The Last Thing
That You Will Want to Read


by Dave Watkins

Issue two has arrived as you can see. The last two months have been quite a revelation to me. It would appear that the format of First Empire is what, you, the readers want from a wargame magazine. I have received over 50 letters, since issue one hit the post box all acclaiming the concept. I have had only three people, all traders incidentally, who wanted more colour pictures, one of whom admitted he really liked the magazine, but wanted more commercial magazine. i.e. sell it to a casual browser because of the pretty pictures, who cares about the content aspect! This I feel reinforces my opinion that for too long the wargaming public have been force fed what people think they want and not what they actually require.

Also the readership have voted with their pens, the result of appears to be that you want a general Napoleonic gaming magazine, with occasional glimpses at other periods. The requirement for a light read with good gaming ideas as opposed to 'heavy material', (i.e. in depth studies of the buttonhole lace of the Perthshire Volunteers), came strongly to the fore. The wishes of the readership will be complied with, it's what I want as well!

Changing the subject, First Empire is now distributed across Europe and the U.S.A. and also goes out to such far flung places as Tibet and Hong Kong! We are looking into the possibility of creating the first World Wide Napoleonic War Gaming club/association. First Empire is in the process of negotiating substantial discounts with manufactures and suppliers for the benefit of club members. Membership will also include subscription to First Empire, access to historical data and details of First Empire contacts in your area/country. Full details are still to be finalised and the thoughts of the readership would be appreciated.

As mentioned in the review section, despite our best efforts manufacturers have been a little slow in coming forward with their latest offerings. Come on Gents, let's see some goodies!

Finally on a personal note, two major events have occurred at First Empire/Eagle Software H.Q., first a newly installed computer system has slowed the turn around of orders/correspondence, normal service will be restored shortly. In second case the Stourbridge Pumas American Football Team, for whom I play Right Defensive Tackle, have gained promotion to the Premier Division of the BNGL. Yes, I know it is totally irrelevant to this magazine, but it something of which I am very proud and I was determined to see it in print somewhere! It also proves that even for me, there is life outside of a CPU and Napoleon.

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