?!? I can be reached at: Ferkin Doyle, 2360 Panhandle Rd, Delaware, OH 43015 (740) 369-0857 D/N or alfhogg@bright. net." 2. From Marc Heine, Tour de Force Travel, Flexibreaks Travel Service Ltd, London; Dear Members and Friends of the Seven Years War Association Since the terrorist attacks of the 11th September, the "Frederick in Bohemia and Moravia" tour has been "on hold," partly because we wanted to see how the political situation developed, and partly because we sensed a general hesitation about booking, even amongst those members and friends who had expressed a firm interest in the tour earlier in the year. Recently, however, we have received several inquiries which have led us to consider whether there might still be an interest in proceeding with the tour, either in April of next year, as originally planned, or perhaps later in 2002. Would you kindly help us by indicating whether you are still interested in the tour, either a) during the original tour dates, or b) later in 2002 (and if this option, then when?)? When we say "interested," we really mean interested to the extent of genuinely being prepared to book. (There is not much point in our relaunching the tour on the basis of expressed interest, only to discover that nobody actually books!) Incidentally, the original plan was to cost the tour from London and back to London, but because such a high proportion of the people interested in the tour are based outside the UK, we would now cost the tour without flights, leaving individual tour members the chance to scout around for the flight bargains that are likely to be available. Accordingly, the tour as now to be advertised would be much less than the £900 originally planned - probably somewhere in the area of £650-£675 or thereabouts. Many thanks in advance for letting Christopher Duffy and me know your wishes. Yours, Marc Heine Please Note this follow-up message that I just received! From: Christopher Duffy and Marc Heine
Dear Members and Other Friends With the renewed interest in the above tour, which is little more than four months away, we have decided to accept Todd Fisher's offer to take over the preparation and handling of next April's tour. We both have many other pressing matters to attend to at the moment, so we welcome Todd's offer to relaunch the tour himself. All further inquiries should be passed to Todd at; moreover, would everyone who has thus far expressed an interest in the tour to either Christopher or Marc, please now contact Todd? Christopher Duffy and Marc Heine will be back in action as a team on future tours, and indeed Christopher will be taking a very active part in this tour, and participating in it. For his part, Marc looks forward to seeing and meeting you all on future tours, and of course, if you are ever in London, do please let him know. Yours sincerely-and with best wishes for a happy Christmas and New Year Marc Heine and Christopher Duffy PS: Amongst the tours that we are planning is a Seven Years War visit to Saxony, provisionally timed for either late 2002 or the first half of 2003. Highlights will include Rossbach, Leipzig, Dresden, Weimar and a return to Hochkirch, and also to Koenigstein, where there is now a great deal more on display. Some of Prince Henry's actions just down the Elbe are also a possibility. If you are interested-and if you have any suggestions as to itinerary, or preference as to the time of visit-please contact Marc or Christopher. 20 December 2001. 3. Member Ralph Morrison, ul. Zachodnia 13/7, 53-643 Wroclaw, Poland, writes: "Thanks for the directory. God, it's a small world! I see among the Australians, Robert Horton, a colleague in law. "It's a sad irony that the Association's 'man on the spot' has so far been unable to deliver much, except the answer to Neil Cogswell's prayers (viz. Maps). Early days yet, I hope. Poland remains a 'difficult' country, but, ah, Silesia, Pomerania - glorious as we hunker down for winter." I encourage members to write to Ralph so as to keep in touch. It's always good to hear from you, Ralph! 4. Here's an interesting e-mail that I recently received: I am in the possession of the seal used on the peace treaty signed in Europe that ended the Seven Year's War. I was wondering if you could tell me the name and location of the museum in Europe that now contains that treaty. I would like to donate the seal to the museum. Mark Comstock email: 5. SYWA Member Danny O'Hara,, sends me this 18th century quotable quote: "A friend sent me this - it seems pretty appropriate for the Festive Season!" 'Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war.'
Thanks, Danny, that's a great quotation. Danny also writes: "I've been translating some more stuff on the Swedish-Prussian fights in Pomerania (Hurrah, says Phil Mackie!). Amongst this, I found a comment on the Swedish HQ discussing/negotiating the 'Montalembert' Plan with France. I assume that this was the general plan for operations against Prussia, but wondered if anyone knew any more about this? I can't find any other references." ` 6. Member Bob Kalinowsky, 632 Timberidge Dr., Saint Charles, MO 63303-3101,, writes: "Well, we are in the midst of creating unit icons for the Prussia's Glory board game. Find attached a JPEG of cannon workups. I think they look great, [They do - Editor] but we could sure use Prussian Brummer and Dieskau profiles! Accordingly, I'm writing to ask again if you can mass email the membership and ask them if anyone has silhouettes or gun profiles for copy/loan on the Prussian guns -- Dieskau, Brummer, and "Austrian" 12. The clock is ticking, and it would be a shame to miss out on getting even more authentic cannons in the game. Thanks, and hope we can find a profile donor!" 7. Here's another interesting e-mail I received, this time from an A. S. Hunt, "I don't know if you can help me, but here goes. I'm doing genealogy research and have come across the name, Heinrich Sigismund von der Heyde. He was the defender of COLBERG, Pommerania, Germany. I came across a Bronze Medal with his likeness and name on it. Now for my question, WHO was he? I am new at this and since I don't speak Polish or German I'm at loss on where to look. Thank you for letting me bend your ear, and any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated." Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol. XII No. 3 Table of Contents Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by James J. Mitchell This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |