Recruiting Depot

Napoleonic Reenactment Groups

by Paul Chamberlain, Napoleonic Association

The Recruiting Depot is available for Napoleonic Reenactment groups to advertise their existence and recruit new members. Unit should write direct to First Empire and notices should be no longer than 200 words, be typed and relate solely to the recruitment of new members. Regrettably space restrictions do not allow us to print 'display type adverts, as this would restrict the number of units that could be included. Units should also note that the space is allocated on a first come first served basis and that you should send in a fresh notice for each issue in which you wish to appear.

In issue 15 we carried a notice from the 15th Hussars. Readers should note that the I 5th Hussars are not part of the Napoleonic Association, but that the N.A. does have two cavalry units one of Vistula Legion Lancers and the British 12th Light Dragoons. Prospective troopers who wish to join the N.A. should write to the secretary for further details. See the N.A. advert and Napoleonic Newsdesk.

H.M.S. Bellerophon. 74 Gun S.O.L.

Having nearly finished her winter refit and replenishment at Chatham, H.M.S. Bellerophon is looking for seamen and marines to sail with her in the Channel Fleet under Lord Howe! 1994 sees the bicentennial of the Glorious First of June, an action in which the original Bellerophon was present. Whilst waiting to sail we are involved with several other groups and societies in recreating Living History events around this country of ours; moreover we collect money for the Jubilee Sailing Trust all year round. Our popularity is growing at such a rate that we have performed several events at Chatharn Historic Dockyard and other prestigious and historical places, plus we are members of the Napoleonic Association. If you are interested in recreating our glorious Naval past then please write to me:-

Mark Bradford. (Master at Arms), 8, Squire Avenue. Canterbury. Kent CT2 8PF.
All nationalities are welcome, as are women and children. Please mark your letters R.N. in the bottom left corner.

Ladies of The Life Guards (1815)

Ladies! Are you bored of sitting on the side lines whilst your partner is playing soldier, or perhaps you're looking for some intrigue and scandal in your life? Have you an inquiring mind and an interest in history. Do you desire to be appreciated for the Lady you are'? If the answers to the above are yes, then come and experience life in the 19th Century with the Ladies of The Life Guards (1815). Contact - Fiona M Moxley, 11 Roydon Bridge, Fryerns. BASILDON, Essex, SS14 2SN.

42nd Royal Highlanders (N.A.)

Raised for the defence of His Glorious Majesty, and The Preservation of our Happy Constitution in Church and State. All LADS of Sixteen Years and up willing to shew their Loyalty and Spirit may repair to Captain GLENN ROBINSON of All Hallowes, Kent, or the other Commanding Officers at Head Quarters at Fort Amhurst, Chatham, where they will receive HIGH BOUNTIES and SOLDER-LIKE ENTERTAINMENT The LADS of this Regiment will LIVE and DE TOGETHER;- as they cannot be DRAUGHTED into other Regiments, and must be reduced in a BODY in their OWN COUNTRY. Now for a stroke at the Monsieurs, my Boys! KING GEORGE FOREVER HUZZA! Interested Parties contact: Pipe Sergeant Walker, Telephone: 081-505 3842

45eme de ligne

The 45eme de ligne invite you to join their ranks. The 45eme are a French infantry reenactment group, portraying the lives of fusiliers and their ladies in the 1808-09 period. If you have always longed to wear a blue habit with full regalia at the height of the Empire, to chase the British out of Spain, to defeat the despotic Kings of Europe, to protect the rights of the common man, then come and join our ranks and fight to retain the freedom gained during the revolution.

We hold regular drill sessions at various locations in England (yes the enemy are too weak to stop us) and reenact camp life and battles both here and in Europe. If you have a mind to face the "thin red line", and collect your reward be it bullet. gold or baton. then contact: David Prior, 29, Bayley Court. Winnersh, Wokingham, Berks. RG11 5HT

93rd Sutherland Highland Regiment of Foot

The 93rd Sutherland Highland Regiment of Foot Living History Unit is a charter member of the North American Division N.A. & the only organised reenactment member of the N.A. in the United States. Based out of Texas (believe it or not) with membership open to any geographic area the 93rd just celebrated its 5th Year Anniversary. We participate at a number of historic events in North America including New Orleans annually, hold your own drill practices and encampments, and put on displays at several Highland games. Our officer commanding served at Waterloo 1990. The unit strives for as accurate a portrayal as possible. Our new recruit pack contains our General & Standing Orders, Dress Regs., Suppiv Drill Manual and extensive historic information. Some members have branched out to recreate the Crimean War and Mutiny. The unit has received letters of encouragement from the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders and trom her Majesty the Queen (C. in C. of the A. & S.H.). The unit was a Guard of Honour in Dallas during Her Majesty's 1991 Texas Royal Visit. For those who wish to be part of the ONE AND ONLY "Thin Red Line", contact: 93rd SHRoFLHU, Inc., PO BOX 100011, Fort Worth, TX, 76185, USA.

KK IR 4 'Deutsehmeister'/1es Jager Bataillon (Austria)

The NA's oldest unit and one of its largest, the Deutschmeister, celebrates its 21st birthday this year, whilst the Jager is a new Anglo-Austrian light infantry unit, partly based in Vienna. Built around a core of long standing NA members, the units are amongst the NA's most respected and well presented, while maintaining a relaxed social side off the field. Many members are also active in the Research side of the Association. At UK NA events IR4's line troops in their white uniforms are screened by the 'Grey Devils' and in Europe, both form part of a multi-national Imperial Army, including Czechs, Hungarians, Austrians and Germans. In July, this army will gather to face the French at the first reenactment at Wagram, with plans already in hand for funkier events at other major Napoleonic battlefields, including Austerlitz. Combining UK events with a growing involvement in Europe, both units are actively recruiting. For further details of IR4/les Jager and the Continental units, please contact the Hauptmann, Ian Castle, at 49, Belsize Park, London NW3 4EE. Knowledge of German or East European languages would be helpful, but 'Zwei Bierre, bitte' is quite sufficient.

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