Figure Review:

French Young Guard
Flanquer-Chasseurs (1811-1814)

Following on from the Imperial Guard in the last issue, Foundry have consolidated the range with six figures to be given green jackets instead of blue. Yes, it's another of those units that we've all got. They are coded NP659-664, and although as usual there is no reference on any of the bases, I will attempt to disseminate them for your perusal.

NP659 - Standing He holds his musket at l'arme au bras, for those in the know. He sports full crossbelts and associated 'cutlery', as Magnus Guild would say.

NP660 - March Attack It's sad when you get to know proper drill, because suddenly all the stuff that you were so tolerant of becomes 'they didn't do it like that.' Yes, I too am becoming a Napoleonic Anorak. Basically the same as the last fellow except on the move and in overalls. Not much to be finicky over here. For some reason his right hand is back resting against his cartridge box - perilously close to a swing, methinks; but we'll forgive him because of his splendid side-burns.

NP661 - Advancing This is that pose beloved to manufacturers - porte arms. It looks great on figures, the trouble is that anybody not built like one of the Gladiators (does he mean me? I think he does!) can keep it up for about 30 seconds. The position is wrong for Croisez la Bayonette -Anorak Boy - as the musket is angled too high and the body position is wrong. Mind you, I can see why you'd choose it prior to charging. After holding a gun at that angle I'd feel like fighting anybody.

NP662 - Firing, Leaning Forward This chap is skirmisher only material, I fear. His legs are so wide apart as to be positively painful. Certainly a line of these chaps would look a bit daft. I've tried this pose myself - stop laughing - and the only way it is comfortable is if you were resting the musket on a wall or similar. Still, he's suitably scruffy, with his habit-veste partially unhooked, and by now you should all know my preference for that 'combat' look. Let's go paint-balling. Sorted! Sorry.

NP663 - Loading Another skirmisher, the legs being too far apart to perform this action in the line. I'm beginning to sound repetitive. It's not that I'm a stickler for 100% accuracy on things like this. I'm a firm believer that once off the parade square a good proportion was amended to go with the practicalities of life, and anybody who's seen me drill will confirm as much. Nice figure, though, and he suitably complements the previous fellow.

NP664 - Kneeling Firing This is my favourite of the bunch. Like all except 661 and 662 he has a covered shako with exposed pom-pom (ooer) The pose is just right

All the figures have unmarked cartridge boxes, enabling them to be painted as either covered or not, although I would have liked to see some with the proper Young Guard markings. Still, can't be too picky. Recommended. Use NP626-632 for officers and drummers.

All the above can be obtained from Wargames Foundry, the Foundry, Mount Street, New Basford, Nottingham NG7 7HX.

Another Review

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