The Last Thing...


by Dave Watkins

Last Issue

Last issue we had shall we say a few technical problems!! The entire magazine was screwed up by the printers and had to be reprinted and even then it wasn’t to my complete satisfaction, but we had to go with what was delivered otherwise this would be issue 24. So belated apologies from my printers to you all

The Move

Just in case you haven’t got the message, we’ve moved and the new address is First Empire, 1st Floor, 21 Whitburn Street, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4QN, please try to remember the address change when contacting us - it doesn’t upset the occupiers at the old addresses that way!

The Camp Bed

In a recent discussion with Gibbo it occurred to us that just as there are as many pieces of the true cross in existence that you can repopulate an entire Amazonian rain forest, and there are apparently innumerable locks of Napoleon’s hair in existence, so many in fact that it is quite an achievement for a man who was folically challenged for the last twenty years of his life, that now a “new” souvenir has sprung into existence. Photo below of 'true' bed at L'Caillou.

“The Napoleon’s Campaign bed syndrome.”

Campaign beds are appearing around the globe at an alarming rate, the most recent sighting being one at the Lever Museum at Port Sunlight, quite what such an object is doing at a soap museum escapes me but there you go. Recently spotted at Le Cailliou by myself was another, I have hazy recollection of one in Waterloo village somewhere and there is one at the NAM I think. There is a moderately serious point to this however, a new game of Spot the Campaign bed begins here, of course the interest lies not in the existence of the campaign bed but in the existence of the institution in which it lies. There must be many ‘Lever Museums’ around the globe which are open to the public and contain items of interest to us all, so if you know of such a site write in and let us all know. A picture of the ‘true’ bed at L’Caillou is shown opposite.

First Empire Show

Well, number 2 went off, with heads through the door up some 20% on last year, so we will be doing it again next year. The date will be Sunday 18th August 1996. At this years show the prize winners were - Best turned out re-enactor (photo below), Caporal Alfredo Page 21ème. Best Trade Stand at Show, Bicorne Miniatures. Best Display Wargame - The Action between Hougoumont and La Haye Sante (photo below), presented by the Phoenix Society, Birmingham.

My thanks to all that assisted, even the hired hindrance (Barstow/Jonesy), Chris Durkin and the 21ème for Guard and door duties, and the ever unbiased judge, the wife!

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