by James J. Mitchell
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2. Researching Rossbach. On a related note, Dr. Duffy tells me that he is in the process of researching the battle of Rossbach and is looking for any leads on material dealing with that battle. I have given him a few book titles that I tracked down in various libraries via the Internet, but I'm sure there's plenty more out there. If anyone has leads to source material on this important battle, send it to me and I'll relay it to Christopher. 3. Map Scenario Erratum. In case you didn't read my article on Lobositz after Paul Petri's Wargame Scenario report, I am repeating here that I inadvertently made an error of omission on my Lobositz Scenario Map #1 sold through Old Battlefields Press. Specifically I left out O'Donnell's cavalry brigade from the Austrian OB. Those who already have this map are encouraged to copy the revised OB that appears at the end of my article on the battle in this issue. I once again apologize for this mistake. . . . I thought I was invincible . . . 4. Neat Web Site: Seven Years War Magazine On-Line!!!I kid you not, Mr. Jean-Louis Vial of France has created a free on-line Seven Years War Magazine entitled Nec Pluribus Impar. Although a French site, many of the articles are in both French and English. This site includes numerous full-color pictures of uniforms and flags. You must see it to believe it! The URL is: 5. Another Web Site Worth Checking Out. If you have any interest in Voltaire, the Battle of Fontenoy, Maurice de Saxe, or related items, take a look at this site. It also includes some breathtaking paintings. It is maintained by Professor Jack Iverson, and its URL is: I highly recommend a visit to this attractive website. It's worth it just for the pretty pictures. Send Jack a complementary e-mail while you're there. 6. Contributing Editor Brent Nosworthy informs me that the rights to his book, Anatomy of Victory, have reverted back to him. He is planning on reprinting it with the addition of several new chapters based on additional research. I'll keep the membership informed of new developments on this. 7. A Thank You Note to Pete Panzeri: Society member David Doty of the Dayton Painting Consortium gave me the following note that he wishes included in the Newsletter: "A tip of the tricorne to Pete Panzeri for his gracious and enthusiastic support of the SYWA at 'Origins.' Pete and his team at the HMGS booth displayed our recruiting material and rendered timely logistical support as Rich and I prepared to run our Zorndorf game." I'm sure that all of the membership will join me in echoing Dave's thanks to Pete for helping to promote the SYWA. Thank you, Pete! And thank you, Dave for bringing Pete's contributions to the attention of the membership. 8. George Nafziger is Working on a Seven Years War Project: The prolific military history writer George Nafziger of the Nafziger Collection fame as well as the author of numerous books on the Napoleonic Wars informs me that he is doing research for a forthcoming series of Seven Years War books. He's starting with the Prussians and says that he's seeking technical information on the organization of the Freikorps battalions. Those wishing to assist George in his research are invited to contact him at his website: 9. Articles of War Moving to New Mexico: This is truly sad news for those of us in the Chicagoland area. After doing business in Skokie for more years than I can remember, Bob Ruman of Articles of War informs me that he will be moving his business to New Mexico sometime next year. He and his wife have always dreamed of relocating to a more balmy and less polluted clime. The good news is that Bob intends to remain in business. I just won't be able to drop in quite so easily. This is good news, on the other hand for those members who live out west. Now they won't have to travel so far to see what new items Bob has in his store. As I receive new information, I will publish it in the Journal. Their currant website is: 10. Pallas Armata: Gareth Simon of 98 Priory Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2BP, England is providing a photocopy service by this name exclusively to certain wargaming clubs including the Seven Years War Association. For a nominal fee, Mr. Simon will make photocopies of certain public domain books located at his local library. Checks, money orders, etc. should be made in pounds sterling only and made payable to Gareth Simon NOT Pallas Armata. His latest list includes Henry Lloyd's history of the Seven Years War, Minden and the Seven Years War by Sir Lees Knowles, a biography of Loudon in English by G. B. Malleson, a biography of Seydlitz by Captain Neville Lawley, and other titles too numerous to mention including material on the War of the Austrian Succession, too. To be informed of titles available, send him a large stamped, self-addressed envelope with 2 IRC's for European readers, or 3 IRC's for those farther away. He does not keep a stock of copies in print, but rather goes to the local library where he has the photocopying done, thus, in a worst case scenario, it may take as much as three months to fulfill an order. Nevertheless his prices are dirt-cheap (4 pounds for the Minden book, for instance), so I believe I may be doing some business with him. 11. Research Material at the British Library: Do any of our readership have access to the British Library? While doing an internet search, I stumbled across their web site and proceeded to peruse their catalogue of holdings. I found a wealth of material on the Seven Years War in Western Germany, much of it in French, a language with which I'm becoming increasingly comfortable. They apparently will duplicate their material for researchers for a fee. I found a number of apparently first-hand accounts of battles such as Meer, Crefeld, Hastenbeck, etc. listed. Since reproduction costs are rather dear, it occurred to me that if any of our English membership happened to live near the library & wanted to take a peek at the stuff, maybe they could let me know whether it would be worth ordering from the library to translate?!?!?! If anyone has browsed through their collection, please write or e-mail me as to what gems you may have found. 12. Outland Games is Now Open Saturdays For Games. Chris Fahnestock of Outland Games, PO Box 457, Phillipsburg, OH 45354 (937-994-8822; FAX 937-837-1413; e-mail informs me that his store is now open for gaming on Saturdays. For the hours and directions, call Chris at (937) 884-8822 or e-mail him at He has also shown me a delightful addition to his inventory: a 25mm figure of Frederick the Great sitting on a tree stump and looking dejected at Kunersdorf. It is a very nice quality figure and would fit into any 25mm army as a unique command figure. Chris says that this is just the first in a series of character figures he has planned. I can't wait to see what other personalities he may have planned. Personally, I'd like to see a Soubise figure! 13. Minifigs USAhas just released their new Marlburian and Great Northern War 15mm figures. For more information, contact Tom Dye at: GFI, 538-E Olathe Dr., Aurora, CO 80011 or call him at 1-877-700-6174 or e-mail him at 14. The London War Room, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS 39465 (601-584-8533) continues to add to their line of 25mm WAS Spanish. I understand that they now have battalion guns with a three-man crew available. Give Vince Clyant a call for details. 15. Potsdam Flags & Publications, 16 Buckminster Close, Derby, DE21 2EA, Great Britain, continue to add to their fine range of publications dealing with the War of the Austrian Succession. Stephen Manley send me Book VIII in the series of Colours & Standards of the War of the Austrian Succession. This wonderful book of full color 25mm flag sheets covers the Italian infantry of Piédmont-Sardinia, The Two Sicilies, Genoa, and Modena. It is a booklet around the same size as the SYWA Journal and is 17 pages in length. It contains four-color pages as well as descriptive text. The price is £3.99 + 75p. for postage within the UK. I assume the postage is more for overseas orders, but did not see the actual amount on the brochure. He also sent me some highly detailed flag sheets in both 25mm and 15mm. The 15mm sheets were Nbr. B38 Brunswick Showing one Leibfahne as carried by all infantry battalions from 1746-66 as well as the Bataillonsfahnen for battalions Zweigdorf," "Wittorff," and "Lande und Garnisonbataillon 'Ols;'" and Nbr. A27 showing a Colonel's color, Milan Infantry, 1728-1809, a Battalion color, 4th Battalion, Royal Spanish Guards, 1808-14, a battalion color, Ibernia (Irish) Infantry, 1768-1810, and a Colonel's color, Napoles (Italian) infantry, 1738-1811. The 25mm flag sheets are: Nbr. B54 – Prussian Garrison Troops, and B40 – Jacobite Risings – Highlanders, and B42 – Jacobite Risings – Jacobite Scots. All the flag sheets are very impressive and the 25mm ones are veritable works of art. The flag sheets cost 75 pence each and are well worth the price. Finally he sent me Vol. No. IX in the Wargamer's Guide to the War of the Austrian Succession. This full-sized volume covers the uniforms of Denmark, Bavaria, Hanover, Pfalz, Saxony, and the Hessian States between 1739-1748.It has a comb binding, clear plastic cover, and is 37 pages long. It retails for £4.99 plus 75p. postage in the United Kingdom and more elsewhere. This book is very well organized and contains a wealth of information that would be very hard to assemble on one's own without the investment of a small fortune in the various books and other sources from which this data has been gathered. Stephen informs me that SYWA members who order from him will receive a 10% discount. I have also been informed that "On Military Matters" carries these items in the US. See the ad on the back cover of this issue for their address. 16. The Emperor's Headquarters has reopened at a new address. I recently was informed that EHQ has finally completed their move. Their new address is: Emperor's Headquarters, 7047 N. Barry Street, Rosemont, IL 60018. I thank my lucky stars that they are no further away from me than they were at their old location! 17. Games Plus, located at 101 W. Prospect Ave., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 (847 577-9656, has enlarged their store and increased their inventory. I visited the store recently and was delighted to see a significant selection of historical miniatures. This is a store worth checking out. 18. Old Battlefields Press has undergone a reorganization. My erstwhile business partner, Dean West, having been transferred to Kentucky and overwhelmed by the daunting task of building his dream house, has formally turned the reins of our business over to me. I will now be selling our inventory, probably in a somewhat scaled-down format, through the Seven Years War Bookstore. 19. Seven Years War Association Web Site. I have asked member Rich Black to design a web site to replace the current one that is not very up to date. Although the new one is not on line yet, we hope to have a site up and running sometime soon. Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol. XI No. 1 Table of Contents Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by James J. Mitchell This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |