Ryasna - August 1812

A fictitious rearguard action
involving Ney's III Corps
and the Russian 12th Division
(Raevski's VII Corps).

by R.G. Alley


The Russian 2nd Army of the West is retiring before the French "Grande Armee". In this scenario Ney's III Corps has replaced Davout's I Corps. The Russian 2nd Army is heading for Smolensk, but must hold up Ney's headlong pursuit, if it is to arrive without having first had to fight a major battle.

Raevski orders his 12th Division plus a Brigade of Dragoons to hold the bridge at Ryasna for as long as possible.


This battle was playtested using "Empire" as amended by the "West Wilts Wargamers". "Empire" is designed to recreate at least Corps size battles, but with a few modifications and a little thought can be successfully adapted for this size of action (or so I think).

I suggest that Grand Tactical Movement (Empire) or its equivalent be halved for this battle. With regard to Morale, apart from the ratings given in the Order of Battle, as we all know the Russians would usually defend a position almost to the last man in 1812 in particular, I therefore suggest that Russian Units do not test for morale due to casualties until at least 50%, casulties and been suffered,

Figure scale: 1 Figure = 60 men (Empire)


The Table is 6x4, as for the layout see the plan, It all depends what rules you yourself use as to whether a larger table will be required. Its smallness will aid the umpire in making sure the French player(s) "get stuck in", as there in no room formanoeuvre. The River is not fordable and the French do not have a Bridging train available, nor the time to waste, "Bridge A" is only passable to Infantry in Column of March, Bridge B is passable for all arms, The Woods are of Medium Cover as are most of the intact buildings. The building of Heavy cover I suggest be a Church. The ground is firm and flat.

The Weather is up to the Umpire, I suggest the Umpire and the Russian Player(s) are allowed to discuss the Russian deployment so that units which cannot be seen, at eye level to the table from the French end, are not deployed until the French come within engagement range. Woods and Buildings cannot be seen into.


Well, I suggest the Umpire asks the "better" wargamers to play the French and the less good the Russian, The French to "Win" must take "Bridge B" or destroy or force the withdraw of the Russians off the table or out of tactical Artillery fire range of the bridge. The Russians simply have to stop the French from taking and holding "Bridge B" until Nightfall.


I suggest the action begins at 16.00hrs (One French Division having arrived and deployed for action) and continues until 21.00hrs (nightfall).

The French arrive at intervals and the French commander (Ney) should dice to see when and in which order his Divisions arrive, and indeed when he arrives. I suggest the last Infantry Division does not arrive until 19.00hrs.

The Russians are all in situ at 14.00hrs (don't waste those 2 hours Ivan!).

Ryasma Order of Battle

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