News Report

AB Figures, Irregular Miniatures,
and Eagle Software

by David Watkins

A.B. Figures: Battle Honours Lose their Main Man!

It is no secret that I have very little time for this company or its proprietor, Danny Boreham. So I was very pleased a few months ago to hear rumours filtering through the hobby that all was not well with this company, something that I have been predicting since I terminated my own association with them, three years ago. Battle Honours started off on the right lines marketing high quality 15mm figures designed by creative genius, Mr. Tony Barton. Unfortunately, the way people are treated reflects on the way they react to events.

Tony designed a new 'Battle Honours' figure for over 18 months. A taste of what was to come emerged in the form of some excellent Mamalukes, marketed by Wargames South. Now the inevitable has happened with Tony forming his own company, A.B. Figures.

The first releases will go into production in January 1992 and be available from February. Over 100 figures are now ready for production as I write, and with Tony's phenomenal work rate, many more very high quality figures will ready by the New Year. Ranges in existence at the moment are 1805 French, Peninsula British, Austrians, Turkish Late l8th C., to be released in that order. Adverts will start to appear in the February magazines.

Tony states that the features of this new venture will be that quality and customer service will come before all other considerations, that he is aiming for the 'collector wargamer' end of the market, and that all of the basic figures will have three to four variations. Pricing and method of sale are still to be established, but is known that there is to be two production centres for the new figures, one in the south and the other in the north of England.

One of the main crutches to Battle Honours has been Mr. Todd Fisher, of The Emperor's Head Quarters, (Emperor's Press, Battle Honours, America), Chicago, U.S.A. Whatever events befall Battle Honours U.K., the continued existence of Battle Honours America is assured as Todd, having become similarly disenchanted, has 'kicked away the stool', and put his full weight behind Tony, will be expanding his figure ranges with the new A.B. Figures.

I strongly urge all collectors of Battle Honours figures in the U.K. to hold fire, save up your pennies and welcome A.B. Miniatures into the New Year with some well deserved large orders. As Tony says, "It's about time I made some money for my work': and the best of luck to him. He is a nice bloke, who deserves the support of the hobby.

Irregular Miniatures

Irregular Miniatures have announced the release of a complete set of Waterloo buildings in 6mm. I am informed that they are of the usual excellent quality one would expect. They have also released a new Alamo Range, with the Mexican figures being suitable for Napoleonics. Also released are a new range of 25mm French Lancers. See their ad. this issue for further details.

Eagle Software

Eagle Software, have made it official, the Atari is dead! That's as far as the Follow the Eagle systems are concerned. For some considerable time, Eagle Software along with many other software and peripheral manufactures have been encountering problems with the numerous versions of the ST. Dave Watkins, propreitor and designer states, "for too long we have been i the position, where although FTE willl run on some Ataris, it will not run on all. As this problem occurs with the same models, seemingly just being manufactured at a different time being all that is required, it has been decided to discontinue support. Coupled with this is the fact that the PC version works perfectly on all Atari (1MB memory) and Amiga machines when run under PC emulation, it seems pointless to continue and takes up valuable development time."

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