The Last Thing
That You Will Want to Read


by Dave Watkins

What! The editorial at the back! Well may as well put R there as anywhere else, it's usually the last thing that I read in a magazine, so to avoid like minded souls skipping over it, I've saved you the trouble and put it at the end!

Well by now you will have read the articles offered in this issue and I hope will have considered your £ 1.50 well spent. First Empire is intended to be a Wargames bimonthly magazine, with a slight bias towards the Napoleonic period.

In this issue slight bias became heavy inclination. The Advanced Squad Leader article, therefore, sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb, standing alone waving the standard for the other wargaming periods. It is on this issue that I look to the readers of First Empire for guidance. Chances are that you have some inclination towards the Napoleonic era, maybe you want First Empire to concentrate in that direction only, or if you have interests in other periods perhaps you would like some articles on those periods. I await your thoughts and observations.

If you want to contribute articles then please feel free to do so. If I can use them you will be told and they will be published. If I can't then I will return them to you with a polite explanation as to why not.

My next point is, and I write this hand on my heart, that even if I am desperately short material, there will, under any circumstances, not be any glib articles, on sheep farming, cattle rustling or bank robberies. I consider these to be outside the scope of a 'serious' wargaming magazine.

Finally you will have noticed that unlike other magazines, First Empire has only one colour picture, on the front. This is due to the First Empire Policy of 'No pictures, if you can fill the space with articles'. This, as you will have seen, does not exclude the use of illustrations and maps, but does exclude the use of unrelated photographs as space fillers. (Perhaps as time goes by I may change my opinion, but I doubt it).

Issue 2 of First Empire will be published during the first week of August, final copy date being the second week of July. Issue 2 will see the start of The First Empire Review section, a News Section and , if anybody writes in, a readers letters section, which I hope will become a debating forum, and not a slagging off section.

Peter Heath has asked me to mention that, having made loads of money out of Anschluss Publications, he is now moving to a larger abode. The new address is ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING, Rivendell, Wathen Way, Marsham, Aylesham, Norwich, NR1 0 5PZ,

At this point, Wargame Magazine Editors, usually make some wargame related remark. So here is mine. "Thank You".

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