Miscellaneous Notes

Horse Guards

by Keith Raynor

Horse Guards, 23 May 1808 ( P.R.O. Kew WO 1/638 Pages 341 to 343 )

My Lord, As it is probable that during our co-operation with The King of Sweden in the North of Europe favourable opportunities may offer for obtaining Recruits for the 60th Regiment and German Legion and pofsibly to such an extent as may warrant the formation of an additional Battalion to the former. I have to propose to your Lordship that in the event of applications being received from Prufsian Officers to enter our service upon the condition of bringing with them a certain number of men, that Sir John Moore or Lt. Colonel Mosheim acting under him at Gottenburgh may be authorised to accede to such terms to the extent of one Battalion in the following proportions viz:

    Each Ensign to raise..........20 men
    Each Lieutenant to raise......30 men
    Each Captain to raise.........60 men

When the several Officers would be taken into our service with temporary Rank until they should have completed their proper period of service when their Rank would be made permanent. The Levy money to be the same viz six Guineas, as is now given by Lt. Colonel Mosheim for the 60th Regiment. I have also to propose to your Lordship that an authority should be immediately given to the Senior Officer of the German Legion serving under Sir John Moore to enlist Germans upon the same terms as are allowed to the 60th Regiment to the extent of the Establisment of each respective Battalion of Infantry and Corps of Cavalry.

I am, my Lord, yours Frederick.

( To ) The Right Honble. Viscount Castlereagh.

Horse Guards 2nd August 1813. ( P.R.O. Kew WO 1/656 Pages 151 and 152 )

My Lord, Adverting to the communications I held with your Lordship some months ago, upon the expediency of raising a 7th Battalion to the 60th Regiment, from amongst the Prisoners of War who are nations of Germany. I have now to bring that subject under your favourable consideration, in consequence of the arrangements having been completed, which were then in agitation, for clafsing the Prisoners according to their respective nations, and by which it appears that there are ready 1200 eligable subjects who may be applied to this service. Under the existing exiquences of the service in North America, I have to propose that this Battalion should be raised for the service of that country, and with a view of giving them an interest in the Military Service of Great Britain, which they might not otherwise feel, it may probably come within your lordships favourable consideration to hold out to the men the eventual grant of land in Canada after a service of five years. It will of course be necefsary to give these people the usual Bounty of four Guineas per man.

I am, my Lord, yours, Frederick, Commander in Chief.

( To ) The Right Honble. Lord Bathurst.

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