
37: Major v. Bischoffswender:
A Footnote

by J C Holmes

I enjoyed Ralph Weaver's piece on the War of Bavarian Succession, which is sadly ignored. Can I add an irrelevant footnote about the colourful career of Major v. Bischoffswender, the commander of the eponymous volunteer Jager Corps?

He was interested in mystical matters and three years prior to the war had been left a "machine for causing spirits to appear". His claim to fame was to have recruited the future Prussian King, Frederick William, to the sub-masonic Rosicrucian sect. Both Bischoffswender and other Rosicrucians held immense power in Prussia after the accession of the King, who himself is now remembered chiefly for having committed bigamy twice (Trigamy??). By Frederick's death in 1797, Bischoffswender had risen to the rank of Major-General.

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