News Report


by Dave Watkins

A New Quarrie to Pursue...

Napoleon's Campaigns in Miniature. The 4th Edition of this classic wargames book is to appear in hard back. Patrick Stephens Limited, the publishers, have contacted First Empire, to inform you that this is a thoroughly revised and expanded fourth edition, that includes an new explanitory introduction, chapters on naval wargaming and on the North American war of 1812 - 14. This edition contains 224 pages with 76 illustrations and 8 pages of colour. Publication date is 16th March 1992, price £ 14.95

Trotman's to release new FREE NAPOLEONIC catalogue...

Richard Brown, the owner of that treasure-trove of military books, Ken Trotman Ltd. in Cambridge, informs us that he is working on a new book catalogue entirely devoted to the Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. This will contain a wide selection of titles, including both rare original works and also second hand copies of more recent titles, so hopefully something for every one. If you would like a free copy of the catalogue, which should be ready late March or early April, send a stamped addressed envelope to Ken Trotman Ltd., Unit 11, 135 Ditton Walk, Cambridge CB5 8QD

Battle Honours..The Editor and others speak out.....

Back in issue 3, I carried a little report announcing the arrival of AB figures from Tony Barton. I subsequently received from one of the readers a letter accusing me of being triumphalistic over the impending demise of Battle Honours.

Triumphalistic, overjoyed and vindicated, are all words that I think could apply to myself in this matter. To be honest its a bit like winning a war. Victory is great until you start counting the casualties, and there are many.

Wargaming is a hobby and although it sorely needs a more business like approach to help it forward, the effect on wargaming of Battle Honours, more specifically the proprietor, Richard Boreham, has been akin to that of Robert Maxwell and BCCI on the business world.

You are probably now thinking, Watkins has flipped, you can't say that about a fellow wargamer, it's just not on. Well, I am of course privy to a lot more information than the average wargamer, and much of what has gone on may never become public knowledge, and it may just as well remain that way. Suffice to say that there are now so many alleged breaches of trust and contract that it has become embarrassing both in terms of finance and humiliation to the parties concerned.

Personally, I have suffered a severe financial loss and my copyright on the Eaglebearer software is violated daily, by the continued sale of that product. (If any parties are interested, I will provide copies of contracts and legal rulings to back this up, just write to the publishers address). Legal actions are being pursued by myself, in respect of this and my solicitors advise that I publish the fact that continued distribution, modification and resale of any version of Eaglebearer is in breach of my copyright and may have to result in further action, against third parties if appropriate.

Of all the people that have allegedly suffered at the hands of Battle Honours; the following people have asked that I publish the comments below.

Peter Lawson. Nether Hall Wargaming Holiday Centre. Further to his letter, (see Dispatches), he wishes it to be known that although he has every sympathy with people pursuing monies/goods he is not, nor has he ever been a partner in Battle Honours and is not responsible for the actions of that company. I will add that Peter is a reasonable and fair minded man, who I believe will do whatever he can to help you.

Tony Linck. Castle Books and Publishers. Mr. Linck is the author and owner of the Napoleon's Generals books. Mr Linck has withdrawn his consent for Battle Honours to sell these books, owing to a serious alleged breach of contract. Readers may be aware that this is a six part series of books, with parts 1 & 2 having been published to date. There are firm plans to continue the series, I know that the remaining four books have been written and are to be published in the near future. For the present books 1 and 2 can be obtained from Castle Books, 6 Bank Street, Castletown, Isle of Man. Price £ 7.95 plus £ 1.05 p+p.

Tony Barton. As you know Tony Barton has broken away and started AB figures. Tony states that he is very dissatisfied with the way Battle Honours was run and that he now regards the figures as his own designs and will be producing some of them himself, as a small part of the AB figures range.

The message I hope by now is clear, a great many people, not just the three named above have suffered. I would like to think that First Empire readers have a higher sense of morality and will encourage the aggrieved and shun the aggressor. As Peter Lawson says in his letter, we should force these people out of the hobby. I for one, never in a million years, would have believed that one person could inflict so much grief on so many people, who supplied their money, products or services for the most part for the good of the hobby. And finally to all those people who can now say to me I told you so, I apologise for not listening to your advice.

Mac Warren changes to a new hutch.......

Mac Warren, who runs the renowned Mac Warren Painting Service has upped stumps and moved. His new address is 161 SPRINGBANK, HULL, HU3 1LQ. Tel: 0482 589192. Mac has broadened his horizons and has bought out the complete MINIATURE REVOLUTIONS range. Watch the adds for the new prices and availability details.

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