Battle of Wartenburg
Order of Battle

3rd October 1813

by Leon Parte

In the following orders of battle all unit strengths have been rounded off to the formation average.

French Forces

IV Corps: General de division Bertrand

Chief of Staff. General de division Taviel

12th Division: General de division Count Morand

1st Brigade: General de Brigade Belair

    2/8th Legere 600
    4/8th Legere 600

2nd Brigade: General de Brigade Toussaint

    1/13th Line Regiment 600
    2/13th Line Regiment 600
    3/13th Line Regiment 600
    4/13th Line Regiment 600
    6/13th Line Regiment 600

3rd Brigade: General de Brigade Hulot

    1/23rd Line Regiment 500
    2/23rd Line Regiment 500
    4/23rd Line Regiment 500
    6/23rd Line Regiment 500

Divisional Artillery

    1st Coy. 2nd Regiment of Foot Artillery 4 6pdr guns 2 5 1/2" howitzers
    3rd Coy. 2nd Regiment of Foot Artillery 4 6pdr guns 2 5
    1/2" howitzers

15th Division: General de Division Fontanelli 1st Brigade: General de Brigade Martel

    3/1st Italian Line Regiment 500
    4/1st Italian Line Regiment 500
    2/4th Italian Line Regiment 400
    3/4th Italian Line Regiment 400
    4/4th Italian Line Regiment 400

2nd Brigade: General de Brigade St Andrea

    2/1st Italian Legere Regiment 650
    3/1st Italian Legere Regiment 650
    4/lst Italian Legere Regiment 650
    3/6th Italian Line Regiment 400
    4/6th Italian Line Regiment 400

3rd Brigade: General de Brigade Moroni

    Milan Guard Battalion 500
    2/7th Italian Line Regiment 400
    3/7th Italian Line Regiment 400
    4/7th Italian Line Regiment 400

Divisional Artillery

    Italian Regiment of Foot Artillery 4 6pdr guns 2 5 1/2" howitzers

38th Division (Wurttemburg): General de division Franquemont

1st Brigade: General de Brigade Stockmayer

    Combined Wurttemburg Light btn. (9th & 10th Light Inf. btns) 300
    1st Combined Wurttemburg Line btn. (1st & 2nd btns 7th Line) 300

2nd Brigade: General de von Doring

    2nd Combined Wurttemburg Line btn. (1st & 2nd btns 1st Line) 300
    1st Combined Wurttemburg Line btn. (1st & 2nd btns 2nd Line) 300

24th Light Cavalry Brigade: General de Brigade Jett

    Combined Wurttemburg Chevaulegers 2 squadrons 200

Divisional Artillery

    1st Coy. Wurttemburg Regiment of Foot Artillery 4 6pdr guns 2 5 1/2" howitzers

IV Corps Reserve Artillery

    2nd Regiment of Foot Artillery 8 12pdr guns

Prussian Army

Feldmarshal Blucher I Corps: Generallieutnant von York

Advance Guard: Oberst von Katzeler

    Brandenburg Hussar Regiment (5 Sqds.)
    2nd Leib Hussar Regiment (2 Sqds.)
    Brandenburg Uhlan Regiment (4 Sqds.)
    East Prussian National cavalry Regiment (5 Sqds.)
    5th Silesian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4 Sqds.)
    Horse Battery N2.2 (8 guns)

    Infantry: Major Hiller von Gartringen
    Lieb Grenadier Battalion 600 men
    West Prussian Grenadier Battalion 600 men
    2/12th Reserve Infantry Regiment 550 men
    1/Brandenburg Infantry Regiment 550 men
    Fus./2nd East Prussian Infantry Regiment 350 men
    Landwehr Battalion Rekowsky 400 men
    Landwehr Battalion Thiele 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion Wedell 400
    3 Jager Companies 100 men

Brigade Oberst von Steinmetz

    1st East Prussian Grenadier Battalion 600 men
    1/2nd East Prussian Infantry Regiment 600 men
    Landwehr Battalion Fischer 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion Mumm 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion Seidlitz 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion Walter 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion von Cronegk 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion Larisch 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion Martitz 300 men
    6pdr Foot Battery N22

Brigade: Generalmajor Prinz Karl von Mecklenburg

    Silesian Grenadier Battalion 650 men
    1/2/Fus. 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment 1850
    2/2nd East Prussian Infantry Regiment 600 men
    Landwehr Battalion Kosaecky 300 men
    Mecklenburg Strelitz Hussar Regiment (4 Sqds.) 350 men
    2nd Leib Hussar Regiment (3 Sqds.) 400 men
    6pdr Foot Battery N21 (8 guns)
    6pdr Foot Battery N23 (5 guns)

Brigade Generalmajor von Horn

    1/2/Fus. Leib Infantry Regiment 1500 men
    Thuringian Battalion 350 men
    Landwehr Battalion Sommerfeld 300 men
    Landwehr Battalion Pettingkofer 200 men
    Landwehr Battalion Reichenbach 200 men
    Landwehr Battalion Knoff-Kottulinski 300 men
    6pdr Foot Battery N23 (3 guns)

Brigade Generalmajor von Hunnerbein

    2/Fus/Brandenburg Infantry Regiment 1400 men
    1/Fus/12th Reserve Infantry Regiment 1000 men
    Landwehr Battalion Kempy 300 men
    6pdr Foot Battery N215 (8 guns)

Reserve Cavalry: Oberst Feiheff von Wahlen-Jurgass*

* Not believed engaged in this action, but present and available.

    Lithuanian Dragoon Regiment (5 Sqds.)
    West Prussian Dragoon Regiment (4 Sqds.)
    10th Silesian Landwehr Cavalry (4 Sqds.)
    1st Neumarkt Landwehr Cavalry (4 Sqds.)
    Horse Battery N21 (8 guns)
    Horse Battery N23 (8 guns)

Order of battle primarily compiled from Das Treffen bei Wartenburg am 3. Oktober 1813, various other sources.

Battle of Wartenburg

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