The Wargaming Brigade

by Ian Barstow

Space is strictly limited this month by our Draconian editor, so without further ado, I’ll get underway. Those of you who have read this column before will be beginning to be aware that I like a monthly moan, and this one has been building up since Colours at Reading last year. How many others stood in the Bring & Buy queue for over one hour before being casually told that they were taking no more bookings due to a lack of space.

Come to think of it, when they were taking bookings only one book appeared to be opened whilst most of the other B&B staff stood about, laughing and yapping. Nothing wrong with that, but they should have had a look at the queue first. How about a bit more space this year Colours? Anybody wanting to defend, please feel free. Finally on Bring & Buys. The prices people expect. Get real! This is the wargames equivalent of a car boot sale. You're only dumping your old stuff, so stop asking for so much. I WANT BARGAINS!

Right, on to happier things. The PBM game is about to begin, so as of now no more applications please. For those of you brave enough to sign up, you will soon be receiving details that some of you have been patiently waiting for, for several months in some cases. What is the campaign? What else in the year of the 180th anniversary of Waterloo, but the 1815 campaign. In the next couple of weeks I will be allocating roles and building the army lists, suffice to say that Cliff Gully will be Napoleon, as promised.

Clear For Action

Those of you expecting a full review of Clear For Action will have to be patient until next time. Lack of space, and all that. This actually works out well since I am shortly expecting a scenario disk from Malcolm Smalley, the creator. Suffice to say that I have not wargamed anything else since its arrival - literally - it is that good. We are currently undertaking a two player re-fight of Trafalgar (in this case on-screen, due to a lack of models) which is something I never thought a possibility before. Le Berwick and Principe d’Asturias have just struck - hurrah! Needless to say I have suitably improved on Old One-Eye’s tactics. If you have not contacted Langton Miniatures yet about these rules, then get on and do it. I am definitely at the sad point where I believe that you are not truly English unless you’ve ‘commanded’ ships of the line.

The first of the N.A. display games comes on the weekend of July 2nd/3rd at Fritton Lake (not Fratton Park as I keep telling everybody) and if any members would like to take part then please drop me a line ASAP.

With the improved technology available to his Holiness the Editor from next issue I will be supplying the odd painted figure that I have been sent to review. Too late for this issue are the arrivals from Adler, the top 6mm (alright, 8mm) manufacturer. See the discount box at the bottom of the article for further details.

That’s it for this issue. Those of you who wargame Napoleonics and haven’t bothered to join, bear this in mind: Courtesy of one of the re-enactment units, the 21eme Ligne, Rob Jones and I are off to Waterloo this June for the 180th anniversary. They are even kind enough to supply uniforms. Worth a thought, isn’t it?


    10% discount at Langton Miniatures, North Trendeal, Ladock, Truro, Cornwall TR2 4QQ.
    10% discount with the Painted Miniatures Company of 61 Harecroft Road, Wisbech, Cambs. PE13 1RL.
    STOP PRESS! 5% discount with Adler Miniatures of 129 Bonchurch Road, Brighton, Sussex, BN2 3PJ.

These firms deserve your support. Please quote your N.A. membership number when ordering.

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