Ryasna - August 1812

A fictitious rearguard action
involving Ney's III Corps
and the Russian 12th Division
(Raevski's VII Corps).

Order of Battle

by R.G. Alley


12th Division (Vasllchikov: Good-Insp)

    1st Brigade (?) (Good-Insp)
      Smolensk Inf Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (20 figs)
      Narva Inf Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (20 figs)
    2nd Brigade (?) (Mediocre-Imp)
      Alexopol Inf Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (20 figs)
      New Ingermanland Inf Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (20 figs)
    3rd Brigade (?) (Mediocre-Insp)
      6th Jager Inf Regiment (2 Battalions): Grenadier (20 figs)
      41st Jager Inf Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (20 figs)

Artillery (?) (Good-Imp)

    12pdr Position Battery: Grenadier (12 Guns)
    6pdr Light Foot Battery: Grenadier (12 Guns)
    6pdr Light Foot Battery: Grenadier (12 Guns)

12th Cavalry Brigade (?) (Mediocre-Insp)

    Kharkov Dragoon Regiment: Elite, 18 Line (12 Figs)
    Chernigov Dragoon Regiment: Elite, 18 Line (12 Figs)


III CORPS (NEY) (Good-Charismatic)

    10th Division (Ledru) (Good-Insp)

      Brigade (Gengoult) (Excellent-Insp)
        24th Light Regiment (4 Battalions): Elite/Vet (48 Figs)
          (2 x 3pdr Regimental Guns)
        1st Portuguese Inf Regiment (2 Battalions): Conscript (24 Figs)
      Brigade (Marion) (Good-Insp)
        48th Line Regiment (4 Battalions): Veteran (48 Figs)
          (2 x 3pdr Regimental Guns)
      Brigade (Bruny) (Good-Insp)
        72nd Line Regiment (4 Battalions): Veteran (48 Figs)
          (2 x 3pdr Regimental Guns)
        129th Line Regiment (2 Battalions): Conscript (24 Figs)
          (2 x 3pdr Regimental Guns)

    Artillery Reserve (?) (Excellent-Imp)

      6pdr Horse Battery: Grenadier (6 Guns)
      6pdr Foot Battery: Elite (8 Guns)

    25th Wurttemburg Division (Marchand) (Good-lnsp)

      Brigade (Hugel) (Mediocre-Imp)
        1st Line Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (24 Figs)
        4th Line Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (24 Figs)
      Brigade (Koch) (Poor-Insp)
        2nd Line Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (24 Figs)
        6th Line Regiment (2 Battalions): Veteran (24 Figs)
      Brigade (Brusselle) (Good-Insp)
        1st Light Battalion: Veteran (12 Figs)
        2nd Light Battalion: Veteran (12 Figs)
        1st Jager Battalion: Veteran (12 Figs)
        2nd Jager Battalion: Veteran (12 Figs)
        12pdr Foot Battery: Veteran (6 Guns)
        6pdr Foot Battery: Veteran (6 Guns)
        6pdr Foot Battery: Veteran (6 Guns)
        8pdr Horse Battery: Elite (6 Guns)
        6pdr Horse Battery: Elite (6 Guns)

    11th Division (Razout) (Good-Insp)

      Brigade (Joubert) (Excellent-Insp)
        4th Line Inf Regiment (4 Battalions): Veteran (48 Figs)
          (2 x 3pdr Regimental Guns)
        18th Line Inf Regiment(4 Battalions): Elite (48 Figs)
          (2 x 3pdr Regimental Guns)
      Brigade (Compere) (Mediocre-Imp)
        2nd Portuguese Regiment (2 Battalions): Conscript (24 Figs)
        Illyrian Regiment (2 Battalions): Conscript (24 Figs)
      Brigade (d'Henin) (Good-lnsp)
        93rd Line Inf Regiment (4 Battalions): Veteran (48 Figs)
          (2 x 3pdr Regimental Guns)
      Artillery (?) (Good-Insp)
        6 pdr Foot Battery: Elite (8 Guns)
        6 pdr Horse Battery: Grenadier (8 Guns)

    Corps Cavalry (Wollwrath) (Good-Insp)

        11th Hussars (French): Elite, 18 Line (10 Figs)
        6th Chevauleger Regiment (French): Elite, 20 Line (8 Figs)
        28th Chasseur a Cheval (French): Veteran, 18 Line (4 Figs)
        4th Chasseur a Cheval (French): Veteran, 16 Line (10 Figs)
        1st Wurttemberg Chevauxleger: Veteran, 18 Line (10 Figs)
        2nd Wurttemberg Chevauxleger: Veteran, 18 Line (10 Figs)

    Reserve Artillery (?) (Good- Imp)

      1 x 12pdr Foot Artillery Battery
      6 x 12pdr & 2 Hows
      2 x 8pdr Foot Artillery Battteries
      6 x 6pdr & 2 Hows each
Small size map (29K)

Medium sized map--slow download (87K)
Jumbo sized map--real slow download (159K)

Ryasma Introduction

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