The Last Thing
That You Will Want to Read


by Dave Watkins

Another packed issue, so packed that I have had to hold over several reviews and articles until number 10. Talking of 10, you may have noticed that it's planned publication date is February 93 and not January as would be expected. Because I insist on publishing 6 issues per annum, there has to be the occasional adjustment in the gaps between issues, else then there would be 7 during every second year! I'm making this point because last time I made such an adjustment, (of only two weeks), various ill informed sources told the world that First Empire had gone bust and that I was on a boat to Argentina.

I have made mention in the past of changes that were to occur with the mag. Well these plans now appear to be coming to fruition, and we will be making maximum use of the extended break to bring these about, hopefully in time for 10, but probably 11.

Something new is Readers Review. Which I hope is the start of a new trend. Instead of your editor and his cohorts pontificating on various products, I am throwing open `Readers Review' to the public.

You will get paid absolutely nothing for your piece, but you may save others wasting money or even encourage them to go and buy a good product. Manufacturers tend to view `editorial reviews' as either an inducement to advertise or as a sinister plot against them if they don't. If, however, the criticism comes from a paying customer, `they' are more likely to take this feedback on board and either, do something about it, or continue with more of the same, as is appropriate. Please limit your critique to around 400 words or less, restrain from blatant savaging of personalities, and a little humour goes along way ... but no Fawlty Towers scripts please!

Pat Connor's article has stolen some of my intended thunder. I was going to vent my spleen in a similar direction, there is, however, a point I would like to raise with the organisers of the major conventions. I, on a monthly basis have a considerable amount of contact with the majority of the wargames trade. The resounding cry is that you are charging way to much for stand space. We are in the middle of a recession, many traders have to travel incredible distances, have accommodation to pay for and then get clobbered with a bill for £ 160 - £ 300 for 300 - 800 heads through the door. These attendance figures may sound impressive, but split between 20 or so traders, and then take off those who don't spend anything and Bob's your uncle, financial disaster. But the organisers do all right!

I suggest to the show organisers that if you want to charge these stand prices, then you should read Pat's article very closely and try to take some of it on board. Reeling in your seat yet? If that doesn't strike home then maybe this will. Many traders are seriously considering going `mail order only'. In this day and age the price of a stand can get you some seriously good advertising and you don't have all the other overheads and hassle to go with it!

One final point, on this subject, does anybody out there still seriously believe that wargame shows attract passing non-wargaming members of the public in off the street? With the current level of image, I think not.

On the good news front, pop down to Woolworth's and grab yourself a 126 minute video of Waterloo. Yes, its finally been released on video. Price £ 5.99. I haven't compared it fully with my own video of the BBC's last showing of the film, but there appears to be many extra scenes included. Once again you can laugh at the Prussians marching through the corn fields, down the same lanes they used on the first take! Will we get the legendary Bunderchuk War and Peace? or the 1945 German film Kolberg? Who knows?

Finally, may I wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, on behalf of Ian, Geert, Pat, Bob, Julie (Tea girl and editorial concubine, long suffering mother to the heir apparent), Leon and myself. See you in `93 and I look forward to the competition entries.

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