
26. Questions on THE PRUSSIAN ARMY OF PRINZ HEINRICH IN 1760 from Peter Lenders.

    A- This army contained the Kleist Grenadier Battalion - which regiments was it drawn from?

    B. Can anyone supply details of the flags of the following regiments:

      2nd battalion of the Jung-Sydow Garison Regiment
      1st battalion of the Alt-Sydow Garrison Regiment
      1st and 2nd battalion of the Wunsch Freiregiment (Free-battalions)


    This corps contained several Saxon cavalry regiments for which exists only scarce information.

    A- Saxon Garde-Karabiniers - uniforms and standards?

    B. Did the following regiments wear a tricorn or a cap as shown in the Funcken LACE WARS for the Bruhl Dragoon Regiment?

      Kurland Chevauxleger Regiment;
      Prinz Albrecht Chevauxleger Regiment
      Bruhl Chevauxleger Regiment.

    C. How were the following regiments dressed and armed? Is there any information on standards?

      Rudnicki Uhlan Pulk; Schiebel Uhlan Pulk.

28. MUSKET RANGES from Stuart Reid:

    In 1746 General Hawley referred to a "large musket shot" as being sixty yards. In other words the longest range at which disciplined troops would open fire was no more than 50 metres and many firefights may have occurred within this distance.

    Can anyone expound further on this observation?

29. DANISH BREASTPLATES from Danniel Foglerman

    Was the breastplate worn by the Danish National Cavalry after 1700 worn over or under the coat?

30. SWEDISH UNIFORMS AND COLOURS front Danniel Fogleman:

    Does anyone have any information on the uniforms and colours of the Swedish Livgarde til Fot from 1675- 79?

31. FRENCH TRICORNES from Danniel Fogelman:

    When did the tricorne hat become prevalent in the French arrive?

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