The Army of the
Kingdom of Holland
Part 1


Geert van Uythoven, The Netherlands


The composition of the Army of Holland during the reign of Louis Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon, saw many changes. Lodewijk (as Louis was called by the Dutch) was at first received unwillingly by the Dutch people, but soon he showed a great interest in and care for his subjects. Also his refusal to accept the full imple-mentation of the Continental System was something the Dutch liked, because many of them had to depend on sea trade for a living. The Dutch even consented to great sums of tax money for the personal use of Lodewijk and his court. Smuggling was normal business, and Lodewijk refused to act against it, this was reason enough for Napoleon to force Lodewijk to abdicate in 1810. Hol-land and its army were then integrated into the French empire.

In 1814 many Dutch wanted Lodewijk back as their king, but even-tually the House of Orange, backed by the British, came to rule again.

During his rule, Lodewijk decreed many changes involving the army of Holland. A short reproduction will follow.


1806 July 4th

The Guards of the King to be:

    1 regiment grenadiers
    1 regiment light infantry
    1 regiment cavalry
    1 company artillery

September 17th

The Guard is composed of:

    Regiment Garde Grenadiers (nr. 1)
    Regiment Gardejagers (nr. 1)
    Regiment Gardecavalerie (1e Reg. Cavalerie)
    Regiment Gardehuzaren (1e Reg. Huzaren)
    Artillerie der Garde

1807 April 6th

The Guard is enlarged with a company of veterans.

October 7th

The Guard has:

    Regiment Infanterie der garde (nr. 1)
    Regiment Gardehuzaren (nr. 1)
    1 divisie Rijdende Artillerie
    1 compagnie veteranen

1808 August 3rd

The Guard's structure is now: Gardes du Corps
Korps Adelborsten
Regiment Gardegrenadiers (nr. 1)
Regiment Kurassiers (nr. 1)
1 compagnie kanonniers
1 compagnie veteranen

November 29th

The Guard is again reorganised and contains:

    Lijfwacht of Gardes du Corps
    Korps Adelborsten
    Koninklijke Karabiniers
    Regiment Gardegrenadiers (nr. 1)
    Regiment Kurassiers (nr. 1)
    1 divisie Rijdende Artillerie
    1 compagnie veteranen

The changes made to the units that constituted the Guard were as follows:-

Gardes du Corps

1808 August 3rd

The raising of a squadron Gardes du Corps of 2 companies is planned.

November 29th

The composition is of 1 company

1810 May 17th

The Lijfwacht the Paard (bodyguard on horse) is temporarily disbanded "till better times". The men are incorporated in other units.

Korps Adelborsten and Koninklijke Karabiniers (Cadets and Royal Carabineers)

1808 August 3rd

The raising of a Korps Adelborsten of 3 companies. The 1st and 2nd companies are new, the 3rd company is formed of the cadets of the guard grenadiers.

November 29th

The raising of a Korps Koninklijke Karabiniers of 2 companies. This was mainly formed of French soldiers that moved into Dutch service in the second half of 1806, and until now had been incorporated in the guard grenadiers.

1809 August 7th

The Korps Adelborsten and the Koninklijke Karabiniers are combined into the Korps Lijfwacht te voet (bodyguard on foot) of 4 companies (adelborsten 1st and 2nd companies, karabiniers 3th and 4th companies).

1810 September 13th

The units are incorporated into the French army:
1st and 2nd companies as vélites of the guard grenadiers.
3rd and 4th companies incorporated into the guard infantry.

Guard infantry

1806 July 4th

The Regiment Grenadiers and Regiment Lichte Infanterie (light infantry) consists of 3 battalions each, each battalion having 8 companies.

September 17th

The name 'light infantry' is changed to 'jagers'. The 1st company of each battalion is the elite-company - 'Karabiniers'.

November 23rd

Each battalion is enlarged with a 9th company. The men of the elite-companies are reclassified as 'adelborsten' (cadets).

1807 May 12th Men newly transferred/recruited to the guard infantry form the 9th companies of the battalions. Now know as 'véliten', after training they are distributed to the other companies.

October 7th The Regiment Gardegrenadiers and Regiment Gardejagers are com-bined in the Regiment Infanterie der Garde (guard infantry), consisting of 2 battalions grenadiers and 1 battalion jagers, each battalion with 9 companies (1st company adelborsten, 2nd to 8th centre-companies, 9th company vélites).

December 5th The Regiment Infanterie der Garde is renamed Regiment Gardegrena-diers.

1808 August 3rd The Regiment Gardegrenadiers loses the companies of adelborsten, which are combined in a separate corps (see above): the battalions now have only 8 companies.

November 29th The Regiment Gardegrenadiers has 2 battalions, each of 8 companies. The 1st company is again called the elite-company or adelborsten: there is a difference between these adelborsten and the corps with the same name (see above). 1810

September 13th The unit is incorporated in to the French army. The Regiment Gardegrenadiers receives the name of 2me Régiment de la Garde Imperiale (1811 3rd Régiment de la Garde Imperiale).

Guard cavalry

1806 July 4th The Regiment Garde Cavalerie (Guard Cavalry) has 5 squadrons. The 1st and 5th squadron are hussars (totalling 4 companies), the 2nd, 3rd and 4th squadrons are horse grenadiers (totalling 6 companies).

September 17th The regiment is divided into the Regiment Garde Cavalerie (3 squadrons) and the Regiment Gardehuzaren (guard hussars) of 2 squadrons.

November 23rd The troopers of the 1st company of each regiment are called adelborsten.

1807 March 1st The Regiment Garde Cavalerie (Grenadiers te Paard) are renamed (1st) Regiment Kurassiers (2 squadrons). The Regiment Gardehuzaren comprises of 3 squadrons. The companies adelborsten are disbanded, however, the two companies of the 1st squadron still have 10 adelborsten.

May 25th Guard cavalry recruits are formed as 'vélites' at the depots.

October 7th Only the Guard Hussar regiment (3 squadrons with 2 companies each) remains. Incorporated in the 1st company of the 1st squadron are 10 adelborsten. The two excess (ex-Regiment Garde Cavalerie) squadrons form the 1st squadrons of the 2nd and 3rd Regiment Huzaren.

December 5th The Regiment Hussars is renamed Regiment Garde te Paard (horse guards). The 1st squadron are hussars, the 2nd and 3rd squadrons cuirassiers.

1808 August 3rd The Regiment Garde te Paard is renamed 1st Regiment Kurassiers. Also the regiment no longer has adelborsten.

November 29th The 1st company of the 1st squadron becomes the elite-company.

1809 April 29th The 3rd Regiment Hussars is incorporated into the guard as a reward for their conduct in Spain. They receive the name 'Regiment Huzaren der Garde van den Koning' (Regiment King's own Guard Hussars'.

September 25th The 1st Regiment Kurassiers is enlarged with a newly to raise squadron of hussars. These will form the elite of the regiment.

October 12th The 1st Regiment Kurassiers will be reformed to hussars and renamed to Regiment Garde te Paard (horse guards), consisting of 4 squadrons.

1810 June 16th The Regiment Huzaren der Garde is renamed 2e Afdeling van het Regiment Garde te Paard (2nd Division of the Regiment Horse Guards).

August 18th The units are integrated into the French army, and reformed as the 2me Régiment Chevau-Légers Lanciers de la Garde Imperiale.

Guard Artillery

1806 July 18th The artillery company becomes the elite-company of the 1st Regi-ment Artillerie, but stays with the guard.

September 17th

The artillery of the guard will exist of a division of 4 companies:

    1st company: Foot artillery (4 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24pdr howitzers).
    2nd company: Horse artillery (4 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24pdr howitzers).
    3rd company: Train for the foot artillery and the guard infantry.
    4th company: Train for the horse artillery.

For the time being this artillery is still part of the line artillery (i.e. although attached to the Guard, the men do not have guard status).

December 17th For service with the guard the newly raised Horse Artillery company no. 3 is appointed. A 2nd company shall be appointed when a choice has been made from the 3 companies horse artillery.

February 23rd 1 battery of field guns and vehicles for the artillery and a compa-ny train soldiers of the guard: 2 short 12pdr guns, 2 short 6pdr guns, 2 24pdr howitzers. Each gun was accompanied by 2 caissons, with a team of 6 horses each.

March 1st The company of foot artillery becomes a company of horse artillery with 10 adelborsten (cadets) assigned to it, and is completed by gunners from the three companies of horse artillery. In time of war the division Artillerie der Garde (guard artillery) will consist of a company of horse artillery and 2 train companies.

1808 August 3rd The company Horse Artillery is renamed company Kanonniers (gun-ners). Adelborsten are no longer assigned.

November 29th The company Kanonniers is renamed division Rijdende Artillerie (horse artillery).

1809 September 7th The guard no longer has artillery. For active service a company from the line is allocated to the guard

Line infantry and light infantry (jagers)

1806 The line infantry comprises 8 regiments (no. 1 to 8), each of 2 field battalions (of 1 company grenadiers and 4 companies fusiliers) and a garrison battalion (4 companies fusiliers). The light infantry consists of 2 regiments (no. 1 and 2), each of 2 battalions (of 1 elite-company called carabiniers and 4 centre companies). Also in Dutch service are 2 regiments of Waldeck and 1 regi-ment Saxen-Gotha.

July 18th In the line infantry the garrison battalions are disbanded. The light infantry are renamed jagers.

September 11th

The following line regiments will have 3 battalions:

    1st Regiment Infanterie (augmented by the 1st Regiment Waldeck).
    2nd Regiment Infanterie (augmented by the 2nd Regiment Waldeck).
    6th Regiment Infanterie (augmented by the Regiment Saxen-Gotha).

September 17th The infantry consists of 12 regiments, of which no. 1 of the line will be the Regiment Gardegrenadiers, and no. 1 of the jagers the Regiment Gardejagers. The other regiments will jump one number, so the line infantry receives no. 2-9, and the jager regiments no. 2 and 3.

Each battalion consists of 9 companies (1st company grenadiers in the line infantry, carabiniers in the jager regiments, 2nd company voltigeurs, the other companies fusiliers in the line infantry, jagers in the jager regiments.

September 23rd The 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th Regiment Infanterie receive a 3rd battalion, composed of marines. The 3 German regiments are disbanded.

December 9th The 2 companies Amsterdamse Stadssoldaten ('city soldiers of Amsterdam') are brought into the army; part with the guard, the remainder is incorporated in the 3rd bat/8th Regiment Infanterie.

1807 January 17th The 5th Regiment Infanterie receives a 3rd battalion.

March 1st The 2nd Regiment Jagers is disbanded and the troops are incorpo-rated into the 3rd Regiment Jagers. The number 2 stays vacant. The 3rd Regiment Jagers now also has 3 battalions:

    The 1st bat/2nd regiment becomes 1st bat/3rd regiment.
    The 2nd bat/2nd regiment is divided among the 3 battalions.
    The 1st bat/3rd regiment becomes 2nd bat/3rd regiment.
    The 2nd bat/3rd regiment becomes 3rd bat/3rd regiment.

November 15th The 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th Regiment Infanterie are again expanded to 3 battalions, each battalion of 9 companies. The voltigeur companies of the infantry and jagers become 'centre' companies.

November 25th The 2nd battalion of each regiment will be made up exclusively of foreigners.

1808 April 6th The voltigeur companies are restored.

December 1st The 3rd battalions of the regiments are disbanded. For the time being the 5th Regiment Infanterie has only 1 battalion. All battalions have 8 companies (1st company grenadiers or carabiniers, 2nd company voltigeurs, other companies fusiliers or jagers.

1809 June 15th The 2nd bat/2nd Regiment Infanterie and 2nd bat/4th Regiment exchange regiments.

August 8th The 5th Regiment Infanterie are disbanded. The troops are incor-porated into the 7th Regiment Infanterie.

August 20th The 9th Regiment Infanterie are renumbered 5th Regiment Infanterie. The 3rd Regiment Jagers are renumbered 1st Regiment Jagers.

August 29th A new 9th Regiment is raised.

September 1st Each regiment receives a 3rd battalion, which acts as a depot of 4 companies.

1810 June 10th The 9th Regiment Infanterie is disbanded and the troops divided among the battalions of the 4th Regiment Infanterie.

August 18th

The units are integrated in the French army:

    1st Regiment Jagers becomes 33me Infanterie Légére.
    2nd Regiment Infanterie becomes 123me Infanterie de la Ligne.
    3rd Regiment Infanterie becomes 124me Infanterie de la Ligne.
    4th Regiment Infanterie becomes 125me Infanterie de la Ligne.
    5th Regiment Infanterie becomes 126me Infanterie de la Ligne.
    6th Regiment Infanterie is divided among the 33me Infanterie Légére (1st bat) and 123me Infanterie de la Ligne (2nd bat).
    7th Regiment Infanterie is divided among the 124me Infanterie de la Ligne (1st bat) and 125me Infanterie de la Ligne (2nd bat).
    Of the 8th Regiment Infanterie the troops of the 1st battalion is incorporated into the 126me Infanterie de la Ligne, while ini-tially the 2nd battalion was marked for duty in the colonies. However. these men were eventually divided among the regiments of Dutch origin.


The continuous state of war made a normal replenishing of the army impossible. Lodewijk refused to introduce conscription in Holland, so many tricks were used to strengthen the battalions:
1. Many times the number of battalions in a regiment changed because the 3rd battalions were divided among the 1st and 2nd battalions. Some time later a new 3rd battalion was raised.
2. German troops were incorporated into the Dutch regiments after the capture of these territories in 1806 by the Dutch and French armies:-

2a. Jever: On 26 December 1806 the company infantry of the manor Jever is incorporated in the 9th Regiment Infanterie.

2b. Fulda: The corps of Fulda (1 infantry company) on 10 December 1806 taken into Dutch service , and finally divided among a number of infantry regiments, mainly the 6th Regiment Infanterie. 3. Special corps were raised, which were short lived and were divided among the Dutch regiments. Examples are:-

3a. Korps Israélieten (Corps Israelites): Raised 8 June 1809. Initially this corps was to have been expanded to form the 10th Regiment Infanterie, of 2 battalions with each 8 companies. But on 2 may 1810 the corps was disbanded and the troops were discharged or incorporated in the 1st Regiment Jagers. It is clear their numbers were few.

3b. Vrijwillige Infanterie (Volunteer Infantry): Raised 8 August 1809. These infantry were meant to be expanded to 12 battalions. On 22 August 1809, the 1st battalion was formed, on 7 September 1809 the plan was cancelled. The men were used to complete the 9th Regiment Infanterie, and the remainder went to the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th Regiment Infanterie.

3c. Vrijwillige Jagers (Volunteer Jagers): Raised 4th August 1809, disbanded 23rd September 1809. Because of all these measures the infantry suffering from chaotic reorganisation. The strength of the infantry fluctuated greatly during King Lodewijk's reign.

Legioen der Eilanden of Zeeuws Legioen (Legion of the Islands or Zealand Legion)

1807 January 17th The Zeeuws Legioen is made up of 3 battalions of the 5th Regiment Infanterie, 2 companies of foot artillery, 1 company of horse artillery and a company gendarmes.

February 9th The Koninklijk Legioen der Eilanden (Royal Legion of the Islands) is responsible for the defence of Zealand, and will garrison and was to never leave Zealand. It was made up from:-

    2nd and 3rd bat/5th Regiment Infanterie.
    2 companies foot artillery
    1 company horse artillery
    1 company gendarmes
The 1st bat/5th Regiment Infanterie was also garrisoned in Zealand, but could be used everywhere.

March 1st The company horse artillery is in time of peace not part of the legion.

1808 December 1st The 5th Regiment Infanterie has only 1 battalion.

Koninklijke Kweekelingen (Royal Pupils)

1806 September 24th Young men that are provided for by the state are destined for army service. 1808

June 29th The 3rd class (7-14 years old) form a battalion of 4 compa-nies for every 1,000 pupils. Only the 1st company receive armament. 1 battalion will be raised in The Hague. The 4th class (older than 14 years) are to be incorporated into the army.

1809 April 12th A 2nd battalion is raised from the 4th class at Nimwegen.

June 10th All Koninklijke Kweekelingen older then 16 will wear the uniform of the 3th Regiment Jagers and used to form 2 battalions of 10 companies each (1st company karabiniers, 2nd company voltigeurs, 8 companies jagers).

June 17th The battalions Koninklijke Kweekelingen are disbanded. The pupils are incorporated into the Guard Grenadiers or the 3rd Regiment Jagers.

Legioen Véliten (Legion Pupils)

1809 July 6th Raising of the Legioen Véliten, which is to have an indefinite number of battalions of 8 companies each, composed of young men destined for army service (see Koninklijke Kweekelingen).

August 21st The legion has of 2 battalions of 9 companies each and depots (at Naarden and Amersfoort). The legion has to supply reinforcements for the infantry and jager regiments.

August 27th The 1st company are classed as grenadiers, the 9th company as voltigeurs.

September 7th The companies véliten are destined to reinforce the infantry regiments with the same number, the 9th companies are destined to reinforce the 1st Regiment Jagers.

Veteranen (Veterans)

1807 April 18th The artillery is expanded with a company of veterans.

July 16th The infantry is expanded with 10 companies of veterans, with 1 company attached to the Guard.

1808 December 8th There are 6 companies of veterans with the infantry, 1 company with the artillery and 1 company with the Guard.

1810 The veterans with the infantry are integrated with the French army as the 11me Bataillon Vétérans.


1806 The cavalry has the Regiment Huzaren (hussars) and the 1st and 2nd Regiment Dragonders (dragoons), each of 4 squadrons with 2 companies.

September 17th

The line cavalry is to be made up of:-

    2nd Regiment Huzaren (former Regiment Huzaren).
    3rd Regiment Huzaren (former 1st Regiment Dragonders).
    2nd Regiment Cavalerie (former 2nd Regiment Dragonders).

Each Regiment to have 5 squadrons of 2 companies.

1807 February 28th The 2nd Regiment Cavalerie is renamed 2nd Regiment Kurassiers (cuirassiers).

November 15th The 2nd Regiment Kurassiers is reduced to 3 squadrons.

1809 April 29th The 3rd Regiment Hussars is transferred to the Guard.

August 29th A regiment of volunteer cavalry is raised and receives the name 3rd Regiment Huzaren.

September 7th

The line cavalry was now to comprise:-

    2nd Regiment Kurassiers.
    2nd Regiment Huzaren.
    3rd Regiment Huzaren.

Each regiment to have 3 field squadrons and a depot.

October 6th The 3rd Regiment Huzaren is disbanded.

1810 August 18th The units are integrated with the French army.
The 2nd Regiment Kurassiers becomes the 14me Régiment Cuirassiers.
The 2nd Regiment Huzaren becomes the 11me Régiment Hussars.


1806 July 18th The Korps Gendarmerie is no longer part of the army and comes directly under the Minister of Finance.

September 7th The corps with a strength of 1 company, comes again under the Minister of War and receives the name Koninklijk Korps Gendarmes (Royal Corps of Gendarmes). The corps is also responsible for the dispatch service and the reconnaissance of the army.

September 15th The raising of a 2nd company.

1807 February 26th The corps is expanded to 4 squadrons with 2 companies each.

July 17th The corps has 3 divisions, totalling together 180 brigades (each with a strength of 1 N.C.O. and 5 gendarmes). Each division has a guidon.

November 3rd The corps is reorganised to consist of a staff and 5 companies.

1808 July 1st Each company has 12 horse brigades and 6 foot brigades.

November 5th The 5th company is disbanded.

1809 September 7th The gendarmerie is disbanded. The troopers are incorporated in the Politiewacht te Paard (policeguard on horse) or with the cuirassier regiments .



The artillery comprised:

    Regiment Artillerie te Voet (foot artillery) of 3 battalions with 6 companies each.
    Korps Pontonniers (pontoneers), added to the 1st Bataljon Artillerie.
    Korps Rijdende Artillerie (horse artillery) of 2 companies, with 2 divisions of train.

June 18th

The artillery is composed of:

    Regiment Artillerie of 3 battalions with 6 companies each, of with the 1st company the elite-company. The elite-company of 1st Bataljon is the guard artillery. The elite companies of 2nd and 3rd Bataljon are the horse artillery.
    Added to the Regiment Artillerie are:
      1 company Pontonniers.
      1 company Mineurs en Sappeurs (miners and sappers).
      1 battalion artillery-train of 4 companies.

September 17th

The artillery is renamed Koninklijk Korps Artillerie en Genie (Royal Corps of Artillery and Engineers). To the regiment are added:

    4 companies Mineurs en Sappeurs.
    1 battalion of Artillerie-werklieden (artillery-labourers), including the Pontonniers.
    3 companies Kanonniers der Kusten (coastal gunners).
    1 battalion artillery-train.

November 6th

The artillery is temporarily strengthened with 4 brigades burger-artilleristen (civilian artillerymen) of Amsterdam (until 27th November 1807).

November 23rd The horse artillery becomes a separate regiment of 2 squadrons with 2 companies each (1 company horse artillery, including the guard artillery; 1 train company).

December 9th Raising of 2 companies Auxiliaire Artillerie (Auxiliary Artil-lery), from naval artillerymen.

December 21st Raising of a 3rd company Rijdende Artillerie.

1807 March 1st Raising of a 4th company Rijdende Artillerie.

December 26th

The artillery now totalled:

    1st Regiment Artillerie te Voet of 3 battalions with 7 companies each.
    4 companies horse artillery. 1 company is part of the guard, while the other for the Brigade Rijdende Artillerie. 1 battalion of labourers of 5 companies (2 companies labourers, 1 company pontoneers, 1 company gunsmiths, 1 company miners).
    1 company train.

1809 August 19th Raising of a battalion Vrijwillige Artilleristen (volunteer artillerymen). These form the 4th Bataljon Artillerie te Voet (foot artillery).

September 7th The artillery is renamed Korps Koninklijke Artillerie (Royal Artillery Corps), and has:

    1 regiment Artillerie te Paard of 4 companies, with in turn 1 company assigned to the guard.
    2 regiments Artillerie te Voet, each of 2 battalions.
    The companies miners and labourers (including the pontoneers).

October 17th

The company Rijdende Artillerie no. 1 is disbanded. Companies nos. 2 and 3 are renumbered as nos. 1 and 2. The artillery now stood at:

    1 regiment foot artillery of 21 companies.
    1 brigade horse artillery of 2 companies.
    1 battalion labourers of 5 companies.
    1 battalion train of 4 companies.

1810 August 18th The units are integrated with the French army:

The 2 companies horse artillerie become the 7me Régiment Artillerie á Cheval.
The regiment foot artillery becomes the 9me Régiment Artillerie á Pied.


Of the many Dutch works on this subject, one was the main source for the information I have given:-

F.J.G. ten Raa De Uniformen van de Nederlandsche Zee- en Land-macht hier te Lande en in de Koloniën's Gravenhage 1900.

Part 2 will look at the orders of battle and feats of arms of the troops of the Kingdom of Holland.

Part 2: Army of Holland

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