Figure Review:

French Light Infantry Carabiniers

These come described as being in non-regulation dress, being able to be used as voltigeurs in 1812. This translates that the colonel said "b****** this, we're keeping our plumes" and frankly I don't blame him.

NP654 - Standing. We are talking retained cross belts and epaulettes, along with shako cover and full plume. In English, the pose is shoulder arms - I've got tired of showing off - but the position of the fingers of the left hand around the butt is all wrong - apparently no I haven't - The forefinger and thumb should be arched over the front of the butt forming a circle. Mind you, I've never seen a manufacturer bother with this yet. The argument that I myself just put forward about dropping parade ground stuff does not apply, as this grip quickly becomes habit forming. Perhaps the most useful thing about this chap is that he would make a good NCO for the Young Guard figures - being as of course there is the usual complete absence of these.

NP655 - Marching With his uncovered shako (somebody made him give up his cords) this chap looks very nice, head tilted slightly to avoid his musket barrel. Arm position is the same as 655 (fingers!!) and the length of his pace is suitably short.

NP656 - Advancing Same as for NP661. What is really annoying is that this pose looks excessively nice. DAMN!

NP657 - Firing Far more suitable for the line. This is how you would stand to fire a gun. Upright. This bloke is leaning slightly backwards. I would have liked to see one leaning slightly forwards for variety.

NP658 - Biting Cartridge Like his predecessor, the legs are technically too far apart for drill book stuff, but in action it is quite plausible. He's also a bit casual with the angle of his gun, but with no NCO figures about, who's to stop him? Makes a good second rank figure if you show the front rank firing.

All in all these chaps are very pretty, and as I have suggested do have a multitude of uses. The criticisms levelled are all minor and are endemic in figures anyway. All are recommended if your wallet can take the strain.

All the above can be obtained from Wargames Foundry, the Foundry, Mount Street, New Basford, Nottingham NG7 7HX.

Another Review

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