
Letters to the Editor

by the readers

Letters on: Opponents Wanted; Po and Paints; German Legion; Happy Reader;

Opponents Are Wanted....

Dear Sir,

May I ask that you publish the following;

Opponenet wanted in the Plymouth area, using Avalon Hill's `Napoleon's Battles'. I have figures and terrain but no transport. If interested please contact Kevin Summers on Plymouth (0752) 491255.

Kevin Summers
Plymstock, Plymouth.

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Po and Paints...

Dear Mr. Watkins,

Two requests please if possible. With regard to the very good article on painting by Ian Barstow; Humbrol Acrylics seem almost impossible to get hold of locally (unlike their enamels), could you suggest/recommend a reliable source of these paints? Secondly I'm particularly interesested in the 1809 Campaign in Germany and Austria, but I am struggling to find out the uniform details of the Tirailleurs du Po. Could you or a member of the readership please help.

Phil Winfield
Morcambe, Lancs.

Editor: Well, a timely phone call to the Iron Duke, twenty minutes before he got on the plane to Greece to research the Greek Light Infantry, ( his wife thinks they are going on holiday!), revealed that his favourite source is Paul & Theresa Bailey, of Keep Wargaming, The Keep, Devizes, Wilts.

On the second point I've dug out the following from the `filing shed'... absolutely nothing. I am without PO! So its over to the you, the readership, to see what you can dig out!

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German Legion 1814

Dear Sir,

Further to James Field's article in the last issue, I thought your readers might be interested in the order of battle for the Russo German Army Corps in February 1814. Part of this corps took part in the operations in the Netherlands.

The Russo German Army Corps

    Commander Lt. Gen Count Wallmolden Gimborn
    Chief of Staff Lt Col von Clausewitz
    Commander of Artillery Colonel Monhaupt

    1st Brigade (Gen Maj Tettenborn) Russians

      Cossack Regt (Col Grebzow II)
      Cossack Regt (Col Komissanow)
      Cossack Regt (Gen Maj Sulima IX)
      Cossack Regt (Gen Maj Denissow VII)
      2 guns of Horse Battery No5.

    2nd Brigade (Gen Maj Ahrenschildt) Russo German

      Legion Cavalry (Lt. Colonel v.d. Goltz)
      1st Regt Hussars (Commander nominally Goltz, actually Maj von Reusser) 4 squadrons
      2nd Rgt Hussars (Maj Count Dohna) 4 squadrons
      1st Regt Infantry (Lt. Colonel von Natzmer), comprised of,
        1st Bat Line Infantry (Maj von Schaper)
        2nd Bat Line Infantry (Maj von Firks)
        3rd Bat Line Infantry (Maj von Dobschutz)

      2nd Regt Infantry (Lt. Colonel von Wardenburg), composed of,
        1st Bat Line Infantry (Maj von Horn)
        2nd Bat Line Infantry (Maj von Tiedemann)
        3rd Bat Line Infantry (Maj von Natzmer)

      8 gun Foot Battery (Capt von Maghino)
      8 gun Horse Battery no2 (Lt von Tiedemann)

    3rd Brigade (Gen Maj Lyon)

      Hanoverian Cavalry (Col von Esdorff)
      1st Regt Luneburg (von Esdorff Hussars) 3 squadrons
      2nd Regt Bremen Verden Hussars (Colonel Fr. v.d. Bussche) 3 squadrons
      Infantry (Colonel Count von Kielmansegge), composed of,
        Feldjaegerkorps (Colonel Count von Kielmansegge) 4 companies
        Bat Line Inf Lauenburg (Maj von Bennoit)
        Bat Line Inf Verden (Lt. Colonel von Klenke)
        Bat Line Inf Lauenburg (Lt. Colonel von Halket)
        1st Bat Light Inf (Maj von Longwehr)
        2nd Bat Light Inf (Maj von Benningsen)
        6 gun 6pds Foot Battery (Captain Wiering)
        These troops tatalled about 15,000 men with 32 guns.

      Attached to this Corps were the following troops:

        The Freikorps of Lt. Colonel von Lutzow
        3 Batalions Infantry (Captain von Helmenstreit) (a) 2600
        Volunteer Jager Batalion (Maj von Reiche) (b) 1100
        5 squadrons of cavalry (Rittmeister von Bornstedt), composed of,
          2 squadrons of Lance armed Hussars 200
          2 squadrons of Uhlans 200
          1 squadron of volunteers 100

        Artillery (Lt. Fritze), consisting of
          4 guns of 1/2 Foot Battery (Lt. Fritze)
          4 guns of 1/2 Horse Battery (Lt G„rtner) (c)

      Total 4200

The Freikorps of Major von Colomb

    Detachment from the Regt Lgt-Gde Cavalry (Rittmeister Moritz) 71
    Detachment from the volunteer squadron of the Brandenburg Cuirassier Regt (Rittmeister von Zglinitzki) 52
    Detachment from Neumark Dragoon Regt (2nd Lt. von Pannwitz) 23
    Detachment from Silesia Uhlan Regt (2nd Lt. Julius) 24

    Total 170


    (a) These battalions were also known as jaeger, but were armed with muskets.
    (b) This battalion is also armed with muskets. For an explanation of the term `volunteer jaeger, see Peter Hofshr"er's ``Prussian Reserve, Militia & Irregular Troops 1806-1815, page 23 (M.A.A. no 192)
    (c) Some sources state the total strength of this artillery as 9 guns.

The order of battle was constructed with information from the follwoing sources.

    BAS, F. de Prins Frederik der Netherlanden en zijn tijd, derde deel, le stuk, schiedam 1903
    CRUSIUS, A. Der Winterfeldungzug in Holland, Brabant und Flandern, eine Episdoe aus dem Befreiungskriege 1813 un 1814, Luxemburg 1865
    DAMITZ, von Geschichte des Feldzuges von 1814, Berlin 1842
    PLOTHO, C. von Der Krieg in Deutschland und Frankreich in den Jahren 1813 und 1814, Berlin 1817

Hopefully this will be of use to First Empire readers.

Geert van Uythoven
The Netherlands.

Editor. This letter and the article on the Anglo Russian Invasion will hopefully serve to introduce Geert to you all. Geert has kindly volunteered to act as the fount of knowledge for all matters Dutch and Napoleonic, (Is this a Hollandais source?!), plus anything else that is within reach of the Netherlands. So if you have any questions where you feel he may be able to help, then please write in.

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A Happy Reader....

Dear Sir,

Please find enclosed my subscription for the next 6 issues of First Empire magazine; and what a good job yu have made of the first 7! (Ed. Humble blush!). Lots of useful info, stimulating articles and a great readers letters section. First Empire has to be one of the very best wargames magazines money can buy.

Please extend my thanks to Tim Franklin and Magnus Guild for taking the trouble to respond to my query regarding the Russian Army of 1805. I had been compiling some details on the Russo-German Legion, Austrian Grenadiers and Russian Jaegers for Mr. Franklin but the last 2 issues have coverred these points very thoroughly.

I note that there is a distinct lack of `Revolutionary' articles. I personally find the period fascinating but at the same time, find it difficult to obtain a great deal of information in many areas. Articles covering the Russian campaigns in Italy and the Netherlands particularly with the British invovlement in the latter, would be most interesting don't you think?

Michael L. Jones
Grangemouth, Sterlingshire.

Editor. Funnily enough, this letter came in after I had `pasted up' the Anglo Russian Invasion of Holland, I could claim anticipation of readers demands, but I won't, just a coincidence. One point that I wanted to pick on, and the reason I printed this letter is that Michael started compiling a reply to other readers letters and didn't send in the result. If you are in this situation please send it in. They all get read, if not published, and you may have an interesting angle, observation or information not seen by others. Also the danger is that if you leave it to someone else, Dispatches will fall away to nothing. And remember, that although the space that I allocate to Dispatches is variable from issue to issue, it doesn't mean that I haven't received any letters, its just that I prefer to print articles as submitted, and Dispatches can be of variable length. So if space excludes letters they will appear at a later date.

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