Polish Forces
at the Relief of Vienna

by A. V. Exelby

Accounts of the relief of Vienna in 1683 often list the German regiments present, but coverage of the Polish forces is sketchy. The following breakdown, moe detailed though still incomplete, is extracted from Jan Wimmer, WIEDEN 1683 (Warsaw 1983); the source used by Wimmer appears not to have known the contents of many of the pulks. Information on generals is unclear; the formal order of battle had the Poles on the right of a three-line formation, with Sobieski, Jablonowski and Sicniawski all present in the first line; but since these three ended up commanding seperate divisions in an effectively independent Polish force, I simply list subordinate generals all together.

Note: the Polish 'pulk' now means 'regiment'; for 17th century cavalry it was a more loose, impermanent grouping, not necessarily of the same troop types - for all Polish cavalry except dragoons, think of it as a brigade rather than a regiment. The term 'choragiew' loosely translates as 'squadron'. As for the infantry, this was very weak (it was in poor condition and much had been left behind in order to reach Vienna on time - Barker concludes there were as few as 3,000), so brigades of foot should be thought of as baltalion-sized formations.


(Crown Grand Heiman Jablonowski)


    Hetman's pulk = 3 choragiew hussars, 6 of pancernes
    K Wisniowiecki's pulk = ?
    S. Bidzinski's pulk = ?
    R. Leszczynski's pulk = pancernes
    M. Zbrozki's pulk = light cavalry
    A. Miaczynski's pulk = pancernes
    Total: 4 chbragiew of hussars, 20-22 choragiew of pancernes, 13-14 choragiew of light cavalry


    Brigade of Donhoff = Regiments of King and Crown Prince Jakub
    Brigade of S. Morstin = Queen, W. Szczuki
    Brigade of E. Lacki = Lacki, W. Leszczynski
    Brigade of F. Groben = Groben, Jablonowski, J.D. Krasinski plus 1 Imperialist, 1 Saxon and 1 Bavarian battalion.


    Guard pulk Maligny's pulk
    Jablonowski's pulk
    Bidzinski's pulk
    Chelmski's pulk
    A. Potocki's pulk


(King John III Sobieski)


    King's pulk = 10 choragiew of hussars, 10 of pancernes
    Royal Regiment of Arquebusiers (a.k.a. Guard Drabant-Reiters) = official strength of 500


    Guard Janisaries = officially 500, Brzczinski says only 200 present
    Guard Haiduks = officially 200


(Crown Field Heiman Sieniawski)


    Heiman's pulk = 4 choragiew of hussars, 3 of pancernes
    A, Polocki's pulk =1 choragiew of hussars, remainder pancernes
    S. Potocki's pulk = same
    T. Karczewski's pulk = pancernes and light cavalry
    M. Radeccki's pulk = same

    Total: 6 choragiew of hussars, 16-18 choragiew of pancernes, 12-13 choragiew of light cavalry

    Sieniwski's Arquebusiers


    Brigade of J. Butler = Regiments of Butler and Kalski
    Brigade of J. Dennemark = Denemark, A. Potocio, H. Lubomirski, Maligny
    Brigade of K. Zamoyski = K. Zamoyski, M. Zamoyski, J Gninski
    Brigade of Krauze = J. Wielopolski, A. Sieniawski, W. Donhoff plus 1 Franconian battalion

A corps of Poles had served with the Imperialists since the beginning of the campaign, commanded by Hieronym Lubomirski. This consisted of about 1,500-2,000 men. The exact composition is unclear: Wimmer mentions 3 choragiew of hussars and a 'regiment' of pancernes, but other works refer to the original force, raised between February and May, comprising 400 pancernes, 2 regiments of light cijvalr~ and 1 ol dragoons.


    Crown Standard-bearer Rafal Leszczynski
    Crown Sergeant-at-Arms Stefan Bidzinski
    Lieutenant -General of the 'Germans' Ernst Graf Donhoff
    Crown General of Artillery Marcin Kazimierz Katski


    Jan Dennemark
    Eliasz Lacki
    Kazimierz Zamoyski
    Louis d'Arquien, comte de Maligny (dragoons)
    Jan Gorzynski (dragoons)
    Marcjan Chelmski, Crown Camp-Master
    Fryderyk Groben
    Stanislaw Potocki

Many brigades appear to have been commanded by colonels, but even allowing for this, I believe that this list is by no means complete, and if anyone has better infornation, please write in.

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